Lesson 17 Let’s Buy Postcards!


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 17 Let’s Buy Postcards! 冀教版 五年级下册 Lesson 17 Let’s Buy Postcards!

This is an e-mail. You write an e-mail on a computer .

These are e-mails.

A postcard has a picture on it. This is a postcard. A postcard has a picture on it.

This is a letter.

You write a letter on paper.

These are letters.

This is a postcard.

 明信片是用硬纸卡印制的,正面印有邮资图(或印有线框标志贴邮票位置)和收信人、寄信人地址、姓名的格式,背面供书写通信内容。明信片一般由国家邮政部门印制发行。分印有邮资图和未印有邮资图两种(印有邮资图的明信片特称邮资明信片)。其他非邮政部门也可以印制明信片,但不得印有邮资图。未印的明信片有普通明信片、纪念明信片、美术明信片、军邮明信片和贺年明信片等。我国第一种明信片是大清邮政局正式开办后于1897年发行的。1912年中华邮政在清代第四版团龙明信片上加盖“中华民国”字样,称为加盖改值明信片。 新中国成立后于1949年发行了第一套“中国人民邮政明信片”,邮资图为天安门。目前,我国发行的邮资明信片,除印有普通邮票图案,多次印刷、大量发行的普通邮资明信片外,还有纪念邮资明信片、风光邮资明信片和贺年邮资明信片,特种邮资明信片。

These are postcards.

This postcard has the Palace Museum on it.

This postcard has a picture of pandas on it.

Show me your postcards!

Hotel Shop

We buy postcards in a shop. post office We buy postcards in a shop.

Let’s chant! E-mail, this is an e-mail. Letter, this is a letter. Postcards, these are postcards.

I want to send this postcard to Danny.

Now, let’s listen to the tape and imitate NO.1.

Jenny wants to _________ a postcard to her ___ ___ ___. mum and dad send Jenny wants to _________ a postcard to her ___ ___ ___. mum and dad Li Ming wants to ____ a letter to his _____. send uncle take Danny will ____ nine postcards.