Prof. YANG Zhong, Executive Vice-President


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. YANG Zhong, Executive Vice-President 大学科研创新与国际化 Innovation and Internationalization of Research Cases from Nanjing University 标题根据本次大会校长论坛的分论坛议题二做出相应修改 南京大学党委常务副书记 杨忠 Prof. YANG Zhong, Executive Vice-President Nanjing University 20 October 2018

历史变迁 History of Nanjing University 一个多世纪以来屡经风雨,为国家的富强和民族的振兴做出了重要的贡献 英才荟萃、硕果累累,声誉卓著,代表了近现代中国高等教育腾飞的历史! Since its establishment over a hundred years ago, Nanjing University has made progress in talent training, scientific research, social work and academic exchanges and has made indelible contributions to China's scientific, cultural and educational undertakings! 两江师范学堂 (1902) 金陵大学堂(1888) 国立中央大学(1928)

今日的南大 Today’s Nanjing University 目标:第一个南大 Goal: President XI Jinping ( May 4, 2014) “ The First Nanjing University with Chinese Characteristics” 理念:着力内涵发展,彰显南大特色 Philosophy: Focusing on internal quality development and highlighting intrinsic features of Nanjing University 途径:双一流建设 Approach: Double First-class Initiative A category in first-class universities; 15 disciplines in first-class disciplines 此页建议结构如下:一、历史的南大:二、现在的南大:目标:着力内涵发展,彰显南大特色;途径:双一流建设。“以科学名世”可以放入下一张ppt作为总起。

大学的三大职能 人才培养、科学研究、服务社会 Basic Functions of Modern Universities 人才培养、科学研究、服务社会 Talent Training, Scientific Research, Social Services 世界一流大学的显著特征 大学核心竞争力的基本标志 Key indicator for core competitiveness of world-class universities 经济社会发展的主要驱动力 Main driving force for social and economic development 综合国力竞争的决定性要素 Decisive factor for a nation’s comprehensive strength

An Innovative University in the Past, Present and Future 南京大学的科研创新传统 Innovation Embedded in Tradition Present 科研创新面临的挑战与南大的探索 Challenges and NJU’s Exploration Future 问题导向、交叉协同、研以致用 Problem-oriented Discipline-coordinated Application-targeted 增加标题“An Innovative University in the Past, Present and Future”。以本张PPT的时间线来概述下文内容。

一、南京大学的科研创新传统 Innovation Embedded in Tradition “以科学名世”Renowned for its Scientific Tradition 1920s-30s:中国科学社 Science Society of China 1980s: SCI—科研评价标准国际化 Internationalized standards 2005:科研质量与影响力 Quality and influence of research 2015:论文导向—问题导向 Paper oriented to Problem oriented

一、南京大学的科研创新传统 Innovation Embedded in Tradition Newly Published Nature Index: 2nd among Mainland China, 10th globally. Newly Published ESI: 16 disciplines in top 1%, 3 disciplines in top 1‰. Chemistry Physics Material Science 美国“基本科学指标” (2017) Essential Science Indicators 我校化学、材料科学、物理学、地球科学、临床医学、环境与生态学、工程学、生物学与生物化学、药理学与毒理学、神经科学与行为科学、数学、计算机科学、动植物学、农业科学、社会科学总论16个学科进入ESI排名全球前1%;其中,化学学科、物理学科、材料科学进入ESI排名全球前1‰。

二、 科研创新面临的挑战与南大的探索 Challenges in Innovation & NJU’s Exploration 科研内容与社会需求之间存在差距——问题导向 Gap between research targets and social needs 研究力量分散,综合性不足——交叉协同 Scattered research subjects and resources 基础研究与应用转化之间不够紧密——研以致用 Loose connection between basic research and application

Application-oriented Research 南京大学科研创新探索案例一 从纵向科研的角度,着力打通由基础研究、应用研究到成果转化、服务社会的一贯式科研渠道。国际合作成为科研创新的重要驱动力。 Basic Research Application-oriented Research Technology Transfer Social Services School of the Environment, Nanjing University 调整标题,强调纵向科研的一贯式科研渠道以及国际合作的重要作用。

Case 1: School of the Environment, Nanjing University 南京大学环境学院 Case 1: School of the Environment, Nanjing University Established in 1978 国内最早开展环境科学研究和教学的 单位之一 One of the earliest units engaged in environmental scientific research and teaching 拥有完整的创新人才培养-应用基础研 究-技术研发-产业化的科技创新链 Complete scientific & technological innovation chain 原创性、高技术和跨学科研究成果丰 硕 Rich achievements in original, high-tech, cross-disciplinary research 环境科学与工程学科入选双一流学科 Environmental science and engineering selected into first- class disciplines initiative

国际合作与交流 International Cooperation and Exchanges 国际环境研究中心The International Institute for Environmental Studies NJU is the founding member of IIES. The Institute brings together world class research scientists and policy analysts from institutions from around the globe to work collaboratively, sharing expertise, facilities and research programs. Currently it has 19 members. 增加环境学院国际合作成果。介绍由我校发起成立的“国际环境研究中心”。

国际合作与交流 International Cooperation and Exchanges 南京大学地球关键带科学与技术国际研究中心 (与英国利兹大学合作) International Critical Zone Science and Technology Research Centre 多学科协作的国际环境重要议题研究中心,包括环境科学与工程、地球科学、大气科学、地理科学、生态学以及化学。 获得基金委中英重大国际合作项目( NSFC )以及英国牛顿基金(Newton Fund)支持。 增加地球关键带科学与技术国际研究中心内容,突出国际合作成果。

国际合作与交流 International Cooperation and Exchanges 中美绿色伙伴计划 China-US Eco-Partnerships 《中美能源环境十年合作框架下的绿色合作伙伴计划框架》Cooperation Framework 中美百名环境能源博士联合培养项目 (2018-2020) China-US 100-PhD in Environment and Energy Program 中美年度战略与经济对话的重要活动之一 2017年重点实验室确定为中方牵头单位

国际合作与交流 International Cooperation and Exchanges 新建特色平台:中美FEWS合作网络平台(中美32家高校/院所) Platform: China-US FEWS Cooperative Network Platform (32 higher institutions as members) FEWS Energy Food Stuff Water 国家自然科学基金委员会与 美国国家科学基金会共同资助

成果转化——产学研平台成果代表 Technology Transfer Representative Cases of Industry-University-Research Platform 南京大学宜兴环保研究院 Yixing Institute of Environmental Protection, Nanjing University 南京大学-盐城环保技术与工程研究院 Nanjing University-Yancheng Academy of Environmental Protection Technology and Engineering. 江苏南大环保科技有限公司 Jiangsu Nanjing University Environmental Protection Science and Technology Co, Ltd.

研究成果 Basic Research Achievements 学科科研立项300余项 more than 300 Scientific Research Projects 以通讯作者单位在Nature Communications、PNAS、ES&T、Water Research等刊物上发表SCI论文1066篇 1066 papers published in SCI (Nature Communications、PNAS、ES&T、Water Research) 授权发明专利345项(其中国际专利32项) 345 Patents (with 32 International Patents) 完成企业合作项目412项, 100多项专利技术实现了工程应用,新增产值200多亿元。 412 projects with enterprises accomplished 100 patents applied to industry 20 billion was yielded.

应用型研究突破 Application-oriented Research Breakthroughs 突破了污染物微生物净化增强技术新方法 new method in purifying Microbial in Pollutants 发明了基于纳米复合材料的重金属废水深度处理与资源回用新技术 new technology in advanced treatment and resource reuse of heavy metal wastewater based on nanometer composite material 研发了复杂体系中典型难降解有毒污染物治理新技术 new technology for treating typical refractory toxic contaminants in complex systems. 创新了难降解有机工业废水治理与毒性减排关键技术及装备 key technologies and equipment's for reducing toxicity of refractory organic industrial waste water.

服务社会 Social Services 应用于江苏、河南、安徽、山东等8个省份 Applied in 8 provinces 近三年处理废水约1.94 亿吨,削减有毒有机物折算COD 约37.4 万吨,为国家及地方政府完成环境规划和咨询报告200余项,成功处置6起重、特大突发污染事故。特别是由院长任洪强教授主导的工业水回用国际标准制定团队,联合行业优势企业主持编制国际、国内标准近三十项,占据工业水处理与回用技术领域的国际领先地位。 About 1.94 million tons of wastewater was treated, about 374,000tons toxic organic compounds was reduced, more than 200 national and local environmental projects was completed. Prof. REN Hongqiang, Dean of School of the Environment, leads a team setting up almost 30 national/international standard for industrial water reuse.

Integrated research-innovation center 南京大学科研创新探索案例二 从横向科研的角度,着力打造由多学科、多机构、多领域充分交叉协同的一体化创新科研模块。国际化的智库打造。 一体化创新模块 Integrated research-innovation center 多学科 Multi-discipline 多领域 Multi-field 多机构 Multi-institution 调整标题,强调横向科研的交叉协同以及国际化的重要性。

Collaborative Innovation Center of South China Sea Studies 中国南海研究协同创新中心 Collaborative Innovation Center of South China Sea Studies 人才队伍建设 Talents Team Construction 科研任务组织 Research Task Organization 绩效评价激励 Performance Evaluation and Stimulation 国际交流与合作 International Cooperation and Exchanges 高校6所、科研院所4家,形成了9大平台、34个创新团队,汇聚科研人员近400人,承担各类科研项目200余项,提交各类咨询报告百余篇。

大型国际会议 —— 南京论坛 Nanjing Forum 国际合作与交流 International Cooperation and Exchanges 多项二轨国际对话机制 中日民间安全对话 中国-新加坡南海和平与稳定对话 中国-东盟南海对话 中美海上安全二轨对话 中韩海洋安全合作对话 中加海上安全合作对话 Multiple Non-governmental International Dialogue Mechanism China –Japan Non Governmental Civil Society Dialogue; China-Singapore Dialogue on Peace and Stability in South China Sea; China-ASEAN Dialogue on South China Sea; Sino-US Non-governmental Dialogue on Maritime Safety China-South Korea Cooperation Dialogue on Maritime Safety; Sino-Canada Cooperation Dialogue on Maritime Safety; 大型国际会议 —— 南京论坛 Nanjing Forum “南京论坛”汇集了近140名中外政要、中外著名大学校长、国内外知名学者、商界精英,通过主旨演讲、研讨会、圆桌会议等形式就涉及亚太发展的政治、经济、文化和安全等重要议题发表见解,开展对话,谋求共识。 The Nanjing forum brings together nearly 140 leading Chinese and foreign politicians, presidents of renowned universities, scholars and business elites from both home and abroad. Through keynote speeches, seminars and round tables, they discussed issues related to political, economic, cultural and security issues in Asia and the Pacific.

组织架构 Organizational Structure 6 universities 4 research institutions 9 platforms 34 innovation teams About 400 researchers More than 200 scientific research projects More than 100 various consultation paper

典型创新团队 Typical Innovation Teams 朱锋教授团队建立了中国—日本、中国—东盟二轨对话机制,对南海关系国之间加强沟通、深化理解发挥了重要作用; Team led by Prof. Zhu Feng has established non-governmental dialogue between China & Japan and China & ASEAN, playing an important role in enhancing communication and understanding among countries concerning South China Sea. 王颖院士团队梳理了南海258个岛、礁、滩,准确分析了南海资源环境现状 Academician Wang Ying's team sorted 258 islands, reefs and beaches in the south China sea, and analyzed its current situation of resources and environment. 朱嘉教授团队基于微纳结构的高效光热转换研究在海水淡化方面连续取得进展, 已引起学界、产业界的广泛关注,被誉为“为世界解渴”。 The research team led by Prof. Zhu Jia on the high efficiency heat conversion based on the micro-sodium structure has made continuous progress in the desalination of sea water, which has aroused widespread concern in the academic and industrial fields.

三、 问题导向、交叉协同、研以致用——科研创新的未来 Prospects in Research Innovation 1. 问题导向 Problem oriented “科技创新十百千工程” Ten university-level leading scientific research projects; Hundred school-level important scientific research projects Thousand faculty-level scientific research projects 文理学科分别在学校层面遴选10个左右具有引领性的重大科研问题,院系层面遴选100个左右具有重要影响的科研问题,教师层面遴选千个左右具有重要价值的科研问题。 全球视野和国际眼光。 科学前沿 Frontier issues 国家重大需求 National demands 自身特色和优势 Self advantages “科技创新十百千工程 “Ten, Hundred, Thousand” Scientific Innovation Project

2. 交叉融合 Discipline coordinated 3. 研以致用 Application targeted 于物质科学和新一代信息技术、地球科学和宇宙探索、哲学和文化传承创新、绿色发展和生命健康、国家治理现代化等领域形成具有国际重要影响的学术团队 通过与海外伙伴大学和学科的合作,在环境+气候、化学+生物、物理+材料+能源+空间、医学+健康、文化+经济+社会等五大交叉领域建设若干校级交叉科研机构 Environment + Climate Chemistry + Biology Physics + Materials + Energy + Space Medicine + Health Culture + Economy +Society 成果转化等一系列配套制度和措施 Technology transfer 校府、校企、校所共建产学研一体化平台 Cooperate with government to build university & government, university & enterprises, university & institutions coordination innovation center

南京大学-伦敦国王学院携手南京江北新区共建联合医学研究院 面向未来的创新与国际化 南京大学-伦敦国王学院携手南京江北新区共建联合医学研究院 Nanjing University, King’s College London and Nanjing Jiangbei New Area joint efforts: Nanjing University-King’s College London Joint Research Institute of Medicine “中国最好,世界一流” "best in China, first-tier in the world” 增加标题“面向未来的创新与国际化”

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