第六章 結果章節.


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Presentation transcript:

第六章 結果章節

大 綱 前言 6.1 基本內容及組織 6.2 介紹研究結果 6.3 敘述研究結果 6.4 對研究結果的評論或說明

前言 介紹研究結果 針對結果加以評論或總結 使用圖表說明 以數字表示出完整、詳細的研究結果 點出最重要的結果並說明 根據結果,做適當推論

6.1 基本內容及組織 結果章節的三個基本項目(組成一個段落) (段落的第一句) 研究結果的介紹 用一個句子指出表示完整研究結果的圖表 (段落的主要部分) 對最重要結果的描述或概述 (段落最後一兩個句子) 評論研究結果或根據結果得出推論

Incidence-of Back Pain in Helicopter Pilots Results [研究結果的介紹] 1Table 1 presents the data on the prevalence of back pain directly associated with flight. [對最重要結果的描述或概述] 2Particularly high back pain prevalences were reported after flights of more than 2 hours duration or after a period of intensive flying. 3Moreover, civilian [平民,百姓] pilots, with their greater accumulated flight time, reported a greater prevalence of back pain after flights of all durations. [評論研究結果或根據結果得出推論] 4It appears that both the flight duration and total accumulated flight time affect the incidence of back pain. Civilian:平民,百姓

上例中 第一句 介紹作者將討論的資料,並告訴讀者這些資料在哪個圖表中可以看到 第二和第三句 敘述最重要的結果 第四句 對結果的評論 內容為根據表中資料而得出的推論

注意事項 在描述上面表格中資料時,並無列出所有資料,而只指出這些資料中的兩個重要事實 應避免在文章和圖表中提出一模一樣的內容 勿重複圖表中所有資料

用圖表表示詳細結果,用文章指出圖表中資料的重要特性或趨勢 介紹Figure1中資料的不同方式 (Worse) In 1986, enrollment was 20, in 1987, it was 30, in 1988, it was 40 .... (Better) Enrollment increased dramatically between 1986 and 1991, reaching a peak of 60 students in 1990.

介紹研究結果時,作者應為讀者詮釋結果 切忌在圖表中列出一大堆數據而讓讀者去解讀 直接說明這些數據出現的趨勢、代表的意義 詳細數據應放在表格中 圖表應包括足夠資料(如清楚的標題與標記),讓讀者未看文章仍能大致瞭解圖表內容

6.2 介紹研究結果 指出研究結果會在哪個圖形或表格中列出 The variation in the temperature of the samples over time is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 shows the variation in the temperature of the samples over time.

時態 句子內容為不受時間影響之事實 圖表中列出結果的事實不會改變 使用簡單現在式

動詞 主要動詞 show 其它常用動詞 present display summarize depict illustrate

另一種介紹研究結果的方法 直接敘述結果,並在句中插入片語或括號說明該結果在哪個圖表中列出 Examples The temperature increased rapidly, as shown in Figure 2. The temperature increased rapidly, as Figure 2 shows.

As shown in Figure 2, the temperature increased rapidly. As Figure 2 shows, the temperature increased rapidly. The temperature increased rapidly (see Figure 2).

6.3 敘述研究結果 因所敘述內容為過去事件的事實,常使用過去式 After flights of less than two hours, 11% of the army pilot and 33% of the civilian pilots reported back pain. The animals in the red group chose the red ball significantly more often than they did the white ball. Enrollment in the course increased steadily from 1986 to 1990.

若以現在式敘述研究結果,句子的涵義和過去式的句子不同 在此次研究過程中在某些特定情形下所發現的事情 現在式 在研究過程中所揭露的普遍事實

Example Female listeners found loud music more irritating than male listeners did. [樣本中的女性比樣本中的男性覺得大聲的音樂令人激怒] Female listeners find loud music more irritating than male listeners do. [任何女性都比任何男性覺得大聲的音樂令人激怒]

Example The level of indentation had a clear effect on comprehension scores. [縮進排印的程度對樣本中之人的分數有影響] The level of indentation has a clear effect on comprehension scores. [縮進排印的程度對任何人的分數都有影響]

使用現在式描述由理論模型得出的結果,使用過去式敘述由實驗所獲得的結果 介紹研究結果時常包括 (a) 某個參數或變數在某段時間中的變動 (b) 不同樣本、方法或研究對象間的比較 (c) 不同參數或變數間的關係或影響

(a) 某個參數或變數在某段時間中的變動 此類句子通常會出現表示某種變化(增加或減少)的動詞或片語 被研究的參數常當作句子的主詞,而表達時間的片語常擺在句尾

Enrollment in medical schools increased decreased rose fell dropped 參數 過去式動詞 時間 Enrollment in medical schools increased decreased rose fell dropped declined went up went down remained constant remained unchanged from 1985 to 1990. The temperature after oxygen was introduced. when more water was added. peaked reached a maximum reached a minimum in 1989. after 30 minutes. Declined:下降 Peaked:使達到高峰

(b) 不同樣本、方法或研究對象間的比較 在敘述此類資料的句子中,常會出現比較級或最高級形容詞

第一個項目 比較(過去式) 第二個項目 The new method was faster than was slower than the old method. Older workers scored higher than scored lower than younger workers. Scored:得分

最高級形容詞 The fastest algorithm was the genetic algorithm. Group 1 had the highest average score. The third algorithm was the most accurate.

(c) 不同參數或變數間的關係或影響 常用句型包括 出現如correlated或related等主要動詞的句子 包含描述其中一個參數之變動的附屬子句的複句

第一個參數 關係(過去式) 第二個參數 Grades were correlated with were negatively were dependent on were independent of were determined by were closely related to study time. Correlated:使互相關聯

第一個參數 過去式動詞 附屬連接詞 第二個參數 Text scores increased decreased rose fell as when study time increased. decreased. rose. fell.

其它常用句型 Test scores increased with an increase in study time. Test scores increased with study times An increase in study time led to an increase in test scores.

6.4 對研究結果的評論或說明 輪流的組織形式 系列的組織形式

輪流的組織形式 適用情況:需要介紹許多個別結果並對每個個別結果作個別評論 先介紹關於某項目的個別結果,並對結果加以評論,再介紹關於另一項目的結果並再加以評論 下例中,作者敘述三個主要結果,且在敘述每個結果後馬上作一個簡短的評論

Learning Styles and Computer-Assisted Instruction Results The analysis of variance in the posttest scores is presented in Table 2. [結果-1] As can be seen from the table, the F for learning styles was 0.15478, which is not statistically significant, indicating no appreciable [相當可觀的] difference in posttest performance among the four learning style groups. [結果-2] The F for interaction was 0.72931 and was not statistically significant, indicating no appreciable relationship between learning style and instructional [教學的] design. [結果-3] The F of 0.93812 for instructional design was statically significant at the P < 0.01 level, resulting from differences in the performance of the linear and branching groups.... Appreciable:相當可觀的 Instructional:教學的

系列的組織形式 適用情況:需要介紹一系列個別結果並對所有結果作評論 先介紹幾個不同項目的結果,再針對這些結果作一“綜合”評論或說明 下例中,作者先陳述所有重要個別結果 ,再根據這些結果提出結論

Observational Learning in Octopuses Results The octopuses (n = 30) that observed demonstrators attacking the red ball chose the red ball significantly more often than they did the white ball (129 red, 13 white in 150 trials), as shown in Figure 2 (A). Animals (n = 14) that observed demonstrators [示威運動者] of the white group chose the white ball more often (7 red, 49 white in 70 trials), as shown in Figure 2 (B). Demonstrators:示威運動者

During the testing phase, the red observers made errors in 14% of the trials and the white observers made errors in 39%. However, if only the number of attacks to the wrong ball are considered, for both groups of observers the error rate was about 9%. Failure to attack did not correlate with choices in preceding trials. The randomness of the failure to attack does not favor the lack of discrimination [區別] between objects or the failure of learning, but may be related to a lack of reward after each trial. These results suggest that untrained octopuses can learn a task by observing, for a short period of time (four trials), the behavior of another octopus.... Discrimination:區別

評論的內容 (下列擇一) 根據結果得出某個推論 對結果加以解釋或對造成結果的原因提出說明 對此次結果和其他學者曾發表的結果作比較 和其他學者的方法或技術之效能作比較 指出自己的理論模型和實驗數據是否符合

時態 [Case I] 評論內容為根據結果而得出的推論,主要動詞使用現在式 常出現臆測動詞,如appear, suggest, seem, 或語態助動詞如may

It appears that because of their greater accumulated flying time, civilian pilots are subjects to a higher incidence of back pain. The level of indentation may have an effect on students’ test scores. These findings suggest that women strongly prefer slower music.

[Case II] 評論內容為對結果的可能說明,主要動詞前面常加上語態助動詞may或can之現在式動詞 The higher incidence of back pain in civilian pilot may be due to their greater accumulated flying time. These result can be explained by the differences between the learning styles of the two group of subjects.

This may have occurred because the reaction used up all the oxygen. One reason for this group’s higher scores may be that the group was already accustomed to working with Pascal. A possible explanation for this is that all of the oxygen was used up in the early stages of the reaction. This may have occurred because the reaction used up all the oxygen. Accustomed:慣常的

It seems appears is likely is possible 主詞 臆測動詞(現在式) 說明 It seems appears is likely is possible that the drug reduces the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions. These data These results indicate suggest imply Intensity:(思想、感情、活動等的)強烈 Allergic:過敏的

在指出一種說明的句子中,常出現在 以that開頭的名詞子句或 以because開頭的附屬子句

此種子句中可能的動詞時態 現在式 指出具普遍有效性之說明 現在式加上助動詞may 與用現在式有相似的意思,但比較不確定此說明是否普遍有效 過去式 說明的範圍限定為只針對報告中所討論的特定情形才有效

It seems that the drug reduces the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions. [作者認為此說明可能在一般情形下都有效] It seems that the drug may reduce the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions. [作者認為此說明可能在一般情形下都有效,不過沒有上面句子那麼確定] It seems that the drug reduced the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions. [作者只表示此說明在這次特定情形下有效,並沒有表示它在一般情形下是否有效]

在以虛主詞it開頭的句子中 可省略虛主詞it而把名詞子句中的主詞當作整個句子的主詞 如此可製造出更簡潔的句子,而不需考慮名詞子句中動詞應使用何種時態

原句 It seems that the drug reduces the frequency and intensity of allergic’ reactions. 修正句 The drug seems to reduce the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions.

原句 It appears that the drug reduces the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions. 修正句 The drug appears to reduce the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions. Intensity:(思想、感情、活動等的)強烈 Allergic:過敏的

[Case III] 當評論內容為比較作者和其他學者的研究結果時,應使用現在式。因兩組結果間的一致性、矛盾或其它關係為種不受時間影響之邏輯上的事實 These results agree well with the findings of Smith, et al. These data are consistent with earlier findings showing that mice avoid bitter foods.

[Case IV] 當評論內容為比較作者和其他學者所提出之技術或方法的性能,可使用現在式或過去式 現在式:若根據論文數據而指出具普遍有效性之推論 過去式:若評論範圍限定只在特定情況下才有效

The values predicted by our model have a smaller degree of error than the values generated by Rickert’s model do. [作者認為句子內容為普遍的事實] These data show that the proposed method is faster and more accurate than the conventional method. [作者認為句子內容為普遍的事實,即在任何情形下自己的方法會比傳統的方法還要快、準確]

Our algorithm required consistently less processing time than Chen’s algorithm. [作者只指出,在此特定實驗中,自己的演算法所用的時間比陳氏的演算法少,並無表示是否在任何情形下一定會得到相同結果]

[Case V]當作者指出由自己的理論模型所得出的推測和實驗數據間的吻合程度時,常使用現在式,因模型和數據間是否一致,為一種不受時間影響的事實 The theoretical model fits the experimental data well. The theoretical model agrees well with the experimental data.

There is a high level of agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data. The data conform closely to the predictions of the model. The data indicate that the model is reliable and accurate. The experimental measurements are very close to the predicted values.

若把推測和數據間的比較當作一種過去事件則可使用過去式 The theoretical model agreed well with the experimental data. There was a high level of agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data.