台中市立西苑高中 國中部 製作者 余曉芬老師.


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Presentation transcript:

台中市立西苑高中 國中部 製作者 余曉芬老師

Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? 旁白:Good morning. How are you doing, students? 動作一:放投影片-火車 旁白:現在我們來看看這課的重點句型。 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁白:Lesson Five, what’s the title? 還記得標題是什麼嗎? 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁白:Excuse me, how to I get to the train station? 動作四:按左鍵一下

介系詞句型介紹 (1) in front of (2) next to (3) on (4) in (5) under Outline 介系詞句型介紹 (1) in front of (2) next to (3) on (4) in (5) under (6) between 旁 白:第五課的句型重點是介系詞。 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:在這課我們要複習在一年級學過的 in, on,     和 under之外,還要學其他四種說法。這些     稱為地方介系詞,它們被用來指明方向及所     在地。 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Ready? Here we go. (7) on the corner of

(1) in front of 在…前面 Structure Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 畫面:大象跑出來 動作一:按左鍵一下   畫面:大象跑出來 旁 白:What’s this? Now, what are they?     What color is the elephant?(指著錄色的大 象) Where is he? 在黃色大象的前面。  How do you say 前面 in Chinese? 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:in front of. 在什麼的前面。 Where is the green elephant? 動作三;按左鍵一下 Outline

Q: Where is the green elephant? A:The green elephant is __________the yellow elephant. in front of 旁 白:Where is the green elephant? 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:The green elephant is (what) the yellow elephant. 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:in front of. 綠色大象在黃色大象的前面。 動作三:按左鍵一下 Back

(2) next to 在…旁邊 Structure Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:What are they? We have one car and one bus here. 要不要猜猜看是那個介系詞? 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Yes, next to. 是什麼意思?What does it mean in Chinese? 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:在(什麼)旁邊 動作四:按左鍵一下 Outline

Q: Where is the taxi? next to A: The taxi is _______ the bus. Back 旁 白:Wow! Where is the taxi? Do you remember? No? O.K. Let’s go back last page. 動作一:移動滑鼠至back上,按下。 旁 白:看清楚了嗎? 動作二:按左鍵一下回到本頁。 旁 白:Where is the taxi? 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:The taxi is next to the bus. 動作四:按左鍵一下 Back

(3) on 在…之上 Structure Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:What is this? 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:There is a little man, right? 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:on. What does “on” mean in Chinese? 動作四:按左鍵一下 旁 白:在(什麼)之上。Now, Where are you sitting on? You are sitting on the chair. 坐在椅子上。 動作五:按左鍵一下 Outline

Q: Where is the little man? A: He is ___ the car. on 旁 白:You are sitting on the chair, then where is the little man? 那個小小的人在 哪裡? 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:He is (what) the car. 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:on. 在車子頂上。 動作三:按左鍵一下 Back

(4) in 在…裏面 Structure Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Well, the same picture. No the little man. Let’s see. 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:in. Good. Do you remember it? “in” 在 這裏是指在什麼地方,這車是小型汽車,所 以用in。但是,不是所有車子都用in,只有 私家轎車及計程車的介系詞才用in。公車、 火車或飛機就必須用on。For example, I am on the bus. 我在公車上。Understand? O.K. Let’ s see the Chinese. 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:在(什麼)裏面。 動作四:按左鍵一下 Outline

Q: Where is the man? A: The man is ___ the car. in Back 旁 白:O.K. Where is the man? 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:He is (what )the car. What’s the answer? 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:in. 動作三:按左鍵一下 Back

(5) under 在…之下 Structure Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:What is this? 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Is the dog cute? 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:between. Good  動作四:按左鍵一下 旁 白:在狗在樹的下面 動作五:按左鍵一下 Outline

Q: Where is the dog? A: It is ______ the tree. under Back 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:It is (what) the tree. 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Good…… under. It is under the tree. 動作三:按左鍵一下 Back

(6) between 在…與...之間 Structure Bill Mike Eric Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:What is there in the picture?…… What is his name? 動作二:按左鍵一下 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:There is the boy, too. His name is ……yes, Bill. Is he thin? Is he tall? 動作四:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Boy number three. Is he tall?……No, he is short, right? What is his name? 動作五:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Yes, he is Eric. 猜猜看,這是哪個preposition-介系 詞。 動作六:按左鍵一下 旁 白:between. Good, what does it mean in Chinese? Let’s see. 動作七:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Understand? Then, practice this! 動作八:按左鍵一下 Outline

A: Mike is ________ Bill and Eric. Q: Where is Mike? between A: Mike is ________ Bill and Eric. 旁 白:Where is Mike? Do you remember? Everyone says it together. 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Mike is between Bill and Eric. Let’s see our answer is good or bad. 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:YA! We are right. A is between B and C. 動作三:按左鍵一下 Back

(7) on the corner of 在…轉角 Structure Sogo Outline 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Well, do you know it?有沒有看起來很熟悉 的感覺?There is a department store on the corner of Chung Gang Road and Mei Cun Road. What’s the department store? 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:Sogo Department Store. 太平洋崇光百貨在 corner上,對吧。 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:on the corner of 動作四:按左鍵一下 旁 白:轉角 動作五:按左鍵一下 Outline

Q: Where is Sogo Department Store? A: Sogo Department Store is ______________ Chung Gang Road ____ Mei Cun Road on the corner of and 旁 白:So, where is Sogo Department Store? 注 意Sogo Department Store 是專有名詞,不可 加the。Besides, 字首要大寫。 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:How to answer the question? Sogo Department Store is……. 動作二:按左鍵一下 旁 白:on the corner of Chung Gang Road…… 動作三:按左鍵一下 旁 白:And Mei Cun Road. 廣三百貨在中港路和美 村路的轉角。 動作四:按左鍵一下 Back

The End Exit 動作一:按左鍵一下 旁 白:O.K. That’s all. Now please turn to page 52. Exit