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Presentation transcript:

about dotAC

outline brief introduction about dotAC project dotAC Explorer dotAC coreference editor dotAC knowledge bases

brief introduction project name: Aim: dotAC: Exploring the UK research landscape Aim: This project will develop a prototype demonstrator that synthesises research information from heterogeneous sources (institutional repositories and research council information systems), resolves name co-reference issues between the sources, and presents it to research-focussed end users through an interface that will allow them to explore the state of the research landscape in UKHE.

brief introduction domain: UK higher education (UKHE) Start Date: 01/06/2009 End Date: 30/11/2009 Project Team: Nick Gibbins (PI) Les Carr (CI) Hugh Glaser (CI) Ian Millard (Researcher) Marcus Cobden (Researcher) Patrick McSweeney (Researcher)

brief introduction funded: JISC consists: dotAC Explorer dotAC coreference editor the knowledge bases dotAC knowledge bases JISC Project Knowledge Base OAI-gathered (via ROAR) Knowledge Base

brief introduction - predecessor predecessor: RKBExplorer the current primary human interface to the ReSIST Knowledge Base (RKB) The RKB Explorer was built during the ReSIST Project It is now independent, and partially supported by: UNIVERSITY OF Southhampton EnAKTing Seme4 Team: Hugh Glaser: hg@ecs.soton.ac.uk Ian Millard: icm@ecs.soton.ac.uk ReSIST Project a Network of Excellence (Contract number 026764) funded by the European Union under the 6th Framework "Information Society Technologies" programme.

dotAC Explorer A faceted browser consists of explorer panes: examine researchers, organisations, projects and publications within the JISC-funded UKHE community. consists of explorer panes: a geographical view (may drop now) a detail view (profile) a number of related resource views which show entitiesthat are related to the currently selected resource

dotAC Explorer

dotAC Explorer links: The explorer interface allows the user to investigate why a particular resource is related to the currently selected resource, by clicking the ? icon next to the related resource’s name. These relations typically take the form of co-authorship of papers, or co-investigation of projects.

dotAC Explorer

dotAC Coreference editor A graphical tool enables a user to select resources from a Coreference Service and indicate which resources are (and are not) equivalent to each other. cannot work properly now

dotAC Coreference editor consists of two panes: upper: a graphical depiction of the selected resources and their equivalences groups of equivalent resources are shown as connected components (trees) of the graph below: a list of the resources, organised by equivalence class below left: indicates the equivalence class containing the selected resources, with the selected resource being highlighted within the group below right: lists the remaining groups 在上面的面板中,等价资源组显示为连接组件(树)的图。每组规范化资源由一个大圆圈表示。当用户在图中选择不同的资源时,下方面板中的组会被重组;下方的左窗格显示包含选定的等价类资源,所选资源组中的被高亮显示。右下窗格列出其余组。 组下窗格可能扩大了清晰或倒塌,可能个人资源在一组(例如,显示名字变体形式与一个特定的资源)。 当用户点击一个资源时,会出现一个工具栏,允许用户创建一个链接到另一个资源(通过点击它),打破资源与相邻的链接(通过相邻的资源)或隔离的资源(所以打破所有与相邻的参考资料)。 当等价类用户的满意度、编辑资源的状态和他们的谚语可以上传到CRS使用save图标。另外,用户可能使用丢弃更改重新开始(垃圾桶)图标。

dotAC Coreference editor

dotAC Coreference editor

dotAC Coreference editor 分离

dotAC Coreference editor 打散 工具条

dotAC Coreference editor 打散 结果

dotAC Coreference editor 添加 工具条

dotAC Coreference editor 添加 结果

knowledge bases http://www.rkbexplorer.com consists dotAC knowledge bases http://dotac.rkbexplorer.com/ JISC Project Knowledge Base http://jisc.rkbexplorer.com/ OAI-gathered (via ROAR) Knowledge Base http://oai.rkbexplorer.com/

reference [1] http://www.dotac.info/docs/ [2] http://blog.soton.ac.uk/dotac/ [3] http://www.rkbexplorer.com/ [4] https://pims.jisc.ac.uk/projects/view/1355