Just remember… 要記得....


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Presentation transcript:

Just remember… 要記得...

then how would you know that I am a Healer? If  you never felt pain, then how would you know that I am a  Healer? 如果你從來沒有感覺到疼痛,你怎會知道我是一個治愈?

how would you know that I am a Deliverer? If  you never had to pray, how would you know that I am a  Deliverer? 如果你從未有過祈禱,你如何知道,我會給予?

how could you call yourself an overcome? If  you never had a trial, how could you call yourself an  overcome? 如果你從未嘗試 ,怎麼能要求自己的克服?

If  you never felt sadness, how would you know that I am a  Comforter? 如果你從未感到悲傷, 你如何知道,我是一個安慰?

If you never made a mistake, how would you know that I am a  forgiver? Forgiveness 如果你從未犯錯誤, 你如何知道,我會寬恕?

how would you know that I will answer your questions? If  you knew all, how would you know that I will answer your  questions? 如果你知道一切,如何知道,我將回答您的問題?

If you never were in trouble, how would you know that I will come  to your rescue? 如果你從未有麻煩, 您如何知道我會來拯救你?

If you never were broken, then how would you know that I can make  you whole? 如果您從未被打破,那麼你如何知道,我可以讓你完整?

If you never had a problem, how would you know that I can solve them? 如果你從未有過難題,你如何知道,我可以解決這些問題?

If you never had any suffering, then how would you know what I  went through?  如果你從來沒有任何痛苦,又怎會知道我的經歷?

If you never went through the fire, then how would you become pure? 如果你從未經歷過粹煉,你又如何成為精純的?

how would you appreciate them? If I gave you all things, how would you appreciate  them? 如果我給你所有的事情,你會如何感謝讚賞呢?

If I never corrected you, how would you know that I love you? 如果我從來沒有糾正你,您如何知道我愛你?

then how would you learn to depend on me? If  you had all power, then how would you learn to depend on me? 如果你有一切權力,又怎會學習依靠我?

If your life was perfect, then what would you need me for? 如果您的生活是完美的, 那麼,你需要我嗎?

Happy Easter Day 歡樂復活節