I don’t know what happened-we just


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Presentation transcript:

I don’t know what happened-we just get ____ A.cut out B.cut off C.cut up D.cut through B 与世隔绝 2.(2004年全国高考) Sarah,hurry up .I’m afraid you won’t have time to _____before the party. A.get changed B.get change C.get changing D.get to change A 换衣服

3.David Beckham said that he would be very satisfied if he could get ____in America Change the attitude toward soccer. A.to notice B.noticing C.to be noticed D.noticed D 引起注意

小结 关于“get +过去分词”结构 get dressed paid hurt married sunburnt lost changed

There’s too much noise outside. I can hardly hear the programme.Will you please ______the radio? A.turn up B.turn down C.turn on D.turn off A 开大 The boy wanted to join the army but was ___ because he was not old enough. A.turned to B.turned up C.turned down D.accepted C 被拒绝

turn me off 使我厌烦 --So how is your roommate? --She really _______.She’s always making Loud noise at midnight and when I remind her,she always rude remarks. A.turns me over B.turns me off C.turns me down D.turns me out B turn me off 使我厌烦

He turned off the hot water. I turned off when they started talking about computers. It really turns me off to see you biting your nails. This factory can turn out 100 cars a day. This party turns out (to be )a success. They turned the wanted man over to the authorities.

关于“turn”构成的动词短语 turn up 开大,出现 turn down 关小,拒绝 turn off 关掉,关上,失去兴趣 turn on turn out turn over turn in turn into 开大,出现 关小,拒绝 关掉,关上,失去兴趣 打开 结果是,生产,培养 翻转,翻身,移交 上交 变成,翻译成