愛不言棄 Devoted to Your Wife 弗Eph 5:22-32 愛不言棄 Devoted to Your Wife
丈夫要愛妻子 Husband, love your wife 什麼是丈夫的愛﹖ What is a husband’s love? 為什麼丈夫要愛妻子﹖ Why must a husband be devoted? 丈夫應該如何愛妻子﹖ How does a husband love his wife?
什麼是丈夫的愛﹖ What is a husband’s love? 無私的愛 Selfishless love 無條件的愛 Unconditional love 為對方益處的愛 Love for goodness of others 什麼是丈夫的愛﹖ What is a husband’s love?
為什麼丈夫要愛妻子﹖ Why does a husband love his wife? 這是上帝的命令 This is a God’s command 愛妻子就是愛自己了 He who loves his own wife loves himself 為什麼丈夫要愛妻子﹖ Why does a husband love his wife?
丈夫如何愛妻子呢﹖ How does a husband love his wife? 丈夫願意捨己﹑犧牲 A husband is willing to sacrifice 丈夫的愛可以遮蓋不完美 A husband’s love covers imperfection
給丈夫的三點建議 Three Suggestions for Husbands 安排和妻子單獨約會 Dating with your wife 培養和妻子共同愛好 Having the same hobbies 固定和妻子一同禱告 Praying with your wife regularly
愛妻子如同愛自己的身子! Love your wife as your own body !