The University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme


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Presentation transcript:

The University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme 香港大學民意研究計劃 The University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme Opinion Survey on the Public Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2012 Presentation of Findings 12 July 2012

Background Commissioned by Media Education Info-tech Co. Ltd. (MEIT, which owns “”) since 2001, this is the 12th survey in the row. Key objective is to gauge the general public’s perception of eight institutions of higher education funded through University Grants Committee (UGC) plus Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Open University of Hong Kong, as well as their opinions on qualities of university students. The survey questionnaire was designed by HKU POP after consulting MEIT. Fieldwork and data analysis conducted independently by POP, but final rankings wholly or partly based on perception figures are compiled independently by MEIT. 各位新聞界o既朋友大家好: 首先十分多謝各位出席我們“簡栢家居生活質素指標” o既調查結果發布會。 我想首先簡介一下今次調查o既背景同我地煤氣公司的角色: 今次嘅調查係我地煤氣公司旗下的一個爐具品牌SIMPA(簡栢)委託香港大學民意調查中心進行o既。整個問卷o既設計係由港大與我地傾過之後得出o既,而有關指標同問卷的統計方法同埋數據分析,就係由Dr. Chung 既team 獨立負責。

Contact Information Date of survey: May 25 – 31, 2012 Target population: Cantonese-speaking population of Hong Kong of age 18 or above Survey method: Telephone survey with interviewers Sample size: 1,203 successful cases Response rate: 62.6% Sampling error: Less than 1.4% Weighting method: Data adjusted according to the gender-age distribution of HK population at the 2011 year-end

Public Ratings of Universities Q1 * 94% 94% 90% 92% 89% 87% 81% 83% 80% 80% * Recognition rate = No. of raters/total sample # Newly added in 2011 survey Valid samples (2012):961-1,134 ^ Changes being statistically significant at 95% confidence level.

Public Ratings of University Heads Q1 * 84% 84% 52% 50% 48% 64% 51% 45% 43% 41% Recognition rate = No. of raters/total sample Valid samples (2012):496 – 1,015 ^ Changes being statistically significant at 95% confidence level.

Perceived Deficiencies of University Students Q1 Work Attitude Social / interpersonal Skills Conduct and honesty Critical thinking and problem- solving ability Global prospect / foresight Commitment to society Independence Communication Skills^ ^ Changes being statistically significant at 95% confidence level. Total samples (2012):1,203 Note: top 8 responses are shown here.

Overseas universities Most Preferred University Graduates [Only for respondents involved in recruiting new staff; base = 240] Q1 HKU CUHK PolyU HKUST HKIEd CityU HKSYU HKBU LU Overseas universities Others No preference Don’t know Won’t employ Sampling error at 95% confidence level: +/-6.5%

Reasons for Graduate Preferences [Only for respondents involved in recruiting new staff and with preferences on university graduates] Q1 Good performance of previous graduates Good knowledge in job-related areas Reputation Good work attitude Diligent / motivated Alumni Good language ability Good academic ability Good moral character Valid samples (2012): 164 Sampling error at 95% confidence level: +/-7.3% Note: top 9 responses are shown here.

Public Ratings of Universities

Most Preferred University Graduates

Notes of Caution Findings only reflect general public perception of the ten institutions and their leaders, they are not results of objective appraisals or professional assessments. Absolute ratings (i.e. 0-10) are used in the key questions, they are methodologically more powerful than relative rankings, because the score received by each institution in any one year is independent of the scores of other institutions, or its own score in another years. Sequence of prompting respondents with the name of ten institutions was randomly rotated to avoid possible bias. All respondents have been told at the beginning of the interview that POP was an independent research body. 各位新聞界o既朋友大家好: 首先十分多謝各位出席我們“簡栢家居生活質素指標” o既調查結果發布會。 我想首先簡介一下今次調查o既背景同我地煤氣公司的角色: 今次嘅調查係我地煤氣公司旗下的一個爐具品牌SIMPA(簡栢)委託香港大學民意調查中心進行o既。整個問卷o既設計係由港大與我地傾過之後得出o既,而有關指標同問卷的統計方法同埋數據分析,就係由Dr. Chung 既team 獨立負責。