9A Unit2 Colours and Moods.


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Presentation transcript:

9A Unit2 Colours and Moods

Do you know how many colours there are in the rainbow? red green orange blue yellow indigo violet

New Words And Expressions indigo violet rainbow mood influence whether characteristic calm relaxed peace 靛蓝,靛青 紫罗兰色 彩虹 心情,情绪 影响 是否 特征,品质 平静的,沉着的 放松的,自在的 安宁,和平,和睦

New Words And Expressions sadness purity wedding prefer create feeling cheer up remind wisdom as 悲哀,忧伤 纯洁 婚礼 更喜欢,宁愿选择 造成,创造,创建 感觉,感受 使振作起来 提醒,使想起 智慧 因为

New Words And Expressions envy green with envy require strength heat difficulty have difficulty (in) doing sth decision 妒忌,羡慕 妒忌的,眼红的 需要,要求 力量 热 困难,费力 做某事有困难/费劲 决定

Listen, read and circle 1. To influence someone means ____. a. to give someone a present b. to make someone change c. to ask someone for help 2. When you feel relaxed, you are _____. a. calm and not nervous b. too tired to move c. happy and cheerful 3. To prefer means _____. a. to hate something b. to talk about something often c. to like one thing more than another 4. To create means ____. a. to grow b. to produce c. to find

5. At a wedding, a man and a woman ____. a. get into trouble b. get married c. fight with each other 6. To cheer someone up means _____. a. to make someone calmer b. to make someone sadder c. to make someone happier 7. To remind someone of something means to help someone _____. a. remember or think about something b. forget something c. feel sure about something 8. To require means ____. a. to repair b. to think c. to need

How many kinds of colours are mentioned (提到) in the article? Skimming 略读,浏览 Skim the text quickly and find the answer. How many kinds of colours are mentioned (提到) in the article?

colours calm colours warm colours energetic colours strong colours Skimming colours calm colours warm colours energetic colours strong colours

a. wisdom b. new life c. power d. purity e. joy f. peace What does each colour represent? Scanning (寻读) a. wisdom b. new life c. power d. purity e. joy f. peace

Blue is good for the ______ and body and it represents ________. moods colours calm colours Blue is good for the ______ and body and it represents ________. White is the colour of _______. Many women wear white on their _______ day. warm colours These colour give you a warm and _________ feeling. Orange represents ______. It can bring you _________ and _____ you up.Yellow can remind you of a ______, _____ day. It is also the colour of ______. energetic colours Green can give you _________ It is the colour of ______ because it represents _________. And it is also the colour of _______. strong Red represents ______ and _____ feelings.It is the colour of ______ . It may help you make a ______. Read the passage and fill in the blanks. mind sadness purity wedding comfortable joy success cheer warm sunny wisdom energy nature new life envy power strong heat decision

The best colours for Millie’s friends Post-reading The best colours for Millie’s friends blue red heat calm orange yellow cheer success green nature

3.使我们感觉快乐或伤心,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡 1影响/改变我们的心情 2你可能想知道它是否是真实的。 3.使我们感觉快乐或伤心,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡 4.走进房间 5.觉放松的 6墙被漆成蓝色。 7给我们的身心带来安宁 influence/change our moods You may wonder whether it is true. make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy walk into the room feel relaxed The walls are painted blue. bring peace to our mind and body

8代表伤心/ 快乐 9纯洁的颜色/ 智慧的颜色 10喜欢在婚礼那天穿上白色的衣服 11例如 12使你感到温暖 13更喜欢(做)某事 14创造一种温暖舒适的感觉 represent sadness/ happiness the colour of purity/ wisdom like to wear white on their wedding day such as+短语/ doing make you feel warm prefer (to do) sth create a warm and comfortable feeling

15使你振作起来 16使你想起温暖阳光灿烂的一天 17希望成功 18穿像绿色之类的精力充沛的颜色 19给你能量 20嫉妒的 cheer you up remind you of a warm sunny day. hope for success wear energetic colours like green give you energy the colour of envy

20如果你的身心需要力量,红色可能会给你帮助。 21代表能量和强烈的感情 22穿红色能更容易的作出决定。 23做决定有困难 24陷入困境 25结婚 26互相打架 If you require in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. represent power and strong feelings Wearing red can make it easier to take action. have difficulty making a decision get into trouble get married fight with each other

What colours can help? 1.Tom can’t decide anything. He feels sad about it. Mary can’t sleep every night. She feels stressed. Millie needs to practice dancing for 3 hours every day. She is very tired and weak. This term John has failed many times in exams. He wants to succeed very much. blue white green yellow

 feel sad/ blue represent sadness bring peace to our mind and body

the colour of purity Many women like to wear white on their wedding day.

Scanning: Read Paragraph 2 Blue is a _______ colour. It brings ______ to our _____ and ______.Blue can also ________ _________, so you may say ______________ when you are feeling sad. ______ is another calm colour. It is also the colour of_________. Many women like to wear white _____ their _________ day. peace calm mind body represent sadness I’m feeling blue White purity on wedding

create a warm and comfortable feeling cheer you up when you’re feeling sad

the colour of the sun remind you of a warm, sunny day the colour of wisdom use it when you hope for success

______ and _______ can make you feel______. Orange ______ and _______ can make you feel______. People in cold areas _______ warm colours in their homes to ________ a warm and ________ feeling. Orange ____________. It can _________ when you are ___________. Yellow is the colour of __________, so it can ____________________. Yellow is also the colour of ________. Some people ______ this colour when they_________ ________. yellow warm prefer create comfortable represents joy cheer you up feeling sad sun remind you of a warm sunny day wisdom prefer hope for success

the colour of nature represent new life green with envy

scanning True or False questions. (Para 4) Green is only the colour of nature and represents new life. Green can make you feel tired or weak. Green can give us energy.

Green can give you _______, as it is the When you feel______________, you should wear _________ colours like____. Green can give you _______, as it is the colour of ________ and ______________. However, it is also the colour of ______, so you may say someone is ___________. tired or weak energetic green energy nature represents new life envy green with envy

the colour of heat represent power and strong feelings make it easier to take action

Complete the passage. (Para 5) If you _______ strength in _____ body or _____, red may be of some help to you. Red is the colour of ______. It ______________________ feelings. ________ can also make it ______ to ___________. This may help when you are _________________________. require either mind heat represents power and strong Wearing red easier take action having difficulty making a decision