无碰撞磁重联多尺度动力学过程的三维全粒子模拟研究 空间天气学国家重点实验室 天基和深空探测研究组 无碰撞磁重联多尺度动力学过程的三维全粒子模拟研究 题目: Multiscale kinetic processes in collisionless magnetic reconnection 嘉宾: Keizo Fujimoto School of Space and Environment, Beihang University 地点: 九章大厦 A708会议室 时间: 2017年12月8日(星期五)上午10:00 摘要: Magnetic reconnection is a natural energy converter which allows explosive energy release of the magnetic field energy into plasma kinetic energy. The reconnection process is inherently multiscale process, where the magnetic dissipation takes place in a microscopic area formed around the x-line and drives the energy conversion processes in macroscopic area far downstream of the x-line. However, the mechanism connecting the microscopic process around the x-line with the large-scale dynamics in the downstream region has been poorly understood. Recent significant advancement in computer resources and simulation technique enables large-scale PIC simulation of collisionless reconnection, covering the electron scales to a scale far beyond the ion scales. Using large-scale PIC simulations, we have investigated how the kinetic processes are connected to the MHD process in reconnection. Simulation results suggest that collisionless reconnection essentially differs from fast reconnection model in MHD (like the Petschek model). In this talk, I will show recent results of large-scale PIC simulations and discuss the differences between kinetic and MHD reconnections. 海报制作3张,张贴 在 空间会议中心前报栏、九章大厦A座 电梯 处 通知栏、南楼大厅