多變量統計分析 陳 宏 臺灣大學數學系 2/18/2009
課程基本資訊 時間 :星期三 8:10~10:00星期五9:10~10:00 地點:新生大樓403室 預備知識: Calculus, Probability (convergence concept & proof) and Math. Stat. (at least at the level of Rice’s book Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis). Linear algebra. 教科書 : Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W. (2007) Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Pearson Prentice Hall. 評量方式 : Homework 30%、小考 10%、Midterm 30%、Final 30%. 面談時間: 星期二、星期五10:00-11:10 課程助教何昊 ( )
Objective: Dimension Reduction 程式套件: 安裝或載入 Flury data(swiss.heads) swiss.heads ?swiss.heads pairs(swiss.heads) Principal Components Analysis Princomp analysis<- princomp(~ ., data = swiss.heads, cor = FALSE) screeplot(analysis) screeplot(analysis, npcs=24, type="lines")
Example 1.2
pairs(swiss.heads) Topic 2: 8-16
Topic 4: 21-29
Example 1.1 Scatterplot of midge data
Iris Data Set data(irisf) pairs(irisf[,-1])
Topic 5: 29-33
Topic 6: 33-39
Example 1.3 Wing length of Water Pipits