New week begins!.


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Presentation transcript:

New week begins!

What kind of language are they using? They are using body language. (肢体语言) He means “Yes ” by nodding his head. They mean “ No ” by shaking their heads.

Can you show us the meaning of the words through your body language? rest your head on your hand cheerfully sigh unfriendly confused stare hold up your hands

Body language

What is body language? the gestures (手势,姿势) the expressions on your face

Is body language important in our communication ? Body language is an important method of communication. Students have shown only 7% of the communication in daily life is made in spoken language. Body language can give us an impression of the speaker and show his feelings.

√ √ √ √ √ √ At a travel company. They are Debbie and Simon. bored The girl.

at a travel company Place Characters Simon, Debbie , Mr Yang, a lady Read the introduction, the first two and last two paragraphs and complete the table. A well-dressed lady entered the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to Debbie. Debbie gave her a cheerful greeting. Simon sighed and walked away. Mr Yang came over at once and said, “You made a good impression on her, Simon.” “That was my sister,” said Simon. “She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.” Place Characters at a travel company Simon, Debbie , Mr Yang, a lady

Vocabulary C1 Find words from the story on page 19 that have similar meanings to the words below. well-dressed lady expression appearance holding

Simon Debbie Body language Impression on people He looks down, never smiles and doesn’t turn his head towards people. He doesn’t give people a good impression. She holds her head up, always smiles and looks friendly. She makes people feel welcome.

Reading Task 1 Rest his head on Hold her head up. his hand. Debbie Simon head eyes smile or not Hold her head up. Rest his head on his hand. Look at people’s eyes. Look down. Never smiles. Not turn his head or body towards people. Smiles before speaking to people.

Reading Task 2 Simon is phoning a friend. Complete the speech below with the words in the story. Put one word in each blank.

Skim the whole story and divide it into three parts. Paragraphs ____________ The beginning 1-2 Paragraphs ____________ The middle 3-10 Paragraphs ____________ The ending 11-14

Read the story and complete the table below. Where did the story happen? at ________________________ Who were the main characters in this story? _________ What happened at the beginning of the story? Customers always _____________________. Simon felt very unhappy. What happened in the middle of the story? Mr Yang explained that Debbie’s _________ __________ made people _______________, while Simon didn’t _____________________. Simon _______________ his body language. What happened at the end of the story? When Mr Yang congratulated Simon because he ______________________a female customer, Simon revealed that the girl was _________. a travel company Simon Debbie Mr Yang went to Debbie for help body language feel welcome give people a good impression decided to improve made a good impression on his sister

Put the events of the story in the correct order. Task 3 Put the events of the story in the correct order. 4 a. Mr. Yang said that body language is important. b. The lady walked over to Debbie instead of Simon. c. Simon began to sit up and smile. d. An old lady entered the travel company. e. Simon's sister came to remind him about her birthday. f. Simon went away. g. Mr. Yang said that Simon looked down and never smiled. h.Mr. Yang said Simon made a good impression on the girl. 2 6 1 7 3 5 8

What can you learn from the story? Communicating is more than speaking and listening. Your body language is more important.

Body language

It is the way you communicate. It is the way your stand and sit. Communicating is more than speaking. You don’t give people a good impression. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help. She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.

prefer walking cycling I prefer ______ (步行)to _____ (骑自行车). She prefers to __________.(独自一个人)。 Tom preferred to ___________(玩电脑) ______(而不是) talk with his parents. Kate说她喜欢打电话胜过发邮件。(两种句式) Kate said that 1) _____________________________________ 2) _____________________________________ be alone play on computers rather than she preferred making a phone call to sending an e-mail. she preferred to make a phone call rather than send an e-mail.

“还有;也;以及”,连接两个相同的句子成分。 as well as “还有;也;以及”,连接两个相同的句子成分。 Tom would like a cup of tea as well as a glass of milk. She called on you as well as me. She as well as you is an English teacher.

根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 我喜欢打篮球也喜欢踢足球。 I like playing basketball ____ ____ ____ football. 2. 彼得以及他的父母打算骑自行车去公园。 Peter ____ ____ ____ his parents ____ going to the park by bike. as well as as well as is

What’s the meaning of the sentence? The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression. (P2) 你看别人的方式没有给他们留下好的印象。 1.解析:give sb a good impression = make a good impression on sb, 意为“给某人留下一个好印象”。 2.the way (---的方式)后面引导定语从句,省略了 that, in which. I do not like the way you speak. =I do not like the way that you speak. =I don not like the way in which you speak.

把下面的句子改成同义句。 4. His polite words made a good impression on my parents. His polite words ____ my parents _____ _______ _________ . gave a good impression

Translate the sentences: I like the way you have done your hair. There are several ways of doing it. You can see the way his mind works when you read his books. They admire the way she dealt with the crisis. After drinking so much beer, he could not remember the way home. The changes are an improvement in a way. I am afraid your car is in the way. Would you please drive it away?

remind (1) remind sb that+从句; (2) remind sb of/about sth; (3) remind sb to do sth; e.g Remember to remind me about the time of the meeting. 记得提醒我开会的时间。

根据汉语意思完成句子。 我妈妈经常提醒我应该按时吃饭。 My mother often _______ _____ _____ I should have meals in time. reminds me that

选择最佳答案填空。 ( )1. The photo reminds me ____ the old days. A. from B. to C. that D. of ( )2. My teacher often reminded me ____ the importance of study. A. to B. about C. from D. for

This hotel reminds me _______________________________ 这家旅馆使我想起去年我们住过的那一家。 This hotel reminds me _______________________________ 请提醒我给妈妈写信。 Please remind me ______________________________ of the one we stayed in last year. to write to my mother.


She smiles before speaking to them. Communicating is not just about speaking. She smiles before speaking to them. Without hesitating, she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. (主语) 位于介词后

see you !

八年级第二学期单词词组小测 名词(17个): 成功、表情、幸福、印象、自豪、娱乐、影响、结论、抵达、口音、争吵、重要性、 文学、真相、态度、借口、知识 动词(8个): 钦佩、退休、想知道、撕裂、签名、使烦恼、使简化、阻止 短语(10个): 对---感到好奇,为某事感激某人,与—平等,处于良好状态,起飞,值得,习惯做某事,忙于做某事,减肥,把---分成

the use of the verb prefer Verb +ing as subject as well as That’s why--- seem to do without doing remind smile at give /make/ leave sb a good impression