Homi Bhabha Anna, Emily, Honda, Julie
The Mirror (Lacan) Colonizer, narcissistic identification Self-Image: vision & difference colonized as a “reformed, recognizable Other” gaze, insist on differences “not quite/not white” to justify continued colonial rule / reinforce the status as a ‘colonizer’
Colonized, Mimic Men ambivalence: colonizer emphasizes on difference Colonized, almost the same but not quite The colonizer are threaten by the mimicry, because mimicry is a form of mockery/transformation – the destruction of self-image
Fetishism(psychoanalysis) Racial fetishism -- disavowal of difference, desire all men have the same skin --racial stereotyping as fetish e.g. “a white girl’s gaze” -- the recognition and disavowal of Negroid type -- narcissism, an ideal ego (white and whole) 殖民者(西方)在面對被殖民者(東方)時,它並不是在 客觀地看一個真實、多樣、並在不斷變化著的東方,它看 到的是在通過攙雜了自己慾望的凝視而看到的幻想中的東 方。
Reference http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/i9830928/post/132011843 9 http://obelia2.blogspot.com/2008_12_01_archive.html http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/i9830928/post/132011855 9