Patent Application The 15th of every month Form When to Provide Provider Form A Inventor(s) initiate an invention Inventor(s) Form B Sponsor forward the relevant materials to TSMC patent office for review TSMC Sponsor Form C Inventor(s) present the invention to the reviewers(TSMC domain experts) Invention has been accepted after review and TSMC patent office requests executed disclosure from the inventor(s)
Title of Invention Attachment A *Project Name (專案名稱): *University (學校名稱): *Department (學校系所): *PI (計劃主持人): *Co-PI (共同計劃主持人): * Inventor(s) information: name/email/contact Tel (發明人資訊)
Background General Purpose of this invention Background and Problems Faced by Old Methods or Products 簡述此發明所運用之領域 簡述先前技術所遇到之問題, 或缺點
Description of Old Methods or Products 詳述先前技術之方法或元件,所遇到之問題或缺點. 最好以圖示表示,並標明各個元件名稱. 若無圖示表示, 請用文字簡要敘述
Summary of this invention Points of the invention thought to be novel Advantages of this invention 發明摘要, 簡述達成此發明所需之必要步驟,元件或方法, 發明的特徵. 可省略或次要之元件,及跳步之步驟可不寫入. 請將發明優點寫於下個段落 列出本發明有何優點
Detailed Description of This Invention 請將本發明的具體實施方法或元件, 寫於此段落. 請務必以圖示(product cross section, flow chart等方式), 配合簡略文字說明. 若有多種示例, 請標明embodiment 1, embodiment 2…. 請將關鍵元件或步驟的形成方法, 條件, 材料,尺寸,目的等, 詳列清楚 一般習知步驟, 簡述達成方法或元件即可. 若是整個發明案相當簡單, 則建議一般習知步驟還是詳細列出較佳
Comparison of related arts with This Invention 表列先前技術與本發明之不同, 如步驟上, 元件上, 結構上, 材料上, 製程條件上…. 表列先前技術之缺點.如功能上, 操作上, 複雜性上…. 請提供patent number, paper出處 [註]本比較說明僅就身邊現有資訊提供,無需做前案搜尋
TSMC sponsor needs to provide the following information: Attachment B TSMC sponsor needs to provide the following information: *Contract Name(合約名稱): *Contract Number(合約編號): *Assignee/tsmc solely-owned or co-owned: (本發明屬於台積或台積與學校共有): *TSMC Sponsor/employee no.(台積計劃負責人/工號):
Attachment C *Inventor Name (Chinese/English full legal name) (發明人姓名中英文) *Nationality (國籍) *ID No. (身份證號) *Residence Address (Chinese/English) (居住地中英文) *Email Address(個人電子郵件信箱) *Permanent Phone No. (永久聯絡電話)