Unit I’ve had this bike for three years.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section A 1a—2d

How long has Jeff had this bike? bought the bike                now ________|_______________________________|__________ 2008 6 years 2014 Jeff has had his bike for 6 years. Jeff has had his bike since 6 years ago. Jeff has had his bike since 2008.

Answer the following questions: How long has Jeff had this bike? When did Jeff buy his bike?

语法: 现在完成时 1. 含义: 表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在。 这一动作可能刚刚开始, 也可能在继续, 其动作是否继 续下去, 由上下文而定。这个时态多用于延续性动词。 2. 时间状语: 1. for +一段时间      e.g: for 8 years 2. since +过去的时间点 e.g: since 1999 3. since + 一段时间+ ago e.g: since 23 years ago

Practice using since or for: 4 hours 5 years ago 3 years 45 minutes half an hour ago 1 hour

Future words : have a yard sale toy bear cent scarf

1a Have a try Look at the things at the yard sale. Do you have any of these things at home? How long have you had them? 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 7

1c —How long have you had...? —I’ve had it … Free Talk 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 8

Make a dialogue again! A: Why are you selling it? B: How long have you had it? C: Yes, I’ve read it for five times. D: How much is it? E: Because I don’t read it anymore. F: I’ve had it for six years. G: Is this an old book? H: You can have it for 80 cents. 参考答案: G C B F A E D H

Summary 表示某人拥有某物多长时间用现在完成 时表达; 与现在完成时连用的时间状语是:for + 时间段;since + 时间点; 对for 和since短语提问用how long。 不规则动词见书后《不规则动词表》 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 10

2c.Pair work 1. Read the sample in the chart of 2c. 2. Student A is Amy’s mom. Student B is Amy. Role-play the conversation. 3. The whole class makes the conversation in pairs.

Role-play! Linda: Welcome to ... Amy: Hi, I’m Amy. I have some...

Points in 2d: love doing/to do sth. 爱做某事,加动名词时意为“(习惯)爱做……”; ,加不定式时意为“(偶尔)爱做……”; eg.She loves reading books. 她爱看书。 She loves to eat ice-cream. 她爱吃冰激凌。 one last thing 最后一件事,其后接单数形式。 eg. One last thing is studying English. for a long time 很长时间, 经常用于完成时中。 eg. He has this toy bear for a long time.

Useful language structures A survey Name Hobby How long   since for Useful language structures 1. I have been doing it since I was ten years old. 2. I have been doing it for six years.

Summary have you had this bike? I’ve had it for two months. How long has she had that book? She has had it five years. How long have they had the toy? They have had it ten weeks. How long has Lucy had this scarf? She has had it she was ten years old. How long have you had the magazine? I’ve had it six years ago. Why do you keep the bear? Bcause I’ve had it I was a baby. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Answers: How long; for; for; since; since. 15

Homework Retell the conversation of 2d. 就某人拥有某物进行调查。关键词:what/how many /how long。