浅谈高中英语阅读教学中的问题设计 浙江省临安中学 方利春.


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Presentation transcript:

浅谈高中英语阅读教学中的问题设计 浙江省临安中学 方利春

高中英语阅读教学中问题设计的作用 1.有思维含量的问题设计能激发思考,调动学生思维的积极性。 2. 多层次,多角度的问题设计可以引导学生进行自主学习与探索,并在探索中获得知识与对文本深层次的理解。 3.让学生在课堂上有机会体验真正开放性的,富有深度思维层次的阅读能力训练。

高中英语阅读教学中问题设计的依据 1. 问题设计应紧扣教学目标 2. 问题设计要关注文本的体裁和内容。 3. 问题设计应高度关注学生的思维品质。。 4. 问题设计要针对学生的学情。

高中英语阅读教学问题设计的策略 1. 结合文本信息,联系学生实际,引导学生有效预测。 2. 结合文本特征,把握语段主题,增强学生语篇意识。 3. 有机利用细节,联系上下语境,提高学生猜词能力。 4. 根据行文逻辑,整合文本内容,指导学生合理推断。 5. 挖掘隐形资源,拓展文本信息,提升学生文化意识。 6. 找准问题切口,引导学生感悟,提高语言表达能力。

结合文本信息,联系学生实际, 引导学生有效预测。 在高中英语阅读教学中,教师首先要分析文本与学生直接的交点,设计的问题能够营造良好的课堂情境,既保证问题能够切中文本内容,又能激发学生的阅读激情与思维活动,让学生在“迫不及待”的阅读欲望中对文本进行各种预测与猜想,为有效阅读奠定坚实的基础。

结合文本信息,联系学生实际, 引导学生有效预测。 预测:学生在阅读前和阅读中对文章可能讨论的问题进行的猜测。要求学生激活头脑中原有的背景知识、阅读已获得的信息,并用它们进行信息交互,深入思考,预测下文的信息和问题。 操作:在读前,让学生观察插图,看文章的标题,课文的出处、写作时间,开头和结尾,并根据获得的信息预测课文内容体裁,作者的语气态度等。

An Interview 激活原有的背景知识 Predict: What will they talk about? Pausanias Li Yan Ancient Olympics Modern Olympics

激活原有的背景知识 Step1:Work in groups of four and write down at least 6 questions that you think Pausanias may ask LiYan about the modern Olympics. Step 2 Check your questions with the Pausanias’ Questions on Page 10 to see if you got the same or similar questions.

English around the world 让学生读文章的标题,并通过对文章标题的设问,引导学生对课文内容有一定的预测,为全面阅读与把握全文打下了基础。 Read the title “The Road to Modern English” and predict: 1. What will be mentioned in the passage, the English spoken in ancient times , the modern English, or the both? 2. Can you guess the meaning “road” in the title “The Road to Modern English”?

The Road to Modern English ? development The ___________of Modern English How modern English was born. How modern English came into being.

When do you think the earth didn’t go to sleep? What do you think will be the reason for its not sleeping in this passage? 3. So what do you think this passage will write about the earthquake?

课文插图 Unit 4 Sharing

a hilly/ mountainous country Look at the photos 1-10 and try to picture the places the writer talks about. imagine a hilly/ mountainous country remote villages have no easy access to… in terrible conditions PNG is a poor country

找准问题切口,引导学生感悟,提高语言表达能力 阅读作为一种基本的语言输入方式,其最终目的是为了语言的输出。为此,教师在指导学生阅读过程中需要侧重检查阅读效果以及所学语言的巩固和运用,使学生能在阅读基础上将阅读材料相关的内容、观点和所学语言知识结合起来,进行语言输出。 在学生语言输出活动的过程中,教师在教学中找准问题切口,充分尊重学生的独特见解和体验,鼓励其自由地、个性化的感悟文本,这是凸现学生主体性、培养学生批判性思维和提高学生语言表达能力的重要策略。

Come and eat here …Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. … Do you think the discount and new sign are good ideas to win his customers back? Why do you think so? 2. Can you think of any better ideas to help Wang Peng?

A Pioneer for All People Father of Hybrid Rice

pioneer? In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields. for all people? These increased harvests mean that 22% of the world's people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China. Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. Yuan has another dream: to export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.

YuanLongping won the title of Pioneer Scientist in Mexico in 1997. Suppose you were Yuan Longping at the awarding ceremony, you were expected to say something after receiving the prize. a pioneer dream of devote … to finding increase … without expanding rid … of hunger care little/much about be satisfied with


问题设计在教学实践中需要注意的几个问题 1. 要把握好提问的角度。既要能够体现教师教学的特点,也要能够发挥学生的主体。 2. 课堂提问一定要为学生留下足够的思维时间,如果学生难以得出答案还要适度加以问题引导。 3. 把握好问题设计的层次和梯度。 4. 教师自身对文本的理解要到位,并尝试从不同角度对文本解读并进行问题设计。