Chapter 13 全球行銷溝通決策Ⅰ: 廣告與公共關係


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 13 全球行銷溝通決策Ⅰ: 廣告與公共關係 Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green

全球行銷溝通 行銷溝通最主要的目的是,讓消費者知道某家公司、產品或服務所能提供的好處與價值 為了達到有效的跨國溝通,耐吉、雀巢、微軟等都採用整合式行銷溝通

全球推廣廣告 廣告可定義為由廣告主付費所進行非人員溝通的方式 單一國家 地域性 全球 全球廣告可以定義為其訊息的美術設計、平面設計、標題、圖片,以及其他所有的溝通要素,都為適用全球而開發 A global company that has the ability to successfully transform a domestic campaign into a worldwide one, or to create a new global campaign from the ground up, possesses a critical advantage. The first company to find a global market for any product is frequently at an advantage relative to competitors that make the same discovery later. The search for a global advertising campaign should bring together everyone involved with the product to share information and leverage their experiences. Global campaigns with unified themes can help to build long-term product and brand identities and offer significant savings by reducing cost associated with producing ads. Global advertising also offers companies economies of scale in advertising as well as improved access to distribution channels. Where shelf space is at a premium, as with food products, a company has to convince retailers to carry its products rather than those of competitors. A global brand supported by global advertising may be very attractive because, from the retailer’s standpoint, a global brand is less likely to languish on the shelves.

「標準化」與「當地化」 對全球行銷者來說,關鍵問題是: 特定的廣告訊息與媒體策略是否必須隨地區不同而改變? Communication experts generally agree that the overall requirements of effective communication and persuasion are fixed and do not vary from country to country. The same thing is true of the components of the communication process: The marketer is the source of the message; the message must be encoded, conveyed via the appropriate channel(s), and decoded by a member of the target audience. Communication takes place only when the intended meaning is transferred from the source to the receiver.

「標準化」與「當地化」(續) 公司必須隨時隨地對消費者進行有效的溝通,其中主要有四個困難點: 訊息也許無法傳達給預期的接收者 訊息也許可以接觸到目標客群,但可能無法被目標客群所理解 訊息或許被目標客群接收,而且也被了解,但無法吸引客群,使目標客群產生傳送訊息者期望的行動 訊息的有效性可能會被周遭雜訊干擾而 減弱

廣告代理商:組織與品牌 廣告代理商:組織與品牌 廣告組織包含許多不同部門的傘狀企業,公司都有一個或多個核心廣告代理商,以及專門的直效行銷、行銷服務、公共關係或研究單位 每個廣告代理商「品牌」又都包含許多公司,而集團的營收也來自旗下各廣告、媒體和服務 Advertising is a fast-paced business, and the ad agency world is fluid and dynamic. New agencies are formed, existing agencies are dismantled, and cross-border investment, spin-offs, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions are a fact of life. There is also a great deal of mobility in the industry as executives and top talent move from one agency to another.

創造全球化廣告 創意策略 大創意 廣告訴求 銷售主張 創意執行 理性訴求 情感訴求 藝術總監與文案人員 The message is at the heart of advertising. The particular message and the way it is presented will depend on the advertiser’s objective. Is the ad designed to inform, entertain, remind, or persuade? Moreover, in a world characterized by information overload, ads must break through the clutter, grab the audience’s attention, and linger in their minds. This slide highlights the important aspects that marketing managers must consider when trying to create an advertising piece that stays true to the message.

藝術總監與藝術方向 藝術總監 專業的廣告人員,負責確立廣告的整體形象 負責選擇廣告中的視覺元素,如影像、風格等 藝術方向 廣告視覺呈現的效果

廣告文案 準備一份目標市場當地語言的文案 把原版文案翻譯成目標市場的語言版本 保留部分(或全部)原版文案的要素 The next issue facing advertisers is which medium or media to use when communicating with target audiences. In some instances, the agency that creates advertising also makes recommendations about media placement; however, many advertisers use the services of specialized media planning and buying organizations. The available alternatives can be broadly categorized as print media, electronic media, and other. Print media range in form from local daily and weekly newspapers to magazines and business publications with national, regional, or international audiences. Electronic media include broadcast television, cable television, radio, and the Internet. Additionally, advertisers may utilize various forms of outdoor, transit, and direct mail advertising. Globally, media decisions must take into account country specific regulations.

文化考量 This table is intended to be a guide to creating standardized appeals in terms of the clusters; for example, a standardized ad employing a rational/argument appeal could be translated as appropriate and used to good effect in Austria, Belgium, Italy, and the United States. Many German companies, for example, prefer ads that contain plenty of copy that presents a rational argument for a product’s superiority. This is typical of ads for beer, automobiles, and food products. However, many creative campaigns are based on the understanding that sometimes the best approach is to disregard guidelines and break some so-called rules.

媒體決策──阿拉伯 禁止使用比較性廣告 未經審檢的影片不准播放刊登 女人只能出現在家庭事務相關廣告中,而且她們的外貌必須以合乎禮儀的方式出現,來確保女性尊嚴 女性必須穿著長且合宜的洋裝,完全遮住身體,只能露出臉和手掌 Even when media availability is high, its use as an advertising vehicle may be limited. For example, in Europe, television advertising either does not exist or is extremely limited in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. The time allowed for advertising each day varies from 12 minutes in Finland to 80 in Italy, with 12 minutes per hour per channel allowed in France and 20 in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Regulations concerning content of commercials vary, and there are waiting periods of up to 2 years in several countries before an advertiser can obtain broadcast time. In Germany, advertising time slots are reserved and paid for 1 year in advance. This slide includes the specifics that marketers will need to consider if doing business in Saudi Arabia.

公關與公共報導 公關有義務促進不同的利益團體對公司的了解和接受 製造對公司有利的宣傳 公關工具 新聞稿 新聞信函 媒體集會 記者會 工廠導覽與其他公司設施的介紹 展覽會或專業期刊文章 公司文宣品 電視或廣播的談話性節目 特殊事件網站首頁 Public relations (PR) is the department or function responsible for evaluating public opinion about, and attitudes toward, the organization and its products and brands. Public relations personnel also are responsible for fostering goodwill, understanding, and acceptance among a company’s various constituents and publics. Like advertising, public relations is one of four variables in the promotion mix. One of the tasks of the PR practitioner is to generate favorable publicity. By definition, publicity is communication about a company or product for which the company does not pay.

全球行銷溝通中的公關角色 國際上公關的支出平均每年都有20%的成長 公關支出在印度每年有驚人的200%成長率 全球性公關組織迅速成長的原因 國家政府間的公共關係開始增加 科技所驅動的溝通革命開啟資訊時代,使得公關聲明可散布全球 政府、組織與社會都在處理環境與世界和平等議題 Public relations professionals with international responsibility must go beyond media relations and serve as more than a company mouthpiece; they are called upon to simultaneously build consensus and understanding, create trust and harmony, articulate and influence public opinion, anticipate conflicts, and resolve disputes. As companies become more involved in global marketing and the globalization of industries continues, company management must recognize the value of international public relations.

世界各地公關活動 公關執行會受到文化、傳統、社會、政治與經濟環境等影響