The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope. 我一看见他就知道没有希望。


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Presentation transcript:

1. the moment (that) 引起时间状语从句, 一……就,表示一个行为发生后,紧接着发生另一个行为,相当于as soon as…。 The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope. 我一看见他就知道没有希望。 他一说话,我们就辨认出他的声音。 The moment he spoke we recognized his voice.

▲类似的名词除moment外,minute, second也可以表示同样意思用作连词。immediately也可用作连词,相当于 as soon as的用法。 We'll leave the minute you're ready. 你一准备好我们就离开。 Please let me know immediately you get the results. 你一得到结果,请立即告诉我。

Time 的前面加any,each,every,next,first,last时, time 有连词的性质, 后面加从句 Every time I saw him, I found him to be taller. You can call me any time you want to. The last time I went to China, I wisited Shanghai.

  2. for a moment 一下子,片刻,一会儿     注意:for the moment 目前,暂时

3. It is perfect for 对……妙极了 be perfect for… 意为“对……极好,对……合适”。 The weather is perfect for a garden party. 这种天气对举行游园会太合适了。 This big house is perfect for our large family.

4. force sth. open 强行打开 注意:open 作宾补。 The boxes of precious stones were forced open . 一箱箱宝石被强行打开。

5. break off 打断,折断,突然停止,休息,绝交 He broke off a branch and gave it to me . Tom broke off telling the story to answer the telephone . 汤姆讲故事时突然停下来,去接电话。

她与她最好的朋友绝交了. She broke off with her best friend . 让我们休息10分钟吧.  Let's break off for ten minutes . = Let's have a rest for ten minutes .

6. a flight of twelve stairs 一节 12 级台阶  He lives two flights up . 他住的地方还要再上两段楼梯。  She fell down a flight of stairs . 她从一段楼梯上摔了下来。