Staring at women breasts is good for the health of the men and increases your life expectancy. It was what revealed a study carried out by a group of.


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Presentation transcript:

Staring at women breasts is good for the health of the men and increases your life expectancy. It was what revealed a study carried out by a group of German scientists. 凝視著婦女的乳房對男人的健康而言是好的,可增加對生活的期待。一組德國的科學家所做的研究透露出此訊息。

They discovered that staring for 10 minutes a day the breasts of a woman, is as beneficial as a good half an hour of exercises. 他們發現每天凝視婦女的乳房 10 分鐘,和半個小時充份的運動同樣有益。

This study was carried out for 5 years in a group of 200 men This study was carried out for 5 years in a group of 200 men. It showed that all men that saw the breasts for 10 minutes in a daily basis, suffer less cardio-vascular pains, and they had less hypertension than the ones that did not look at breasts every day. 此研究在一個 200 個男人的小組進行 5 年。它證明每天看乳房 10 分鐘的全部男人比每天沒有看乳房的男人,遭受較少的心血管痛苦,並且他們的高血壓也較少。

Dr. Karen Weatherby, whom directed the studies, affirmed that: The sexual arousal enlarges the heart frequency and benefits the circulation. 指導該研究的 Karen Weatherby 博士肯定了:性刺激擴大心臟的頻率而且有益於血液循環。

She also said: “I think that with daily practice, men can increase their life expectancy in at least 5 years. 她也說: “我認為每日實行的話,男人至少能增加他們的估計壽命 5 年。”

As a modern man you should be worried about your health….. 作為一個時髦人士,您應該擔心您的健康。

…are you ready to start therapy? So what do you say… 如此您認為怎麼樣 …are you ready to start therapy? 您準備好開始療法了嗎?

Keep up your good health, 保持您的身體健康, and share this recipe with your friends! 並且與您的朋友分享這份秘訣!