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Presentation transcript:

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

A Pioneer for all people presented by 桐乡市高级中学 俞莺婕

1. What does “pioneer” mean to you? Lead in 1. What does “pioneer” mean to you? famous? creative? productive? 2. Who is she? 3. Do you think she is a pioneer in science? 4. Do you think she is a pioneer for all people?

Why is he considered a pioneer for all people? Reading Paragraph 1 Introduction Focus on who, what and why: 1. Who is the pioneer? 2. What did he do as a pioneer? a famous scientist a devoted farmer work the land to do his research struggle for farmers He considers himself as a . farmer Why is he considered a pioneer for all people?

Tip1: Present sb's experience and achievement in the order of time. Reading Paragraph 2 Experience and contribution Tip1: Present sb's experience and achievement in the order of time. Focus on the TIME ORDER 1. Circle the time in the text and fill in the form.

graduated from __________________________ Time Event 1930 _______ in Beijing 1953 graduated from __________________________ after graduation He set his life goal as to find ways to _____________ without ________ _the area of the fields. born Southwest Agricultural College education grow more rice expanding 1. Why did he devoted all his life to finding ways to grow more rice? As a young man, he saw the great need for incresing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. original intention 2. Is it an easy task? Find out supporting details. years of hardwork No. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce about 56,000,000 tons of rice.In a recent harvest, nearly 200,000,000 tons of rice was produced. 3. What made Yuan Longping successful in creating the first hybrid rice?

Tip2: Present sb's contribution with data. Reading Paragraph 2 Experience and contribution Tip2: Present sb's contribution with data. Focus on the DATA 1. Circle the number in the text and tell what they mean. 2. What will you do after you becoming famous and rich? 22%,7% nearly 200 million many (other countries) consumption production circulation to rid the world of hunger to produce harvests twice as large as before to bring Yuan Longping fame and fortune

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

Tip3: Present sb's quality by contrast. Reading Paragraph 3 Qualities Tip3: Present sb's quality by contrast. Focus on the CONTRAST 1. What was Yuan Longping's attitude towards being famous? He didn't care about being famous. He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. 2. What did Yuan Longping attitude towards his money? He believes that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. He gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. 3.Why was so? Paragraph 1 He considers himself a farmer. indifferent to fame & wealth Paragraph 2 What he did is for the farmer. earnest He considers himself a farmer. Yuan “stays true to his original intentions”(不忘初心)

Tip4: Present sb's quality via key words. Reading Paragraph 4 Qualities Tip4: Present sb's quality via key words. Focus on the KEY WORD. What do you think is the key word in this paragraph? dreams 1. producing a kind of rice plants that could feed more people: the rice plants as tall as sorghum each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut creative / innovative One dream is not always enough progressive 2. to export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe

Reflecting What makes Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people? Focus on the CONTENT a pioneer for all people a scientist education,hardwork, contributions Para 2 Para 1 a farmer qualities Para 3-4 Stay true to his original intention (不忘初心) indifferent to fame & wealth earnest creative / innovative progressive

Step 4: Reflecting (6mins) What makes Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people? Focus on the WRTING TECHNIQUES: Tip1: Present sb's experience and achievement in the order of time. Tip2: Present sb's contribution with data. Tip3: Present sb's quality by contrast. Tip4: Present sb's quality via key words.

Step 5: Inspiring (6mins) Back to the quetion in Lead-in, discuss it with your classmates: Discussion: 1. Who is she? 2. What is she famous for? 3. Do you think she is a pioneer in science? 4. Do you think she is a pioneer for all people? Tu's experiences

Tu Youyou's experience 1930 born in Ningbo 1955 graduated from medical school, Beijing University 1956-1962 studied Chinese medicine 1969 started to do research on anti-malarial drug(抗疟疾药) 1972 discovered “artemisinin”(青蒿素) 1972-now keep on researching 2015 was awarded the Nobel Prize

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语