工作邏輯代數: 人= 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 上班 + 玩 豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 代入:人 = 豬 + 上班 + 玩


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Presentation transcript:

工作邏輯代數: 人= 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 上班 + 玩 豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 代入:人 = 豬 + 上班 + 玩 即 :人 - 玩 = 豬 + 上班 結論 :不懂得玩的人 = 只會上班的豬 男人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 賺錢 豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 男人 = 豬 + 賺錢 豬 = 男人 - 賺錢 所以,男人不賺錢等於豬

女人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 花錢 豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 女人 = 豬 + 花錢 豬 = 女人 - 花錢 所以,女人不花錢等於豬 男人為了不讓女人變成豬而賺錢 女人為了不讓男人變成豬而花錢 男人+女人= 豬 + 錢(賺)+豬 - 錢(花) 所以,男人+女人=兩頭豬

Intel Harvest Church 的職場團契

給老板的一封信 ~從門訓的觀念談起

Thanks again for the opportunity to talk to you about the responsibilities for the position of Thermal Systems Manager. I have presented myself about managing suppliers using an efficient way and proper manner. I am also very confident to lead our engineers to achieve company's goal. Besides my professional experiences in the automotive and aerospace companies, I have been serving in a nonprofit organization for 14 years as a leader coaching members to grow and become successful. My leadership style is gentle but firm. I want my subordinates to be responsible and accountable for what they do and work as a team to influence other people in the organization. I have a motto: "learn and earn", I believe continuous improvement of management skill is important to make a group leader successful and respected by my peers. I look forward to working with you in the future and to be a valuable asset to the company.

以門訓為基礎的工作人際關係 要愛人如己 若是可能總要盡力與他人和睦 我們在工作環境中的見證,將成 為我們和他人傳福音的成敗最關 鍵的因素