Yeshua 耶穌.


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Presentation transcript:

Yeshua 耶穌

Yeshua, The Son of the living God Yeshua, The Prince of Peace Yeshua, King of Israel Yeshua,以色列的君王 Yeshua, The Prince of Peace Yeshua,你是平安之子 Yeshua, Hamashiach Yeshua,弥赛亚 Yeshua 耶穌 2/8

All My life, I’ll look to the Cross 我一生仰望十字架 Son of God, He shed His precious blood 神愛子 為我流寶血 He borne my sins, bruised for my iniquity 過犯罪孽 祂為我擔當 By His stripes, I am healed 祂受鞭傷 我得醫治 Yeshua 耶穌 3/8

Yeshua my only salvation Yeshua, Adonai

Yeshua, The Son of living God Yeshua, The Prince of Peace Yeshua, King of Israel Yeshua,你是平安之子 Yeshua, The Prince of Peace Yeshua,弥赛亚 Yeshua, Hamashiach Yeshua 耶穌 5/8

All My life, I’ll look to the Cross By His stripes, I am healed 我一生仰望十字架 All My life, I’ll look to the Cross 神愛子 為我流寶血 Son of God, He shed His precious blood 過犯罪孽 祂為我擔當 He borne my sins, bruised for my iniquity 祂受鞭傷 我得醫治 By His stripes, I am healed Yeshua 耶穌 6/8

Yeshua, my only salvation Yeshua, Adonai

Rach Ata, Rach Ata, Yeshua Rach Ata, Yeshua, Rach Ata Only You Yeshua (3x) Only You 唯有祢, 耶穌 (Rach Ata 希伯來話意思是 : 唯有祢 ,Only You) Yeshua 耶穌 8/8