论生态文明时代中医药在野生 动植物用药方面的 可持续发展 On the Sustainable Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the Use of Wild Animals and Plants in the Era of Ecological.


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Presentation transcript:

论生态文明时代中医药在野生 动植物用药方面的 可持续发展 On the Sustainable Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the Use of Wild Animals and Plants in the Era of Ecological Civilization 周晋峰秘书长 Secretary-General Zhou Jinfeng 中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会 China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) IUCN绿色犯罪学专家组 ICUN Green Criminology Specialist Group (GCSG)

近百万种物种可能在几十年内灭绝! 2019年5月,生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台(IPBES)发布一份全球自然损失评估报告称: In May 2019, the Intergovernmental Science - Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released a global natural loss assessment report. 近百万种物种可能在几十年内灭绝! Nearly a million species may be extinct in decades!

86.25 tons of pangolins were seized in 2019 2019年亚洲部分地区查获穿山甲鳞片86.25吨 86.25 tons of pangolins were seized in 2019 2018年河北、广西林业行政许可审批穿山甲鳞片近10吨 In 2018, nearly 10 tons of pangolin scales were examined and approved by forestry administrative licenses in Hebei and Guangxi provinces.

穿山甲鳞甲有毒且是下品药在古代中医典藉中的记载: Pangolin scales are toxic and are recorded in ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) classics: 《药性论》 【唐】甄权 “咸,凉;有大毒” The Theory of Medicine Property (Tang Dynasty) BY: Zhen Quan "salty, cold; toxic" 《本草纲目》 【明】李时珍 “气味咸,微寒,有毒” Compendium of Materia Medica (Ming Dynasty) BY: Li Shizhen "Smell salty, slightly cold, toxic" 《雷公炮制药性解》 【明】 “性微寒有毒,不载经络。主五邪惊悸,妇人鬼魅悲伤,山岚障疟等” The Pharmaceutical Solution of Leigong (Ming Dynasty) "slightly cold and toxic, does not through meridians and collaterals. The five evil points are frightened, the ghosts and women are sad, and bodies are blocked by malaria and so on. 《医说》 【宋】张杲 “肉,气味,甘、涩、温。有毒” Medical Theory (Song Dynasty) BY: Zhang Xiao, "Meat, smell, sweet, bitter, warm and toxic," 鲮鲤肉最动风。风疾人才食数脔,其疾一发,四肢顿废。时珍窃谓此物性窜而行血, “Mud carp meat is the most dynamic. Wind disease people eat a lot of amidine, and their illness occurs once, and disability of all limbs.” Li Shizhen said that this will flow into blood. 风人多血虚故也。然其气味俱恶,亦不中用。——【明】李时珍 注) Wind and blood deficiency is the reason. However, it smells bad and is useless. —— Notes by Li Shizhen 《名医别录》 【魏晋】陶弘景 穿山甲与水蛭、蜘蛛、萤火、巴豆、葵松、牡丹、羊蹄、虎掌等皆为下品药 “Supplementary Records of Famous Physicians” BY: Tao Hongjing (Wei-Jin Period): pangolin, leeches, spiders, fireflies, croton, sunflower pine, peony, rumex japonicus and Pinellia pedatisecta are all inferior medicines. 《神农本草经》【东汉】将穿山甲归为下品药 “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” (Eastern Han Dynasty) BY: Shennong, Pangolin is classified as the inferior medicine. 其他如《日华子本草》、《药性解》、《得配本草》等典籍中,都认为其“有毒”、为下品药,(是)“非常用药,非必用药”Other classics, such as "Chinese Materia Medica", "Pharmaceutical Solution" and "De Pei Materia Medica", all regard it as "toxic" and "medicines for inferior medicines" (yes), "not necessarily medicines".

走私猖獗 Smuggling is rampant 中华穿山甲在中国大陆以功能性灭绝! Pangolins are functionally extinct in mainland China! “假药”占领市场 "Counterfeit Drugs" Occupy the Market

Non-Chinese Pangolin has no same medicinal function 非中华穿山甲不具有中华穿山甲的药用功能 Non-Chinese Pangolin has no same medicinal function with Chinese Pangolin 《中国药典》中明确指出可入药穿山甲品种为中华穿山甲鳞片,物种拉丁名为Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus,而因中华穿山甲枯竭,早已无法支撑现国内中药市场的需求,因此现在市场上流通的穿山甲鳞片多为非法走私的其他穿山甲。 The “Pharmacopoeia of The People’s Republic of China” clearly points out that pangolin scales of Chinese Pangolin can be used as medicine, and the Latin name of it is “Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus”. However, due to the depletion of Chinese Pangolin, it has long been unable to support the demand of domestic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) market, so the pangolin scales circulating in the market are mostly other pangolin illegally smuggled.

穿山甲鳞片/Pangolin Scales 虎骨和犀牛角已经被药典删除,建议尽快取消穿山甲药用标准, 将其从药典中删除,今后不得再用甲片制药。 Tiger Bone and Rhinoceros Horn have been removed from the “Pharmacopoeia of The People’s Republic of China”, it is suggested that pangolin medicinal standards also needs to be removed as soon as possible. That is —— Remove it from the “Pharmacopoeia”, and do not use the scales in the future any more. 虎骨/Tiger Bone 犀牛角/Rhinoceros Horn 穿山甲鳞片/Pangolin Scales

The development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 传统中医药学发展需从以下几个方面着手: The development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) should start from the following aspects: 1.生物多样性保护(基础); Biodiversity Conservation (Basis); 2.建立相应保护区/地,将传统中医药自然界动植物资源保护起; Corresponding conservation areas/sites shall be established to protect the animal and plant resources of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); 3.坚持可持续利用与保护(塔黄); Sustainable utilization and protection (Rheum Nobile); 4.进一步发展中医药学方法论,发现、利用更多天然动植物用于中医药中。 Further develop the methodology of TCM, discover and utilize more natural plants and animals in TCM. 塔黄/Rheum Nobile (a Tibetan Medicine)

Several factors influencing the development of 影响传统中医药学发展的几个因素: Several factors influencing the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 1.假药问题(穿山甲鳞片制药); The problem of counterfeit drugs (pangolin scales pharmacy); 2.过度商业化(制造、销售、推广); Excessive commercialization (manufacturing, selling and marketing); 3.以营利为目的的行为导致资源耗费和不当的消耗。 Profit-making behavior leads to resource consumption and improper consumption.

欢迎关注中国绿发会官方公众号 Welcome to scan and follow the official WeChat account of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) 官网/Official website: http://www.cbcgdf.org 邮箱/Email address: v1@cbcgdf.org