Take My Life and Let It Be 献己于主
我一生求主管理 愿献身心为活祭 我光阴全归主用 还不够报主恩宠 Take my life and let it be Consecrated Lord to Thee Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy Love (2X) 我一生求主管理 愿献身心为活祭 我光阴全归主用 还不够报主恩宠 Take My Life 1/4
我双手为主作工 因被主慈爱感动 使我脚为主行路 快如飞从主吩咐 Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee Take my voice and let me sing Always only for my King (2X) 我双手为主作工 因被主慈爱感动 使我脚为主行路 快如飞从主吩咐 Take My Life 2/4
使我口时常颂扬 赞美我荣耀君王 使我口满有主言 各处宣讲在人前 Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages for Thee Take my silver and my gold Not a mite would I withhold (2X) 使我口时常颂扬 赞美我荣耀君王 使我口满有主言 各处宣讲在人前 Take My Life 3/4
愿虔诚献上金银 不为自己留分文 我智慧并我才能 办主事赤胆忠诚 Take my love, my God I pour at Thy feet its treasures store Take myself and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee (2X) 愿虔诚献上金银 不为自己留分文 我智慧并我才能 办主事赤胆忠诚 Take My Life 4/4