主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前 在感覺或思想無你的事物。 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live


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Presentation transcript:

主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前 在感覺或思想無你的事物。 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live [1/8] Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live 在感覺或思想無你的事物。 When loving or seeking what with Thee doth part.

Lord, still all my sighing and wipe every tear. [2/8] 主,擦乾我眼淚,平靜我歎息。 Each moment, each day, Lord, still all my sighing and wipe every tear.

Nor seek any pleasure that’s other than Thee. [3/8] 不讓我憑自己去單獨選擇! Nor seek any pleasure that’s other than Thee.

Then whispering call me and open my ear. [4/8] 求你來低聲喚,將我耳開通。 Then whispering call me and open my ear.

And how great salvation that Thou hast made mine. [5/8] 和祂的大救恩,無一不我屬。 And how great salvation that Thou hast made mine.

Withdraw not Thy presence, O hide not Thy face. [6/8] 別收回你同在,使我感不寧。 Withdraw not Thy presence, O hide not Thy face.

My only joy there, Lord, Thy presence will be. [7/8] 我那日所快樂只有你同在。 My only joy there, Lord, Thy presence will be.

When loving or seeking what with Thee doth part. [8/8] 在感覺、或思想無你的事物。 When loving or seeking what with Thee doth part.