簡介系統工程 台大生機系 方煒.


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Presentation transcript:

簡介系統工程 台大生機系 方煒

工程、生物、管理、財務、會計、金融、 市場、行銷、推廣、傳播 課程定位 領導 Leadership Integration 整合 Systems Engineering foundations 基礎 工程、生物、管理、財務、會計、金融、 市場、行銷、推廣、傳播

E. vs. S.E.

Engineering systems in Biology Engineering Bio-systems 環控農業 Controlled Environment Agriculture 植物工廠 Plant Factory Thermally insulated wall / roof / floor Artificial light Multi-layer bench Water/Nutrient recirculating Aero & Root Environmental control Automation

Engineering Bio-systems 環控農業 Controlled Environment Agriculture 複合式植物工廠 氮源共享:魚菜共生 Aquaponics 碳源共享:菇類栽培廠 + 植物工廠 能源共享:農產品冷藏庫 + 植物工廠

System Engineering implemented: ARPANET

History of Bio-systems Engineering 農業的演進 露天農業 Open field Agriculture 半封閉式農業 Semi-closed Agriculture 設施農業:網室、溫室 封閉式農業 Closed Agriculture 植物工廠 NASA: 太空農業計畫 1990 ~ 2000 ALSS: 先進__生命支援系統 BLSS:可生質再生_生命支援系統 CELSS:生態控制_生命支援系統 Vertical Farming / Plant Factory 1999 ~ CEA

NASA太空農業計畫 系統內的生產者、消費者、分解者必需時時維持平衡 植物變成工程元件 可生產多少 Biomass 與 氧氣 ALSS: Advanced Life Support System BLSS: Bio-regenerative Life SS CELSS: Controlled Ecological Life SS 植物變成工程元件 可生產多少 Biomass 與 氧氣 可吸收多少二氧化碳, 分解多少廢棄物,都需要量化

A Schematic ALSS Plant Crew Growth Space Unit De- humidifier Air Purifier Water Purifier Waste Processing Unit Food Processing Unit A Schematic ALSS Air Water (After M.M. Averner, 1989) Biomass

CEA 環控農業 Controlled Environment Ag/Aq/Ap Ag: Agriculture CEPPS: Plant Production System 環控作物量產系統 CEAPS: Animal Production System 環控動物量產系統 Aq: Aquaculture 循環水養殖 Ap: Aquaponic 複合養殖

Controlled Ecological Ag/Aq/Ap 生態控制下的廣義農業/養殖漁業/複合養殖 何謂生態控制? 系統內的生產者、消費者、分解者 能時時維持平衡 允許穩態量產

何謂 穩態量產 ? 循環水養蝦、養藻與養牡蠣 如何確保能夠穩態量產 假設生產期程需要 16 週 生產系統便需要 16 套 每週供應固定數量的飼料 每週收穫固定數量的產品

a microalgae-based recirculating oyster and shrimp system 每天隨時有 18668 kg 的蝦子在養數量 每週可收穫 2000 kg 的蝦子 每天餵飼 280 kg 的飼料 每天產出 224 kg 的藻類 每天產出 112 kg 的牡蠣肉,相當於 700 kg 的牡蠣

何謂 穩態量產 ? 一年收穫 18 次 一年收穫 26 次 立體化短期葉菜類栽培 35天生長期 育苗 14 天,育成 21 天 3套系統  每週收穫 21套系統  每天收穫 育苗 21 天,育成 14 天 2套系統  每週收穫 14套系統  每天收穫 一年收穫 18 次 一年收穫 26 次

Qualitative / Quantitative Evaluation of Performance

Evaluation of Performance Qualitative is OK but not accepted for engineering tasks Quantitative is better KPI such as COP, EER, VER, RUE, ..

一覽無遺 科技的進展 個人/公司/國家的競爭力 技術的現況

Evaluation of performance of artificial lights Lighting efficiency:lm/W 每瓦產生的流明 照度: lm/ft2 : candle 燭光 lm/m2: lux 勒克斯 照度以人眼對光譜的敏感度為基準 人眼與植物葉綠體對光譜的敏感度有很大差異 照度單位不適用於植物照明

Comp_Spec of Light sources 多種植物照明用人工光源的發光效率 Comp_Spec of Light sources Reflectors on top No. of tubes or panels PPF* μmol m-2 s-1 PPF x Area ( μmol s-1 ) Power consumption, W Efficiency, μmol J-1 S_CW1.8 Y 6 Tubes 334.9 ± 86.6 723.4 172.97 4.2 T_V 9 tubes 281.6 ± 59.4 608.4 195 3.1 H_CW 273.9 ± 79.8 73.9 212 T_A 225.8 ± 49.1 487.8 189 2.6 E_CW 263.8 ± 64.2 569.8 228 2.5 no need 12 panels 411.5 ± 103.2 888.9 432 2.1 T_N 186.7 ± 39.3 403.2 196 E_WW 210.8 ± 51.0 455.3 229 2.0 378.4 ± 95.4 809.6 428 1.9 T_M 168.0 ± 39.1 326.9 193 387.3 ± 99.4 836.5 442 T_Y 168.3 ± 34.7 363.5 188 S_R 291.0 ± 71.3 628.6 334 T5FL_CW 250.0 ± 57.5 540 283 * Measured at 10 cm distance under light except the T5FL treatment (at 20 cm distance) ** Area of culture Bed on bench per layer = 1.8 m x 1.2 m = 2.16 m2

Profit from production Profit = Revenue – Cost What’s missing? Time involved Space occupied Cost breakdown into details Depreciation counted? A better KPI in plant production: $/(week*m2)

Life Engineering 生機系的領域 生命科學與工程的整合 Bring engineering to life Bring life to engineering Life

生物機電 Bio-mechatronics 向大自然學習 Learn from the Nature 觸類旁通 異中求同

An example on ‘parallel installation of compressors’ 仿生 Bio-mimicry


An example on ‘parallel distribution of pipes’ 仿生 Bio-mimicry

心房 心室

冷媒流向:分流,對調與合流 C 冷排 熱排 均勻吸熱 均勻散熱

An example on ‘3 head pipes for even distribution’ 仿生 Bio-mimicry

血管:如何均勻輸送 3 head pipes

傳統 地底加熱系統1

傳統 地底加熱系統2

修正的 地底加熱系統

修正的溫室地底加熱系統 3 head pipes

A biomimicry example on ‘oxygen/heat exchange’ 仿生 Bio-mimicry

傳統 冷凍空調系統 熱氣出口

血液循環 冷凍空調 血管缺乏舒張壓就没有彈性位能,血管與器官都會扁掉 冷媒管缺乏低壓側壓力,大氣壓力與壓縮機的負壓會把冷媒管壓扁 收縮壓 (血液擠向動脈) 動態調配血液的力量 高壓側壓力 舒張压 (血液由動脈流出) 保持血管彈性的力量 低壓側壓力 讓冷媒流回壓縮機的力量 體循環供給身體氧氣 高壓側散熱 肺循環交換取得氧氣 低壓側吸熱

Modified 冷凍空調系統 右心室 熱氣出口 三尖瓣 右心房 動脈 靜脈 身體 右肺動脈 左心房 左肺動脈 二尖瓣 肺臟 左心室

A biomimicry example on ‘accumulator vessel’

心房 心室

Modified 冷凍空調系統 熱回收裝置 壓縮機 Accumulator 冷凝器/熱排 膨脹閥 蒸發器/冷排

更多範例 觸類旁通、異中求同 太極理念應用於冷凍空調系統之研發

更多範例 觸類旁通 發散式思考

水 水產業 --> 關鍵的就會成為趨勢

水產業 提供潔淨的淡水:水處理 提供美容、醫療功能的水:機能水 提供滅菌功能的水:電解水 提供量化指標:檢測儀器、感測器 物理法、化學法、生物法 物化法、生化法、生物物理法

光 人工照明 --> 需求引導趨勢

LED 應用於生物產業 美容醫療: 照明:路燈、車燈、室內照明 植物照明:光質、光量、光週 經濟動物催情、肌肉增生 昆蟲誘捕、水下魚蝦誘引 柔光回春 免疫提升 光動力療法 照明:路燈、車燈、室內照明 植物照明:光質、光量、光週 經濟動物催情、肌肉增生 昆蟲誘捕、水下魚蝦誘引 檢測儀器

更多範例 吾道一以貫之 相通技術應用於不同對象 範例: 環控農業 環控:地上環境、地下環境 (水下) 農業:廣義定義包含農漁牧

甚麼是 Phytomation ? 由設施農業 (Protected cultivation) 發展到環控作物生產系統 (Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems ) 再下一步的進階就是Phytomation

From Protected Cultivation to Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems to Phytomation Phytomation * Protected cultivation ** Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems ACESys Environment Friendliness NJ-NSCORT for ALSS Applied Intelligence Growing Systems Phyto- remediation Operations Research Production Environment* CEPPS** Greenhouse Structures

A E E C Sys E Plant Quality

Automation-Culture-Environment-Systems (ACESys) Oriented Approach to Phytomation AUTOMATION: Machine Capabilities of Perception; Reasoning & Learning; Communication; and Task Planning & Execution Automation and Environment Automation and Culture SYSTEMS: Studies, Analysis, and Integration for overall Technical Workability, Economic Viability, Energy Efficiency, Ecological Harmony, Social & Political Issues, Optimization, and Management ENVIRONMENT: The Surroundings and processes including Air, Water, Soil, and controlled environment CULTURE: Biology and Cultural Practices of crops Culture and Environment

Concept of Automation-Culture-Environment Oriented Systems Analysis (ACESYS) Components and Processes of Controlled Environment Bio-Production Systems may be categorized into three classes: (K.C. Ting, 1994) Automation – machine capabilities of information processing and physical work (including perception, reasoning/learning, communication, and task planning/execution) Culture – factors and practices that can directly describe and/or modify the growth and development of biological objects (e.g. morphological and physiological conditions, as well as cultural tasks including multiplication, nutrient delivery, disease prevention, harvesting, etc.) Environment – surroundings of biological objects (including climatic, nutritional, structural, and mechanical conditions)

Automation Information Processing & Task Execution, e.g. Perception Reasoning / Learning Communication Task Planning & Execution

Culture Factors and Practices which can Describe and/or Modify Growth and Development of Biological Objects, e.g. Plant Support & Operations Nutrient Distribution Micro-Environment Contained Root Zone Root Aeration

Environment The Surrounding of Biological Objects, e.g. Radiative, Thermal Gaseous, Liquid Physical, Chemical, Biological

ACESys 架構 & Learning Plant Quality

Greenhouse Cooling / Heating Application of ACESYS to Phytomation Systems (i.e. using ACESYS to describe and implement Phytomation systems) Applications Technologies (A) Protected Cultivation (B) Green-house (C) Controlled Envir. Plant Production Systems (D) Other Plant Based Engineering Systems Automation Culture Environment Systems Implementation Strategy for artificial lighting in Single Truss Tomato Cropping System (Ting, Fang, et al.) Plant factory for Phalaenopsis young plant production (Fang) PF in NTU (Fang) ALSS, NASA (Ting) Greenhouse Cooling / Heating

Single Truss Tomato Cropping System STTCS 單果串番茄量產系統 Applications Technologies Single Truss Tomato Cropping System Automation Artificial lighting Fan & Pad, Ebb & Flood, Chiller Culture Cultural practice Varieties Environment Local weather, Indoor environment, Structure, walls Light quantity, quality, Air T, RH, CO2, Water T, DO, EC,pH, etc. Systems Engineering economic analysis, Number of crops per year, other DSS

GH_cooling / heating Automation Control system: hardware/software Applications Technologies Automation Control system: hardware/software Various means to cool / heat the GH Culture Cultural practice Environment Local weather, Indoor environment, Structure, walls Light quantity, quality, Air T, RH, CO2, Water T, DO, EC,pH, etc. Systems Engineering economic analysis, Risk analysis, other DSS GH_cooling / heating

Plant Factory of Phalaenopsis Applications Technologies Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems Automation Moving light, Multi-layer benches Fan & Pad, Ebb & Flood, Chiller Culture 12 cm leaf span young Phalaenopsis Flower forcing of 30 cm leaf span young Phalaenopsis Environment Local weather, Indoor environment, Structure, walls Light quantity, quality, Air T, RH, CO2, Water T, DO, EC,pH, etc. Systems Engineering economic analysis, Risk analysis, other DSS Plant Factory of Phalaenopsis

Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems Applications Technologies Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems Automation Artificial light, Multi-layer benches Environmental control, Fertigation Nondestructive quality/nutrient detection Culture Leafy greens Environment Structure, walls Light intensity, quality, duration Air T, Wind speed, RH, CO2, Water T, DO, EC, pH, etc. Systems Engineering economic analysis, Growth model, other Decision Support System Plant Factory in NTU

精緻農業高效節能植物工廠 2019/4/12

ACE2S approach 自動化 栽培 環境 能源 平台建立系統整合與分析 Automation 自動監控、感測器開發 量測分析 Culture 栽培管理 肥培管理 葉片分析 病蟲害防治 Energy 隔熱/保溫 燈光/冷氣/運輸 節能/再生能源 Environment 光風水養氣 2019/4/12

Automation 2019/4/12

Culture 小白菜 萵苣 青梗白菜 羅勒 菠菜 洋芫荽 草莓 蕃茄 盆菊、粗肋草、火鶴花、蘭花種苗、水稻苗 79 79

Environment 風:空氣溫、濕度、內循環風速 光:光量、光質、光週、均勻度 水:供給方式、供給時機、供給頻度 養:營養、供給方式/時機/頻度 氣:二氧化碳 Temperature Humidity 2019/4/12 Light

Energy 太陽光電 太陽電能製冷 2019/4/12 81

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目標 Capability Value = ------------------------------- Problem x Cost 節能最大化 節水最大化 減排最大化 產能最大化 品質最佳化 行銷最大化 利潤最大化 ….. Capability Value = ------------------------------- Problem x Cost

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思考 如何建立一個電腦軟體,讓不同專業領域的人,都可以用此工具來激發創意,進而創造發明 ? 如何濃縮整理既有的專利發明,物理、化學、數學等定律、法則與公式? 如何濃縮整理前人的經驗,演化的法則,進步的軌跡,歷史的規律? 範例:想想 Triz 軟體的架構

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結論 不自我設限:觸類旁通、異中求同、同中求異 資源有限 最佳化利用 如何評估? Do more with less 才是專業 態度決定一切 工程經濟是基礎 善用工具、善用資源 Do more with less 才是專業 態度決定一切

課程大綱 另類系統工程: Mindset (態度) 工程經濟 (Engineering Economic) 最佳化 (optimization) Triz 簡介 (創造發明工具庫) 全球專利資料庫 學與思 學習如何學習:快速記憶的技巧,向大自然學習 (生物模擬) 思考如何思考:了解你的思考模式 應用範例: ACESys相關:農業、溫室產業、養殖業、植物工廠 跨領域:LED在生物產業應用,水產業,空調熱泵與其在生物產業應用 另類系統工程: 河圖、洛書、八卦與魔術方陣 系統工程看中醫

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