Have Fun and Enjoy Learning Sentences 世賢國小英語教師研習 Have Fun and Enjoy Learning Sentences 04.22.2009 JENNY CHUANG MSN: rb0516@hotmail.com Email:rb0516@gmail.com http://www.happyrainbow.com.tw/
Right Attitude is the Inspiring Navigator to the Beneficial , Outstanding World!
十一月二十八日,「促進國際閱讀素養研究」(Progress in International Reading Literacy Study,簡稱PIRLS)針對全球四十六個參與國家的國小四年級學生,進行閱讀能力檢測。台灣今年首度參與調查,排名結果不盡理想, 只排到第二十二名。
Motivation 今日聯合報報導(96.12.15 聯合報教育C4版):「國際閱讀素養調查」台灣學生課外閱讀比率排名殿後。芬蘭人有空就跑圖書館;台灣家長只帶小孩上麥當勞!
在台灣,平均每四個小學生,就有一個覺得上學壓力大,而有將近一半(44.3%)的受訪小學生擔心上課時被老師問問題。 台灣有三成(30.2%) 三年級以上小學生每天早上起床不太想去上學;半數(49.6%)表示學校常有考試,壓力很大。
學習不一定是要痛苦;知識不一定得用分數丈量。 能否樂在閱讀,是繼續保持和發展閱讀能力的關鍵要素 學生必須要願意運用(mobilize)知識,才能將知識的效益顯現出來,這其中牽涉到動機、態度。 學習動機低落、沒有自信, 跟教師及家長的態度很有關係。
Teacher centered v.s. Child centered只有你欣賞我.pps
適合幼兒及兒童美語教學法基礎認識 母語情境教學法(Situational Language Teaching) 全肢體反應教學法TPR(Total Physical Response) 聽說教學法(Audio-Lingual method) 自然發音教學法(Phonics skill) 溝通式教學法(Communicative Approach) 遊戲教學法(Games and Activities )
6 Ws rules
Why? Why do kids love to play all the time? Why do kids need to learn English? Why?
How? How to play games with kids of different ages? How to make kids learn through playing games? How to create attractive games ? How to make the games effectively applied onto teaching?
When? When will be the good time to play games during the teaching process? When to call stop.. (How long should a game designed for each lesson ?)
L S R W Writing Reading Speaking Listening
4 language skills learning and simple lesson plan LSRW The purpose of making lesson plan 6 basic teaching steps
Attitude and Approaches 學習金字塔 Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand
6 basic teaching steps 1st Opening 2nd Vocabulary Teaching 3rd L & S Game 4th Sentence Pattern Teaching 5th L/R & L/W & R/W Game 6th Review
Activities or games for learning different language ability a. Games for teaching songs/ chants/rhymes
b. R/W game for teaching word spelling RE5-U1-SB3
c. Games for teaching sentence patterns/grammar RE1-re1-SB38 RE1-U4-SB45
d. Games for teaching reading / writing RE5-RE2-SB53-54
Scoring System < materials for games > toys../real objects.. game board sentence strips Picture/ word cards CD Post-it Your Imagination