感謝神賜我救贖主 感謝神豐富預備! 感謝神常與我同在 感謝神一切恩惠!


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Presentation transcript:

感謝神賜我救贖主 感謝神豐富預備! 感謝神常與我同在 感謝神一切恩惠! #81 感謝神 Thanks to God 感謝神賜我救贖主 感謝神豐富預備! 感謝神常與我同在 感謝神一切恩惠! Thanks to God for my redeemer, Thanks for all Thou dost provide! Thanks for time now, but a memory, Thanks for Jesus by my side!

Thanks for tears by now forgotten, Thanks for peace within my soul! #81感謝神Thanks to God 感謝神賜溫暖春天 感謝神淒涼秋景! 感謝神 抹乾我眼淚 感謝神 賜我安寧﹗ Thanks for pleasant balmy spring time, Thanks for dark and dreary fall! Thanks for tears by now forgotten, Thanks for peace within my soul!

感謝神禱告蒙應允 感謝神禱告不聽! 感謝神我曾經風暴 感謝神豐富供應! #81-2 感謝神 Thanks to God 感謝神禱告蒙應允 感謝神禱告不聽! 感謝神我曾經風暴 感謝神豐富供應! Thanks for prayers that thou hast answered, Thank for what thou dost deny! Thanks for storm that I have weathered, Thanks for all thou dost supply!

感謝神賜我苦與樂 感謝神賜我安慰! 感謝神 賜無限恩典 感謝神無比大愛﹗ Thanks for pain the thanks for pleasure, Thanks for comfort in despair Thanks for grace that none can measure, Thanks for love beyond compare!

#81-3 感謝神賜路旁玫瑰 感謝神玫瑰有刺! 感謝神賜家庭溫暖 感謝神賜我福氣! Thanks for roses by the wayside, Thanks for thorns their stems contain! Thanks for home and thanks for fireside, Thanks for hope that sweet refrains!

感謝神賜喜樂憂愁 感謝神賜我平安! 感謝神 賜明天盼望 感謝神 直到永遠﹗阿門。 Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow, Thanks for heavenly peace with thee! Thanks for hope in the tomorrow, thanks through all eternity! Amen.

感謝神賜我苦與樂感謝神賜我安慰! 感謝神 賜無限恩典感謝神無比大愛﹗

#81-3 感謝神賜路旁玫瑰感謝神玫瑰有刺! 感謝神賜家庭溫暖感謝神賜我福氣! Thanks for roses by the wayside, Thanks for thorns their stems contain! Thanks for home and thanks for fireside, Thanks for hope that sweet refrains!