Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (1)


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Presentation transcript:

Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (1) they made you be born in a manger. Sweet little Holy Child, didn’t know who you were. Didn’t know you’d come to save us, Lord, to take our sins away; 親愛的小小耶穌 他們讓你誕生在馬槽中 親愛的聖嬰孩,他們不知道你是誰 主啊, 我們不知道你是來拯救我們 除去我們的罪 Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (1)

Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (2) Our eyes were blind, we couldn’t see, we didn’t know who you were. Long time ago you were born. Born in a manger low, sweet little Jesus Boy. The world treats you mean, Lord, treats me mean, too. 我們曾瞎了眼,看不見,也不知你是誰 許久以前你誕生在卑微馬槽 世人惡待了你,他們也對我無義 Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (2)

Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (3) But that’s how things are down here, we don’t know who you are. You have told us how; We are atrying. Master, you have shown us how even when you were dying. Just seems like we can’t do right, look how we treated you. 但世事本是如此,因我們不認識你 主啊,你已告訴我們 甚至當你死在十架上時, 你向我們顯明 我們努力掙扎,卻不知如何行義 看我們竟如此待你 Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (3)

Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (4) But please, Sir, forgive us, Lord, we didn’t know it was you. Sweet little Jesus Boy, born long time ago; Sweet little Holy child, and we didn’t know who you were. 但主啊,求你赦免我們 我們本不知那就是你 許久以前,親愛的小小耶穌誕生 親愛的聖嬰孩,我們本不知你是誰 Sweet Little Jesus Boy 親愛耶穌 (4)