The Dragon Boat Festival


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Presentation transcript:

The Dragon Boat Festival 模板来自于 英教2班 王笑然 20130105102015

Holiday nickname(节日别称) Brief Introduction Holiday nickname(节日别称) Activities Related Proverbs(谚语) 模板来自于 The Origin

Brief Introduction 模板来自于 1.The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 2. On May 20, 2006, The Dragon Boat Festival was included in the first list of the national cultural heritage (国家文化遗产).

Holiday nickname(节日别称) Brief Introduction Holiday nickname(节日别称) Activities Related Proverbs(谚语) 模板来自于 3. On September 30, 2009,The Dragon Boat Festival was included in the list of world cultural heritage . The Origin

more popularity and significance. 4. In 2008, the Dragon Boat Festival was officially listed in the national holiday. The Dragon Boat Festival has been enjoying more popularity and significance. 12.05.2019

Holiday nickname(节日别称) 据统计端午节的名称在我国所有传统节日中叫法最多,达 二十多个,堪称节日别名之最。如有端五节、端阳节、重 五节、重午节、天中节、夏节、五月节、解粽节、蒲节、 龙舟节、浴兰节、屈原日、浴兰节、午日节、女儿节、地 腊节、诗人节、龙日、午日、灯节等等。

The Origin Today several explanations exist concerning its origin.However,the most popular one relates to the suicide of Qu Yuan, an upright poet and statesman of the Warring States Period. He drowned himself in the Miluo River,which is said to be the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.

端午节的其他起源:1.纪念孝女曹娥 曹娥是东汉上虞人,父亲溺于江中,数日不见尸体,当时孝女曹娥年仅十四岁,昼夜沿江号哭。过了十七天,在五月五日也投江 In the eastern han dynasty, Cao E's father drowned in a river.A few days later,people can not found the corpse. Cao E was only fourteen years old at that time.She cried day and night along the river. After 17 days, she also cast into river on May 5.

端午节的其他起源 2.纪念伍子胥 春秋时吴国忠臣伍子胥含冤而死之后,化为涛神, 世人哀而祭之,故有端午节。 12.05.2019

Activities 1.Hang ay tsao (挂艾草)艾草代表招百福,是一种可以治病的药草, 插在门口,可使身体健康。 2.Dragon boat racing (赛龙舟)

4. Drink realgar wine (饮雄黄酒) 5. 吃五黄 3. Making Zongzi 4. Drink realgar wine (饮雄黄酒) 5. 吃五黄 江浙一带有端午节吃“五黄”的习俗。五黄指黄瓜、黄鳝、黄鱼、咸鸭蛋黄、雄黄酒。此外浙北端午节还吃豆腐。 12.05.2019

一直到今天,每年农历五月初,中国百姓家家都要浸糯米、洗粽叶、 包粽子,其花色品种更为繁多。从馅料看,北方多包小枣的北京枣粽 ;南方则有豆沙、鲜肉、八宝、火腿、蛋黄等多种馅料,其中以浙江 嘉兴粽子为代表。吃粽子的风俗,千百年来,在中国盛行不衰,而且 流传到朝鲜、日本及东南亚诸国。 Until today, Chinese people like to make Zongzi. Its breed of design and color is more numerous. In the north,people like to put dates(枣) into Zongzi. In the South, there are all kinds of fillings(馅料)。For example,fresh meat, sausage, egg yolk, and it is represented by zhejiang jiaxing zongzi. The custom of eating zongzi has spread to Korea, Japan and southeast Asian countries. 12.05.2019


Related proverbs (谚语) 1.清明插柳,端午插艾。(北方) 2.端午不戴艾,死去变妖怪 。(西北) 3. 午时水饮一嘴,较好补药吃三年 。(山东) 4.未吃端午粽,寒衣不可送;吃了端午粽,还要冻三冻。 (宝山) 5.端午节,天气热;五毒醒,不安宁。 (江浙)
