Geographic Information System ─ Practice Class


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Presentation transcript:

Geographic Information System ─ Practice Class Advance Label Chan, Chun-Hsiang TYF LAB, Dept. of Social and Regional Development National Taipei University of Education 2016/03/30 Mountain Photo by Миша in Hualian, Taiwan

Advance Label Outline Load data Dissolve Join Label Symbology Presentation

Load Data Loading Please Download AD_Label.rar There are two row data inside >> Taipei(*.shp) >> 整理後台北市選舉人.xlsx

Load Data Excel

Load Data Taipei shp

Preprocessing Dissolve

Preprocessing Dissolve

Preprocessing Join

Assignment Data Frame Please add data frame before you do your assignment! DO NOT forget this step!

Assignment 第一題 (18%)-6%-6%-6% 第二題 (18%)-6%-6%-6% 第三題 (15%)-5%-10% Description 第一題 (18%)-6%-6%-6% 依照中選會公告2014台北市長選舉,於LABEL中同時呈現各行政區名稱、投票數以及投票率顯示在EX5-1的Data Frame。 第二題 (18%)-6%-6%-6% 呈上題,於LABEL中同時呈現各行政區名稱、連勝文以及柯文哲之得票數顯示在EX5-2的Data Frame。 第三題 (15%)-5%-10% 呈上題,於LABEL中同時呈現各行政區名稱、連勝文>柯文哲之得票數之行政區顯示在EX5-3的Data Frame。(hint: you don’t need to show the district where 柯>連.)

Assignment 第四題 (15%)-5%-10% 第五題 (34%)-4%-10%-10%-5%-5% Description 呈上題,於LABEL中同時呈現各行政區名稱、連勝文<柯文哲之得票數之行政區顯示在EX5-4的Data Frame。(hint: you don’t need to show the district where 柯<連.) 第五題 (34%)-4%-10%-10%-5%-5% 呈上題,於LABEL中同時呈現各行政區名稱、連勝文<柯文哲之得票數之行政區顯示藍色文字標籤、連勝文>柯文哲 之得票數之行政區顯示綠色文字標籤,底圖shapefile的部分,請利用symbology,在柯文哲贏連勝文2萬票以上的區 域顯示灰色,其餘顯示藍色。,呈現於EX5-5的Data Frame。(hint: you don’t need to show the district where 柯 <連.)

Solution of 1st Label

Solution of 1st Label

Solution of 1st Label

Solution of 2nd Label

Solution of 3rd Label

Solution of 3rd Label

Solution of 3rd Label

Solution of 3rd Label

Solution of 4th Label

Solution of 4th Label

Solution of 5th Label

Solution of 5th Label

Solution of 5th Label ?

Solution of 5th Label

Question 1 : Plot Taiwan president election results on average house income data Draw graduated color map of average house income as base map, and plot pie chart (ratio of three different party candidates). Download Taiwan map from: Average house income data from: (家庭收支/家庭收支-平均每戶可支配所得(元)) tfile9.asp

Question 2 : Plot representative color of victory party on county map If Mr. Chu wins Ms. Tsai in this county or city, please change the label color to KMT representative color; or, Ms. Tsai wins Mr. Chu in this county or city, please change the label color to DPP representative color.

Question 3 : Plot Ms. Tsai win county or city by their color, and show the vote differences DPP Part: Show both county and city name and their vote differences in green color. (Caution: please show in the next line by VB Script!) KMT Part: Just present county name in blue color.

Question 4 : Plot Mr. Chu win county or city by their color, and show the vote differences KMT Part: Show both county and city name and their vote differences in blue color. (Caution: please show in the next line by VB Script!) DPP Part: Just present county name in green color.

If you have question, you may still send message The end If you have question, you may still send message and let me know! Line 9 of Taiwan Photo by Миша in Hualien, Taiwan