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Presentation transcript:

1/30 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives) I know how to say “Not even one!” in Chinese: Ex: 一个也没有 or 一个都没有 I can use Resultative Complements to denote the result of an action. Ex: 功课做完了。(The homework is finished.) Quiz: 我刚才去学校餐厅了。I just went to the school cafeteria. Wǒ gāngcái qù xué xiào cān tīng le

饭 饺 饮 饿 馆 食 部首 Radical fàn jiǎo yǐn è guǎn 餐 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC3pLBk5fNE

Wǒ gāngcái qù xué xiào cān tīng le A: 我刚才去学校餐厅了。 1/30 小考 (Quiz) Nǐ gāngcái qù nǎ er le Q: 你刚才去哪儿了? Where did you go ( a moment ago)? Wǒ gāngcái qù xué xiào cān tīng le A: 我刚才去学校餐厅了。 I just went to the school cafeteria.

Q:老师刚才说了什么? A:对不起,我没听清楚。 1/31 小考 (Quiz) Lǎoshī gāng cái shuō le shénme What did the teacher just say? A:对不起,我没听清楚。 Duìbùqǐ, wǒ méi tīng qīngchǔ Sorry, I didn’t hear clearly.

前天昨天 今天 明天 后天 今天是几月几日星期几? What date is today? 一月 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 前天昨天 今天 明天 后天

Dì kè: Chī Fàn 第十二课:吃饭 Lesson Twelve: Dining

Duì huà yī Zài wài miàn chī fàn 对话一:在外面吃饭 Dining Out

Duì huà èr Zài xuéxiào cāntīng chīfàn 对话二:在学校餐厅吃饭 Eating in A Cafeteria

In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to Dì kè: Chī Fàn 第十二课:吃饭 Lesson Twelve: Dining LEARNING OBJECTIVES: In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to Ask if there are seats available in a restaurant; Order Chinese dishes; Tell the waiter your dietary preferences and restrictions; Ask the restaurant to recommend dishes; Rush your order; Pay for your meal; Get the correct change after your payment.

刚 (gāng) vs 刚才 (gāngcái) 好 (hǎo) as a Resultative Complement Dì kè: Chī Fàn 第十二课:吃饭 Lesson Twelve: Dining Forms & Accuracy: Adverb 多/少 (duō/shǎo) + V 刚 (gāng) vs 刚才 (gāngcái) 好 (hǎo) as a Resultative Complement Resultative Complements(I) 一...也/都...不/没... (yì...yě/dōu...bù/méi) The Verb 来 (lái) . Reduplication of Adjectives

多/少 dūo/shǎo (adverbs) Used before verbs to express the idea of doing something “more” or “less.” 多喝水,少喝可乐。Drink more water and drink less cola. duō hē shuǐ shǎo hē kělè 多看书,少看电视。Read more books and watch less TV. duō kànshū shǎo kàn diànshì Textbook page 39, 46 resultative complement list https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Resultative+complement&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

请放多一点儿糖! 糖,请多放一点儿! 少 Qǐng fàng duō yī diǎnr táng put Táng, qǐng duō fàng yī diǎnr 糖,请多放一点儿! shǎo 少

多/少 dūo/shǎo (adverbs) Used before verbs to denote a deviation from the correct amount or number 妈妈多给了我十块钱。 Māmā duō gěi le wǒ shí kuài qián. Mom gave me ten dollars more. 服务员少给了我一盘菜。 Fúwùyuán shǎo gěi le wǒ yī pán cài. The waiter gave me a dish less . Textbook page 39, 46 resultative complement list https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Resultative+complement&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

刚 gāng (just) Adverb It denotes that the action or change in situation took place in the most recent past. 妹妹刚一岁。 My sister just turned one year old. Mèimei gāng yī suì 他刚从中国来。 He just came from China. Tā gāng cóng zhōngguó lái 爸爸刚走了两天。 Dad left only two days ago. Bàba gāng zǒu le liǎng tiān

Duìbùqǐ, jiǎozi gāng mài wán A: 对不起,饺子刚卖完。 刚 gāng (just) Adverb It denotes that the action or change in situation took place in the most recent past. Fúwùyuán, qǐng gěi wǒ yī pán jiǎozi Q: 服务员,请给我一盘饺子。 Duìbùqǐ, jiǎozi gāng mài wán A: 对不起,饺子刚卖完。

刚才 gāngcái (a moment ago) noun Refers to the time shortly before the act of speaking. Nǐ gāngcái qù nǎ‘er le Q: 你刚才去哪儿了? Where did you just go? Wǒ gāngcái qù túshūguǎn le A: 我刚才去图书馆了。 I just went to the library. Nǐ gāngcái wèishéme bù shuō Q: 你刚才为什么不说? Why didn’t you say it a moment ago? Wǒ gāngcái bù xiǎng shuō A: 我刚才不想说。 I didn't want to say it earlier.

刚才 gāngcái (a moment ago) noun Refers to the time shortly before the act of speaking. Gāngcái wǒ hěn gāoxìng 刚才我很高兴。 I was happy a moment ago. Xiànzài wǒ bù gāoxìng le 现在我不高兴了。 Now I am not happy.

刚才 gāngcái (a moment ago) noun Refers to the time shortly before the act of speaking. Gāngcái xiǎng 刚才我不想吃饭。 I didn’t want eat a moment ago. Xiànzài xiǎng le 现在我想吃饭了。 Now I want to eat.

了 le (sentence-final particle) to indicates a change of status or the realization of a new situation. Gāngcái shì qíngtiān 刚才是晴天。 It was sunny a moment ago. Xiànzài xiàyǔ le 现在下雨了。 It is raining now.

一个也/都没 Not Even One! 妈妈今天早上一杯咖啡也没喝。 Māmā jīntiān zǎoshang yībēi kāfēi yě méi hē Mom didn’t even drink a cup of coffee this morning. 我今年一个电影都没看。 Wǒ jīnnián yīgè diànyǐng dū méi kàn. I haven’t even seen a movie this year. Textbook page 37-38 resultative complement list https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Resultative+complement&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

一点儿也/都不 Not even a little bit! 这个秋天一点儿也不冷。 Zhège qiūtiān yīdiǎn er yě bù lěng This autumn is not cold at all. 弟弟一个字也不会写。 Dìdì yīgè zì yě bù huì xiě. My younger brother can’t even write a character. Textbook page 37-38 HSK 3 Intermediate Chinese Grammar 3.1.2 “Not at all” with “一个都/也不” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCthXmtPrOw resultative complement list learn chinese Complement of Result https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Resultative+complement&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE0769ZO7FU Resultative Complements I

好 hǎo (good--> done) as a Resultative Complement to indicate the completion of an action. It often indicates readiness to start the next action or event. 饭做好了。 The meal is ready/done. Fàn zuò hǎo le 作业写好了。 The homework is done. Zuòyè xiě hǎo le 东西准备好了。 Dōngxī zhǔnbèi hǎo le The things are ready. / The preparation of the things is done.

好 hǎo (good--> done) as a Resultative Complement to indicate the completion of an action. It often indicates readiness to start the next action or event. Q: ___做好了吗? (Done?) A: ___做好了。/ 还没。(Done. / Not yet.) Q: ___写好了吗? (Done writing?) Q: ___准备好了吗? (Ready?) Zhǔnbèi 教科书 43-44 页, 46页

完 wán (finished) as a Resultative Complement Q:做完了吗? (finished?) Zuò wán le ma Q:写完了吗? (finished writing?) Xiě wán le ma Q:卖完了吗? (sold out?) Mài wánliǎo ma 教科书 43-44 页, 46页

结果补语 Jéi Guǒ Bǔ Yǔ Resultative Complement 做完了。 (It’s Done.) 写完了。 (Finished writing.) 听到了。 (Heard it.) 听懂了。 (Heard and understand.) 看见了。 (Look and see it.)

你钱准备够了吗? (Have you prepared enough money?) 够 gòu (enough)、错 cuò (wrong)、清楚 qīngchǔ (clear) as a Resultative Complement Nǐ qián zhǔnbèi gòu le ma 你钱准备够了吗? (Have you prepared enough money?) Nǐ zhè ge zì xiě cuò le 你这个字写错了。 You wrote the word wrong. Nǐ tīng qīngchǔ le ma 你听清楚了吗? Did you hear clearly?

够 gòu (enough) as a Resultative Complement Nǐ qián zhǔnbèi gòu le ma 你钱准备够了吗? Have you prepared enough money? shuō gòu 妈妈,你说够了吗?

错 cuò (wrong) as a Resultative Complement Nǐ zhè ge zì xiě cuò le 你这个字写错了。 You wrote the word wrong. Lǎoshī nín tīng cuò le 老师您听错了。 Teacher, you heard it wrong. Duìbùqǐ, wǒ kàn cuò le 对不起,我看错了。 Sorry, I misread/didn’t look right. Fúwùyuán qián zhǎo cuòle 服务员钱找错了。 The server gave incorrect change.

清楚 qīngchǔ (clear; clearly) as a Resultative Complement Nǐ tīng qīngchǔ le ma Q:你听清楚了吗? (Did you hear clearly?) A:我听清楚了/听不清楚。 Yanni or Laurel?

清楚 qīngchǔ (clear; clearly) as a Resultative Complement Nǐ tīng qīngchǔ le ma Q:你听清楚了吗? Did you hear clearly? A:我听清楚了/听不清楚。I heard it clearly/not clearly. 我看 看不清楚。I see/saw it clearly/not clearly. 我说 说不清楚。I said clearly/I can’t say clearly. 我写 写不清楚。I wrote it clearly/can’t write clearly.