Unit 10 Insurance.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 10 Insurance

Perils General ~ Special ~ Section 1 Perils and Losses Covered by Marine Insurance (海洋货物运输保险的风险与损失) Natural Calamities Perils of the Sea Fortuitous Accidents Perils General ~ Extraneous risks and losses Special ~

Sue and labor expenses Expenses Salvage charges Losses sustained by the insured because of the risks come from not only the loss of the goods or the damage done to the goods, but also from the expenses the insured sustained in rescuing the goods in danger. Transportation insurance not only insures the losses caused by risks but also the losses of expenses. Sue and labor expenses Expenses Salvage charges

People’s Insurance Company of China Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses the insurance is mainly classified into two groups: Basic Insurance Coverage:FPA,WPA,and AR and Additional Insurance Coverage.

Additional Insurance Coverage附加险别 (一)General Additional Insurance Coverage 偷窃提货不着险(Theft,Pilferage and Non-Delivery:TPND) 淡水雨淋险(Fresh Water and Rain Damage) 渗漏险(Risk of Leakage) 短量险(Risk of Shortage) 钩损险(Hook Damage) 污染险(Risk of Contamination) 碰损破碎险(Risk of Clash and Breakage) 生锈险(Risk of Rust) 串味险(Risk of Odour) 受潮受热险(Damage Caused by Heating and Sweating)

(二)Special Additional Risk特殊附加险 1、战争险(War risk) Pay attention to:No additional risk can be purchased to insure goods independently. Since the scope of cover of general additional risks is already included into that of All Risks, it is not necessary for the goods to be insured by additional risks if it is insured by All Risks. (二)Special Additional Risk特殊附加险 1、战争险(War risk) 战争险的保险责任起讫:仅限于水面危险 案例分析:某公司出口某货物,投保一切险加战争险,该船抵达目的港开始卸货时,当地发生武装冲突,部分船上货物及部分已卸到岸上的货物被毁。问:保险公司如何赔偿?

注:罢工险的保险责任期间是“仓至仓”;已投保战争险又加保罢工险时,一般不另行收费。 2、罢工险(Risk of Strike,Riots and Civil Commotions:SRCC 罢工暴动民变险) 罢工险是保险人承保罢工者、被迫停工工人、参加工潮、暴动和民众、战争的人员采取行动所造成的承保货物的直接损失,对间接损失不负责,如由于劳动力短缺或无法使用劳动力,致使堆放码头的货物遭到雨淋日晒而受损、冷冻机因无燃料而中断造成的被保险货物的损失不负责赔偿。 注:罢工险的保险责任期间是“仓至仓”;已投保战争险又加保罢工险时,一般不另行收费。

3、 Failure to deliver交货不到险 被保险货物从装上船开始,6个月仍不能运到原定目的地交货,则不论何种原因,保险公司均按全损赔付。 4、 Import duty risk进口关税险 承保货物已发生保险责任范围内的损失,但被保险人仍需按货物的完好状态完税而遭受的损失。 5、 On deck risk舱面险 6、 Rejection risk拒收险 7、 Aflatoxin risk黄曲霉素险 8、Fire Risk Extension Clause for Storage of Cargo at Destination Hong Kong including Kowloon or Macao存仓火险责任扩展条款

Insurance under other Transportation Methods In international trade, in addition that the goods shipped by sea must be insured, the goods transported by land, air and parcel post should also be insured. Therefore, the insurance company may have different clauses and terms to meet the need of different transportation. Overland transportation insurance Air transportation risks insurance Parcel Post Insurance

(三)责任起讫范围 Basic Insurance General Additional Risk Strike Risks W / W Clause (仓至仓条款) General Additional Risk Strike Risks Special Additional Risk War Risks 水面危险或运输工具上危险

三、London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款 Basic Risk ICC(C) F.P.A. ICC(B) W.P.A. A.R. ICC(A) Additional Risk

协会货物保险条款(Institute Cargo Clause,ICC) The newly revised London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses in 1982 include 6 kinds: 1、 ICC(A):协会货物条款(A) 2、 ICC(B):协会货物条款(B) 3、 ICC(C):协会货物条款(C) 4、 Institute War Clause-Cargo 5、Institute Strike Clause-Cargo 6、Malicious Damage Clause 除恶意损害险外,其余5种均可单独投保。

(三)Insurance Documents 1、Insurance Policy The Seller,transferable after endorsement The insured: Destination Claim at赔付地点: Not late than B/L Date of Insurance:

2、Insurance Certificate 3、Combined Certificate When the goods are exported to Hong Kong, and some countries in Southeast Asia, the insurance company sometimes adds the coverage and insurance amount on the commercial invoice which is made out by a foreign trade company. This is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy. It is the simplest insurance certificate in use. 4、Endorsement保险更改批单 After insurance has been taken out, if the insured wants to replenish or change the contents of the policy, he may apply to the company for the same. After agreement by the company, another certificate which indicates the relative amendment will be issued. This certificate is called endorsement.

5.Open Policy预约保单 This type of policy is of great importance for export business, it is convenient method for insuring the goods where a number of consignments of similar export goods are intended to be covered. An open policy covers these shipments, as soon as they are made, under the previous arrangement between the insured and the insurance company.

五、Insurance Clauses in S/C 1、Under F group/CFR/EXW/CPT --export; a. Insurance to be effected by the buyer. b. Insurance to be effected by the seller on behalf of the buyer for 110% of the invoice value against FPA (WPA, or All risks); Premium to be for the buyer's account.

2、Under CIF/CIP--EXPORT who、how much insurance premium、 coverage、as per…clause e.g.: Insurance to be effected by the seller for 110% invoice value against FPA (WPA or All risks) and war risk as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of The People's Insurance Company of China. 3. Under Group D Insurance: To be covered by the seller