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Presentation transcript:


6、作补足语(它与“使役动词”有关)[注意make, let, have要求的不定式作的宾补其标志“to”要省去]) Solar(太阳的) cells(电池) enable(使能) the power(电力) to be obtained(获得) from the sun. Metals(金属) are considered(认为) to be good conductors(导体). The presence(存在) of the gravitational(重力的) field(场) of the sun causes(引起) light rays(射线) to be bent(使弯曲). What makes a chemical(化学的) reaction(反应) happen(发生)?

Let x be equal(相等的) to 1. To have the frequency(频率) increase(增加), either L or C or both must decrease(降低) in value(值). Computers help us (to) manage(管理) factories. 7、某些固定短语作插入语,有逗号分开(to begin with“首先”;to sum up/to summarize“总之”;to be exact“精确地说”;to be specific“具体地说”等等) To be exact, current(电流) in a wire(导线) is the flow(流动) of electrons(电子).

8、“there be(存在;有)”句型的不定式(这是一个难点) Now we assume(假设) there to be just(仅) two variables(变量) in the function(函数). [≈ … assume that there are just two variables in the function] When one of the two charged(带电的) bodied(物体) has a polarity(极性) opposite(相反的) to the other, there is said to be a difference(差) of potential(电位) between them. […, it is said that there is a difference of potential between them.]

我们已经学习了不定式的所有功能,下面做一点综合练习(找出不定式,说明其功能): 1 我们已经学习了不定式的所有功能,下面做一点综合练习(找出不定式,说明其功能): 1 . The only way(方法) to do this is have either V1 or V2 equal(等于) zero(零). 2. We consider it possible(可能的) to obtain(获得) electricity(电) by friction(摩擦). 3. Molecules(分子) are too small to be seen through(通过) the best microscope(显微镜). 4. The crate(柳条箱) is to slide down(下滑) at constant speed(恒速).

5. In order to condense(凝结), the droplets(小水滴) need centers(中心) of some sort(种) around which to form(形成). 6. This ability(能力) of digital(数字的) computers has made it possible to use them as parts(部件) of control systems(控制系统).