翻譯習作二 指導老師:蔡佩倫老師 班級:應英四C 姓名:陳琬甄 黃致晴 徐建芬 題目: 南亞海嘯
4.一開始, 救難人員看到如此的殘局,都手足無措,不知該從何開始著手
6.小孩們也被嚇的不停發抖 及哭著找他們的爸媽
8.海嘯後, 要找尋失散的親人 就如大海撈針般的難
9.對於失去親人及家園的人來說 都是極度悲痛
10.皇天不負苦心人, 仍有些失散的親人找到自己的家人 10.皇天不負苦心人, 仍有些失散的親人找到自己的家人
11.經過這場災難, 僥倖存活下來的遊客們都歸心似箭
12.受海嘯侵襲的幾個國家都要處理許多棘手的問題,如: 環境, 衛生等等
13.大海嘯後, 當地人們都要盡自己最大努力來重建自己的家園
14.當然,全世界開始募款, 發揮雪中送炭的精神
15.我們祈禱這場災難的罹難者 都能到西方極樂世界
1.南亞海嘯使成千上萬的人命喪黃泉 The South-East Asia Tsunami makes thousands upon thousands of people departed to the world of shadow. P62 p21
2.這個消息讓我嚇出了一身冷汗 I was extremely terrified by this news. p79
3.大海嘯如排山倒海的吞食整個馬爾地夫 Tsunami likes a great in momentum and irresistible to devour all of Divehi. p68
4.一開始, 救難人員看到如此的殘局,都手足無措,不知該從何開始著手 At first, they were on tenterhooks when those lifesavers saw the horrible situation, and they didn’t know where to start. p45
5.而生還者都被嚇的魂不附體 p34 The survivors were frightened out of their wits. The survivors were nearly gave up the ghost. p34
6.小孩們也被嚇的不停發抖及哭著找他們的爸媽 Children shook and trembled with fear, and they were crying to look for their parents. p90
7.那些趁火打劫的人真是無法無天 A person who plundering a burning house is such wicked crimes outside! p37
8.海嘯後, 要找尋失散的親人就如大海撈針般的難 After tsunami, it’s just like looking for a needle in a bundle of hay, if people want to find their lost relatives. p62
9.對於失去親人及家園的人來說都是極度悲痛 p74 People ate their heart out when they lost their children and home. p74
10.皇天不負苦心人, 仍有些失散的親人找到自己的家人 10.皇天不負苦心人, 仍有些失散的親人找到自己的家人 Everything comes to him who waits, some people found their lost relatives finally. p63
11.經過這場災難, 僥倖存活下來的遊客們都歸心似箭 Come through this disaster, the visitors survived by the skin of their teeth, and all of them were very anxious to return home. p69 p68
12.受海嘯侵襲的幾個國家都要處理許多棘手的問題,如: 環境, 衛生等等 There are several implicated countries have many hot potatoes to handle, such as, environments, sanitation and so on. p73
13.大海嘯後, 當地人們都要盡自己最大努力來重建自己的家園 After the tsunami, residents would break their neck to reconstruct their own family. p77
14.當然,全世界開始募款, 發揮雪中送炭的精神 Of course, people from all over the world started to donate their money and offering timely help. p81
15.我們祈禱這場災難的罹難者 都能到西方極樂世界 We’ll prey all victims of the disaster could go to Nirvana. p22