Unit 4 He said I was hard-人教版八年级英语下册课件working.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 He said I was hard-人教版八年级英语下册课件working. Direct speech Reported speech (1)人称作相应的变化 I he/she we they (2)时态作相应的变化 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 一般将来时 过去将来时 (3)间接引语无引号

1) I will have a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. Marcia said… 2) Lana thinks she is coming to my house to study. Marcia told Ben… 3) I am not mad at Marcia anymore. Lana told Ben… 4) I am not going to have the party. Marcia told everyone… 5) I will bring some drinks and snacks to your house. Lana told Marcia…

(4)Direct speech 是一般疑问句时, 变为Reported speech要用if或whether引导,从句再改成陈述句语序,时态随主句的时态而变化. (5) Direct speech 是特殊疑问句时, 变为Reported speech,从句要改成陈述句语序, 时态随主句的时态而变化.

1) Can I borrow money from you? She asked me if/ whether she could borrow money from me. 2) Are we friends? Jim asked Mary if they were friends. 3) When and where shall we meet? He asked her when and where they should meet.

work on soap opera 从事 连续剧 be mad at be angry with 对…生气 speak three languages 说三种语言 pass the message to… 把信息传递给… 传递 pass on 首先 first of all be supposed to 被期望;认为应该 be good at (doing) do well in (doing) 在…做得好

have a big fight have an argument 大吵一架 copy others’ homework 抄别人的作业 forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 start a bad habit 养成坏习惯 not…anymore 不再 report card get over 成绩单 克服 be well be healthy be in good health 身体健康

“Young Lives” this week 对连续剧“年轻的生命”中的剧中人而言,这是令人激动的一周。首先,Marcia告诉Ben,她打算给Lana开个惊喜舞会。而Lana认为她是去她家学习的。然后Lana告诉Ben,她对Marcia很生气,她周五不会去她家的。所以Ben告诉Lana,Marcia打算为她开个舞会。Lana告诉Ben,她不再生Marcia的气了,她周五晚上将去Marcia的家。然而,Marcia打电话给每个人,告诉他们她不准备开舞会了。

Test 1.小吃 2.再;还 3.曾经 4.努力工作的 5.信封 6.不安的 7.真实的 8.自己的 1.小吃 2.再;还 3.曾经  4.努力工作的 5.信封 6.不安的 7.真实的 8.自己的 9.学期 10.幸运的 11.疯狂的 12.复制 13.最坏的 14.令人失望的 15.幸运地 16.爷爷 17.她的(名词性物主代词)18.假定 Test 1.传递 2.被期望 3.首先  4.在…方面做得更好 5.成绩单  6.身体健康 7.间接引语  8.克服 9.直接引语

变得紧张 年终考试 做…很惊讶 幸运的 学…很吃力 亲戚朋友 作为志愿者 这学期 中国农村地区 海拔 体验不同的事情 无国界 end-of-year exam get nervous 做…很惊讶 幸运的 be surprised to do sth. be lucky 学…很吃力 亲戚朋友 relatives and friends have a difficult/hard time with … 作为志愿者 这学期 this semester/ term as a volunteer 中国农村地区 海拔 above sea level China’s rural areas 体验不同的事情 无国界 experience different things without borders

1.开一个惊喜的聚会:_______________ 2.首先:________________ 3.对...非常恼怒:________________ 4. 身体健康:________________ 5.勤勉的妇女:___________________ 6. 擅长听读:_________________ 7.观看一幕肥皂剧:_________________ 8.一块肥皂: ________________ 9.年终考试:_________________ 10.成绩报告单:______________ 11.变得紧张:_______________ 12.直接引语:_______________ have a surprise party first of all be mad at be in good health hard-working woman be good at listening and reading watch a soap opera a cake of soap end- of- year exam report card get/feel nervous direct speech

14.间接引语:______________________ 15.传递:__________________________ 16.在某方面做得更好:______________ 17.身体健康:______________________ 18.变疯:___________ 19.打开:_________ 20.克服;恢复:_______ 21.照顾/料:________ 22.我的家乡:________________ 23.对影响:__________________ 24.海平面:____________25.thin air:_________ 26.不再 :_______________ 27.UNICEF_____________ =_____________________ 28.WWF________ = _____________ reported speech pass on do better in be in good health open up get mad get over care for my hometown be an influence in 空气稀薄 sea level not anymore 联合国儿童基金 United Nations International Children’s Fund 世界野生动物基金 World Wildlife Fund

Grammar focus Direct speech Reported speech I am mad at Marcia. She said she was mad at Marcia. 我生Marcia的气。 她说她生Marcia的气 I am having a party for Lana. She said she was having a party for Lana. 她说她正为Lana举办一个聚会。 我正为Lana举办一个聚会。 He said he went to the beach every Saturday. I go to the beach every Saturday. 他说他每周六去海滩 我每周六去海滩。 He told me he would call me tomorrow./the next day. I will call you tomorrow 我明天给你打电话。 他说他明天给你打电话。 I can speak three languages. She said she could speak three languages. 我会讲三种语言。 她说她会讲三种语言。

they were having a …for …then. 将直接引语改为间接引语: 1.”I’m going home now.”she said. She said_______________________ 2. “I will call you tomorrow morning.”Alice said to Tom. Alice _____ Tom ___________________________ 3. “We are having a surprise party for Linda now.” Marcia said________________________________ 4. “You can do better.”His father said to him. His father ______him _______________________ 5. “I should try my best next time.” Jack thought. Jack thought ______________________________ 6. “We’re not going to have lessons this afternoon.” The boy said to his father___________________ . she was going home then. told she would call him. they were having a …for …then. told he could do better. he should try his best the next time. they were not going to have lessons that afternoon. →told

IV. 1.The building is very high.(改为感叹句) ____ ______the building is! 2.I was doing my homework. My father came back from work.(合并为一句) I was doing my homework_____ my father came back home. ______ I was doing my homework , my father came back home. 3.I was sleeping when he called me.(划线提问) _____ ____ you _____when he called you? 4.He finished his homework last night.(同上) _____ ___ he ___ last night? How high when While What were doing What did do

5.They swam in the river.( at this time yesterday) They ____ ________ in the river at this time yesterday. 6.When my mother came in, I was watching TV. _____ I ___ ________TV,my mother came in. 7.The boy was reading a novel when the UFO landed. _____ ____ the boy _____ when the UFO …. 8.My mother was cooking when I got home yesterday afternoon.(改为一般疑问句 ) ____ your mother ______ when you got … ? ______, ____ _____. were swimming While was watching What was doing Was cooking Yes she was

直接引语 间接引语 now then this 时间状语及其它 that today → that day tomorrow the next day yesterday the day before this afternoon that afternoon