Mom, This is my teacher.(介绍某人用语) 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you! 欢迎到中国来


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Presentation transcript:

Mom, This is my teacher.(介绍某人用语) 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you! 欢迎到中国来 七年级上册复习 Unit1 Topic 1 你是Jane 吗? Are you Jane? 妈妈,这是我的教师 Mom, This is my teacher.(介绍某人用语) 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you! 欢迎到中国来 Welcome to China.

你好!(第一次见面) How do you do? 你好吗? How are you? 我很好!谢谢!你呢? I’m fine. Thank you! And you ? 再见!/回头见! See you! Goodbye! Bye!/ See you later!

句子复习 Topic2 你从哪里来? Where are you from? / Where do you come from? 她从哪里来?  Where is she from?/Where does she come from? 他从哪里来?  Where is he from?/Where does he come from? 他们从哪里来?  Where are they from?/ Where do they come from? 我从加拿大来。  I am from Canada./I come from Canada.

他来自日本。 He is from Japan./ He comes from Japan. 玛莉亚来自古巴。 Maria is from Cuba./Maria comes from Cuba. 米高来自美国吗?是的,他是。 Is Michael from the U.S.A ? Yes, he is. 简来自英格兰吗?不,她不是。 Is Jane from England? No, she isn’t.

他的电话号码是多少?  What’s his telephone number? 他的电话号码是 6223303.  His telephone number is 6223303. 你叫什么名字?  What’s your name? 她叫什么名字?  What’s her name? 他们叫什么名字? What are their names?

句子复习Topic3 他在哪一个班? What class is he in? 他在七班 He is in Class Seven. 他在七年级九班。  He is in Class Nine, Grade Seven. 这用英语如何表达?(单数)  What’s this in English? 这些用英语如何表达?(复数) What are these in English?

那个用英语怎样说?它是一只苹果。 What is that in English? It’s an apple. 那些用英语怎样说?它们是书本。 What are those in English? They are books. 你怎样拼写这个词? How do spell it ? 你能拼写这个词吗? Can you spell it ,please?

那是谁?那是南希。 Who is that? That is Nancy. 你几岁了?我13岁。 How old are you? I am thirteen years old. 她几岁了?她14岁。 How old is she? She is fourteen .

这是一个苹果?是的,它是。  Is this an apple? Yes, it is. 那是一个桔子吗?不,它不是。  Is that an orange? No, it isn’t. 那些是盒子吗?是,它们是。  Are these boxes? Yes, they are. 那些是铅笔吗?不,它们不是  Are those pencils? No, they aren’t.

这些不是鸡蛋。  These are not eggs. 那些不是公共汽车 Those are not buses. 这些是什么? What are these? 那些是什么? What are those?

句子复习Unit2 Topic1 我长着一个大鼻子。 I have a big nose. 她长着大眼睛。  She has big eyes. 他长着大嘴巴。  He has a wide mouth. 她们长着小耳朵。  They have small ears.

你长着圆脸吗? Do you have a round face? 她长着大脑袋吗?是有,她有。  Does she have a big head? Yes, she does. 他长着长头发吗?不,他没有。 Does he have long hair? No , he doesn’t . 谁是你最喜爱的电影明星? Who is your favorite movie star? 是的。你对了。/不。再猜! Yes. You are right./ No. Guess again!

我们在同一所学校,但在不同的班级。 We are in the same school, but in different grades. 汤姆有一把小刀吗?  Does Tom have a knife? 我长着圆脸、小眼睛、大鼻子和小嘴巴。 I have a round face, small eyes, a big nose and a small mouth.

句子复习Unit 2 Topic2 那个男孩是谁? Who is that boy? 他是我的好朋友,由纪夫。 He is my good friend, Yukio. 但你们看起来一样。 But you look the same. 我俩都长着黑头发和黑眼睛。 We both have black hair and black eyes.

请把这封信递给Maria.  Please give this letter to Maria. 我将把它递给她。  I’ll give it to her. 我不认识她。 I don’t know her. Maria长着棕色的短头发。 Maria has short brown hair.

这件T恤是什么颜色的?  What color is this T-shirt? 它是红色的。  It’s red. 这对鞋子是什么颜色的?  What color are these shoes? 它们是绿色的。 They’re green. 看看这张照片。 Look at this photo.

穿着黄色衣服的女孩是玛莉亚。 The girl in yellow is Maria. 米高戴着一顶黑色的帽子和穿着蓝色的鞋子。 Michael is in a black cap and blue shoes. 穿着一件白色T恤的男孩是康康。 The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang.

他们看起来不同,但他们是好朋友。 They look different, but they are good friends. 他长得怎么样? What does he look like? 他长得高而壮。 He is tall and strong. 这个老人没有长着灰头发。 The old man doesn’t have gray hair.

句子复习Unit 2 Topic 3 这是你的帽子吗? Is this your cap ? 不,这不是我的。 No, it’s not mine. 那么这是谁的帽子? Whose cap is it, then? 是萨莉的。 It’s Sally’s. 这是谁的自行车? Whose bike is this?

这是他的自行车。/这是他的。 It’s his bike. / It’s his. 这件夹克衫是你的吗? Is this jacket yours? 我的在这里。我想这是康康的。 Mine is here. I think it’s Kangkang’s. 我有一位新同学。 I have a new classmate.

我们穿着不同的衣服。 We are in different clothes. 他穿着黑色的衣服。 He is in black clothes. 请帮我们找到他。 Please help us find him.