語音學與發音練習報告 應英一A 94405053 粘惠貞 94405067 鄭千慧 94405069 錢琬君.


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Presentation transcript:

語音學與發音練習報告 應英一A 94405053 粘惠貞 94405067 鄭千慧 94405069 錢琬君


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從1995年開始推出首支單曲「Booyah - Here We Go」,隔年發行第2首單曲「Shakalaka」,不僅立即在電台、各大舞吧引起了不小的迴響,其中第2首單曲還是紐約的舞曲榜3週冠軍。

“More Than Love” I know you dreams I know you cries each breath I memorised and I would do anythin to help you win your fight but it s not enough to make you smile it’ s never enough woo more can I give more than love more than this

more than what s in these two hands more than what’ s in these two hands more than love more than me but I can t give more than I am more than I am I’ ve seen the searchin in your eyes

and I feel helpless by your side so many spaces I can t fill oh God knows how hard I tried it sayin no more, and I dyin inside you always be more woo more can I give more than love more than this

more than what s in these two hands more than love more than me cos I can t give more than I am no matter what I do it s never good enough for you

I m tryin to be everythin that you need and not every breathin and you are still not happy after all these have gone oh I gonna be cold it s never good enough for you

for what s fall in love ah ah more than love more than love more than this more than this in these two hands tell me what s more than love tell me waht s more than this

well it s actually that I can never give what s more than love

anythin =anything searchin =searching sayin =saying dyin =dying Reduction(省略音) anythin =anything searchin =searching sayin =saying dyin =dying

tryin =trying everythin =everything breathin =breathing gonna =going to cos =because