学习目标: Period One Introduction 复习与学习常见乐器名称 复习与学习一些音乐相关词汇 初读课文,把握文章大意 Module Three Music Period One Introduction 学习目标: 复习与学习常见乐器名称 复习与学习一些音乐相关词汇 初读课文,把握文章大意
How much do you know about the world of Module Three Music How much do you know about the world of
Module Three Music
singer one who sings songs
Module Three Music singer
a group of people who sing together band a group of people who sing together
an organized company of singers choir an organized company of singers
Module Three Music singer band choir
a person who composes music composer a person who composes music
Module Three Music singer band choir composer
conductor one who directs an orchestra or other such group
orchestra A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments
Module Three Music musician singer band choir music songs composer conductor music songs
Types of music and songs 我爱你塞北的雪 北国之春 莫斯科郊外的晚上 folk songs 老鼠爱大米 Super Star 最浪漫的事 pop songs He was beautiful Summer time Autumn leaves Jazz music
Types of music and songs 回到拉萨 一无所有 梦回唐朝 rock’ n’ roll 春江花月夜 高山流水 十面埋伏 classical music
乐器 Module Three Music musician singer band choir instrument composer band choir 乐器 conductor instrument music songs
piano pianist
zheng xiao mouth organ accordion trumpet electronic organ More Instruments…… 筝 箫 口琴 手风琴 小号 电子琴 zheng xiao mouth organ accordion trumpet electronic organ