Guide to a successful PowerPoint design – simple is best


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Presentation transcript:

Guide to a successful PowerPoint design – simple is best Use the template wisely, make design amends that help your communication, do not alter the core design of the slide. Use only one key message per slide. If you have more than one message, use more slides. Some argue the target number of words on a slide should be 6. Limit the amount of text on each slide, and include copy in your notes. Maintain a consistent design throughout - colours, fonts, graphics and images.

BMJ Journals Online Collection BMJ Journals Online Collection A guide to the BMJ Journals websites – what they can do and how to use them Design tips - narrative Always consider your audience, who are they, what do they expect, how much will they know, what are the key messages they need to take away? Tell a story - have a beginning a middle and an end. Slides should follow a natural progression. Remember the three times rule - tell your audience what you are going to tell them, tell it, and then summarise it. Design tips – colour and images Avoid using all the available colours. Blue is always our core colour, try not to use more than 2 secondary colours from the palette and only one secondary colour can be used on any given slide. Use images carefully. They should help the audience relate slide information to real world situations. Always ensure good legibility is maintained when text is placed over images. Do not use clipart. Use graphics after careful consideration. Only use them if it adds to the communication. Additional logos – for partners or other parties you co-present with – please place the logo in the bottom right hand corner

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