Patient Blood Management 病人血液(用血)管理 林啟瑞 2016/11/29
大綱 輸血風險 病人用血管理 長庚用血管理審核系統 林口長庚用血審核狀況 結論
大綱 輸血風險 病人用血管理 長庚用血管理審核系統 林口長庚用血審核狀況 結論
1.輸血風險 2 3 Patient sample 1
血品安全 中華捐血運動協會 捐血者訪視 良心回電 採檢方式-確保無菌 檢驗血品
台灣捐血中心檢驗發展史 核酸擴大檢驗(Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing;NAT)可將B型肝炎的空窗期由56天縮短至36天;C型肝炎可由82天縮短到23天;HIV可由22天縮短至11天
Adverse Effects of RBC Transfusion Contrasted with Other Risks
1.輸血風險 2 3 Patient sample 1
2015 年台灣病人安全通報系統年度報表
2015 年台灣病人安全通報系統年度報表 (N=595)
輸血作業流程 醫師 護理師 病歷 血庫醫檢師 醫師開立醫囑 列印標籤 病人辨識 確認採檢 血袋簽收 輸血辨識 與紀錄 叫血/ 特殊需求 資料來源: 血液管理作業準則 (L03402)、血液及血液製品處置政策與程序(COP.3.3)、輸血委員會組織規程(L00605) 醫師 護理師 病歷 血庫醫檢師 醫師開立醫囑 列印標籤 病人辨識 確認採檢 血袋簽收 輸血辨識 與紀錄 叫血/ 特殊需求 血庫收件 發血 確認領血 輸血反應調查 檢驗血 型、抗體 備血作業 電子病歷 電子病歷 發血作業
Closed Loop Blood Transfusion-HIMSS認證 Blood Collection Electronic Identification System (Miss label detection) Sample Registration (Scan Barcode) Order Check Order Print Barcode Blood Typing Antibody Screening Smart Logic Transfusion Reaction Follow Up Report Barcode Based Information Flow Transfusion Reaction Record Blood Preparation Report Blood Application Blood Transfusion Electronic Identification System (Miss Match detection) Transportation Dispense Cross Matching
指標監控 採檢電子辨識率,目標100% 備血採檢 備血檢體採檢電子辨識 讀取採檢管條碼 讀取採檢人員ID 讀取病人ID(手圈)
輸血作業:輸血辨識 指標監控 輸血電子辨識完成率,目標100% 血袋號碼 輸血者ID 核對者ID 讀取病人ID(手圈) 或手術同意書(限開刀房)
Adverse Effects of RBC Transfusion Contrasted with Other Risks
大綱 輸血風險 病人用血管理 長庚用血管理審核系統 林口長庚用血審核狀況 結論
2.病人用血管理 Patient Blood Management ( PBM) Evidence Base Medicine(實證醫學) 以病人為中心的血液(用血)管理 目標 改進血液安全,降低病人風險與傷害 節約用血相關治療費用 減少不必要的輸血 → 合理輸血 改善患者預後
PBM概念-一體兩面 改善治療效果 增加存活率 減少輸血(不良反應) 降低醫療成本
Evidence Base-1
Mortality rates 18.7% 23.3%
Mortality rates 8.7% 16.1%
Mortality rates 5.7% 13.0%
Evidence Base-2 SAFE:The Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation Study (Australian and New Zealand) 6997 patients who underwent randomization, 3497 were assigned to receive albumin and 3500 to receive saline use of either 4 percent albumin or normal saline for fluid resuscitation results in similar outcomes at 28 days
Patient Blood Management-3 Pillars
AABB Guildline 節錄-Red Blood Cell Transfusion A restrictive RBC transfusion threshold in which the transfusion is not indicated until the hemoglobin level is 7 g/dL is recommended for hospitalized adult patients who are hemodynamically stable, including critically ill patients A restrictive RBC transfusion threshold of 8 g/dL is recommended for patients undergoing orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery, and those with preexisting cardiovascular A restrictive transfusion threshold is safe in most clinical settings and the current blood banking practices of using standard-issue blood should be continued. JAMA. 2016;316(19):2025-2035. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.9185 Published online October 12, 2016.
AABB Guildline 節錄-Platelet Transfusion recommends transfusing hospitalized adult patients with a platelet count of 10 × 109 cells/L or less to reduce the risk for spontaneous bleeding. suggests prophylactic platelet transfusion for patients having elective diagnostic lumbar puncture or major elective nonneuraxial surgery with a platelet count less than 50 × 109 cells/L. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:205-213. doi:10.7326/M14-1589 Published online November 11, 2014.
International Survey
the same set of 6 key questions about their country’s implementation of PBM What are the greatest needs for developing PBM in your specific context? What specific elements of PBM have you implemented and why did you select these? What PBM strategies were too challenging to implement or considered unlikely to produce significant benefit in your context? What data do you have to demonstrate benefits of implementing PBM? What lessons have you learned from developing PBM in your context? What collaborations between countries and regions would be helpful to advance PBM practices?
Author’s conclusions Coordination at the national level is important to ensure valuable administrative support or transfusion professionals in developing and implementing PBM programs. Objectives and design need to be evidence based. A national (or regional) survey is an effective tool for collecting blood utilization and safety data. Collaboration between countries and regions can enhance global adoption of PBM Experiences from developed countries can be helpful to less developed countries in avoiding mistakes as their health care systems advance.
大綱 輸血風險 病人用血管理 長庚用血管理審核系統 林口長庚用血審核狀況 結論
3.長庚用血管理審核系統 呈現七天內檢驗結果 Hb/Hct 執行後續用血審查 PLT PT/APTT ALB 供醫師開單參考 比對叫血前七天內檢驗結果 Hb/Hct PLT PT/APTT ALB
備血醫囑開立-1 1.由醫師依病人狀況,於備血介面勾選血品。
備血醫囑開立-2 2. 勾選血品相對應之適應症後,此記錄將被「用血適應症審核資訊系統」擷取。
備血醫囑開立-3 3.參考資料:輸血適應症參考原則-1
輸血適應症參考原則-5 有HLA-matched LPP需求者,血品必須選擇 I-LPP(照射減白血小版) 兒童(4個月~18歲)定有另外之輸血適應症參考原則
如:“患有癌症 Hb<9g/dL”等含有檢驗值之適應症,電腦比對此病人用血前7天最近一次檢驗值,可初步區分用血適應症檢驗值審查符合性。 用血適應症檢驗值審核資訊系統 此系統已設定針對適應症 如:“患有癌症 Hb<9g/dL”等含有檢驗值之適應症,電腦比對此病人用血前7天最近一次檢驗值,可初步區分用血適應症檢驗值審查符合性。
血庫端後台自動判讀:符合、不符合 事後審查
大綱 輸血風險 病人用血管理 長庚用血管理審核系統 林口長庚用血審核狀況 結論
每月回饋資料給臨床用血醫師 由輸血委員會委員 帶回各專科宣導 合理用血 病人血液管理
用血不符適應症前2大科別 需列席報告 3~6月PC用血適應症不符合率偏高,請重點科帶回宣導, 有顯著成效,PRB與FFP亦有明顯成效 7月份開始,SFP不符合率大幅提高,經了解,主因為臨床醫師以SFP補albumin(針劑缺貨)所致(SFP適應症為albumin<2.5 g/d 排除SFP之不符合data,總不符合率可由3~6月10~22%降至6~7%總不符合率
用血量變化-2015 V.S. 2016 月平均 PRB 下降 2.7%/月(204 Unit),96,900 元 FFP 下降13.2%/月(1017 Unit),305,100 元
美國 N.T 13.95 / mL 台灣 N.T 1.9 /mL 58
The right blood product for the right patient at the right time 5.結論 The right blood product for the right patient at the right time 以實證醫學為基礎與臨床溝通用血 之合適性 No Transfusion, No Transfusion Reaction 強而有力的輸血委員會
電子交叉試驗(Computer Crossmatches) 台灣輸血反應通報系統(Taiwan Haemovigilance System) 還可以精進的 血型/抗體篩檢檢驗,報告自動驗證 電子交叉試驗(Computer Crossmatches) 台灣輸血反應通報系統(Taiwan Haemovigilance System)