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Unit 1 Friendship Warming up. Words preview upset ignore calm concern loose adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的; vt. 使不安;使心烦 vt. 不理睬;忽视 vt. & vi. ( 使 ) 平静 ; ( 使 ) 镇定 adj.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Friendship Warming up. Words preview upset ignore calm concern loose adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的; vt. 使不安;使心烦 vt. 不理睬;忽视 vt. & vi. ( 使 ) 平静 ; ( 使 ) 镇定 adj."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Friendship Warming up

2 Words preview upset ignore calm concern loose adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的; vt. 使不安;使心烦 vt. 不理睬;忽视 vt. & vi. ( 使 ) 平静 ; ( 使 ) 镇定 adj. 平静的 ; 镇定的 vt. ( 使 ) 担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注; ( 利害 ) 关系 adj. 松的 ; 松开的

3 add up calm (…) down have got to be concerned about walk the dog 合计 ( 使 ) 平静下来 ; ( 使 ) 镇定下来 不得不 ; 必须 关心 ; 挂念 遛狗 Expressions preview

4 What’s the song about? Friendship. I’ll be there for you!

5 Discuss the following questions: 1.Do you have any friends? 2. Do you need friends? Why or why not? 3. Do you think friendship is important in your life? Why do you think so?

6 NameAgeGender ( 性别 ) Three qualities Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Interview Four students in a group, each one has to interview the other group mates. What do you think a good friend should be like ? What do you think of them? List the good qualities a good friend should have.

7 kind honest brave helpful generous humorous clever hard-working friends I think a friend should be … A good friend is someone who … Brainstorming friendly, open-minded, patient, careful, full of love, caring, interesting, selfless, intelligent, responsible…

8 I think a good friend should (not) be … In my opinion, a good friend is someone who … 1. I think a good friend should be _________________________. 2. In my opinion, a good friend is someone who is ____________________________. Sentence pattern patient, reliable and tolerant open, humorous and easy-going

9 The qualities of a person who cannot be a friend of others: selfish ( 自私的 ), dishonest, narrow-minded, mean ( 吝啬的 ), bad-tempered, noisy, lazy, gossipy ( 爱说闲话的 ), tricky, impatient…

10 Do the survey on P1 by yourself. Then add up your score and see how many points you get. What do you do to be a good friend?

11 Scoring sheet for the survey 1. A 1 B 3 C 2 2. A 1 B 2 C 3 3. A 1 B 2 C 3 4. A 3 B 2 C 1 5. A 0 B 3 C 0

12 4-7points: You are not a good friend. You either ignore your friend’s needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think about what a good friend needs to do. Think more about this.

13 8-12 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friend’s needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between your friend’s needs and your own responsibilities.

14 13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need to balance your needs and those of your friends. Well done! To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.


16 Add up your score and see how many points you get. 把你的分数加起来,看一看得多少分。 add up 合计;把 …… 加起来 典例 Please add up these figures for me. 请帮我把这些数字加起来。 拓展 add up to 加起来总共是 …… ;总计是 …… add to 增添;使增加 ( = increase) add A to B 增加、添加 A 到 B 中

17 1.________3, 4 and 5, and you'll get 12. 2.The bad weather________ our difficulty. 3.Will you please _____ a few notes _____ the article? 4. _______ all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me. 5. All the numbers __________ exactly 900. 6. The bad weather only _________ our difficulties. 7. Don’t ____ fuel ____ the flames. 运用 用 add 及其构成的短语的适当形式填空 Add up added to addto Add up add up to added to add to

18 1.We have planted flowers and green trees around the buildings, which ____ the beauty of the city. A. adds to B. add up C. add up to D. are added to 2. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather_____ the helplessness of the crew at sea. A.added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up 3. There have been several new events ____ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A. add B. to add C. adding D. added A A D

19 爸爸明天要去检查身体。 Tomorrow Daddy will have/ get himself examined. 3. …you had to pay to get it repaired. get sth. done=have sth. done 请人做某事 ( 非亲自动手 ) 上周我去城里剪头发了。 Last week I went to the town to get/have my hair cut.

20 Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友来上 学时心情很不好。 (1) adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 点拨 (2) vt.(upset, upset) 使不安; 使心烦 upset 1. She was very _______ when the dog died. 2. The news quite __________ him. 3. If the rain keeps falling, it will _______ our whole plan. upset upsets upset

21 1. She was very ________ when the dog died. 2. Your mother will be ________ until she hears you're safe. 3. I'm always ________ when I have to make a speech. 5. Your mother will be ________ until she hears you’re safe. 辨析 upset/anxious/nervous upset anxious nervous (1)upset ( = rather unhappy) 指由于某事的发生而感到心烦意乱。 (2)anxious ( = worried) 指由于害怕某种事情会发生而感到焦急。 (3)nervous ( = rather tense) 指在事情发展过程中有一种紧张感。 填空 anxious

22 4. ignore vt. 不理睬 ; 忽视 ignorance n. 无知, 愚昧, 不学无术 ignorant adj. 无知识的, 不知道的, 愚昧的, 幼稚的 be ignorant of 对 …… 无知, 不知道 ignore something 和 be ignorant of sth 的区别 He knew there was a speed limit, but he ignored it and drove very fast. 他知道有车速限制,但却置之不理,把车开得飞快。 Most passengers were totally ignorant of the safety procedures. 大多数旅客根本不知道安全措施。

23 calm 点拨 (1) v t. 使 ) 平静; ( 使 ) 镇定 ( 2) v i. ( 人等 ) 变平静 ; ( 风等 ) 变宁息 (3)adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的 Now calm yourself, please. The excited girl quickly calmed down. The sea was calm. He remained calm in an emergency situation. 拓展 calm (...) down ( 使 ) 平静下来; ( 使 ) 镇定下来 You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你不理睬上课铃声,到一个安静的地方 去安慰你的朋友。

24 辨析 calm/quiet/still/silent quie t silent (1)calm 指无风浪或(人)镇定。 still (2)quiet 指没有声音或不吵闹的安静(环境)。 (3)still 指静止不动的状态。 (4)silent 指不作声、不讲话的沉默状态。 运用用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 ① Be ________ , class! ② He kept ________ for a moment, and then spoke out the answer. ③ Sit ________ and I'll take a photo for you. ④ The moonlight shone on the ________ lake. ⑤ ________ down and tell me what happened. calm Calm

25 6. have got to = have to 不得不 ; 必须 ( 客观 ) haven’t got to/don’t have to Without machines, all the work had to be done by hand. must: 必须 ( 主观 ) You must come back before 9 o’clock. 否定 : haven’t got to/don’t have to

26 You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then. 你会告诉你 的朋友你很关心他 ( 或她 ) ,下课后你们会见面交谈。 点拨 (1) v t.( 使 ) 担忧;涉及;关系到 (2)n.[U] 担心;关注; ( 利害 ) 关系 The boy's poor health concerned his parents. 那个男孩不佳的健康状况使他的父母很担忧。 The news concerns your brother. 这消息与你弟弟有关。 In his last days, the poet expressed concern for his father. 在他最后的岁月里,这位诗人表达了他对父亲的担心。 concern

27 拓展 (1)be concerned about/for 关心;挂念 She is concerned about how little food I eat. 她为我吃那么少而担忧。 The report is concerned with all of us. 这个报告关系到我们所有的人。 (2)be concerned in/with 与 …… 有关;牵涉 运用用 concern 及其构成的短语的适当形式填空 1. We her safety. 2. It is said the traffic accident the driver who drove after drinking. is/was concerned in/with are concerned about/for

28 8. loose adj. 1) 松开的, 自由的, 无束缚的 get/be loose 未拴住的, 松开的 I have one hand loose but the other is tied. 我的一只手没捆着, 另一只手却被捆绑着。 This dog must not be left loose. 这只狗一定得拴住。 2) 松的, 松动的, 不紧的, 宽松的 a loose button 快掉的扣子 the loose soil 疏松的土壤 a loose sweater 宽松的套衫

29 9. cheat v. 欺骗 ; 骗取 ; 作弊 cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb. into doing … 骗某人做 …… cheat at … 作弊 ; 作假 It was foolish of him ___________ ___________. ( 被骗了钱 ) He was cheated ____________. ( 吸烟 ) It is wrong _______________________. ( 考试作弊 ) to be cheated into smoking to cheat in an examination of his money

30 老太太那么诚实, 骗子很容易的骗走 了她的金戒指。 He always cheats at cards but he seldom wins. 他打牌总作弊, 但很少赢。 He was caught cheating in the exam. 他考试作弊时被当场抓获。 The old lady was so honest that the cheat easily cheated her (out) of her gold ring.

31 10. should have done 本来应该做某事 ( 而实际没做, 含有责备的意味 ) should not have done 本来不该做某事 ( 而实际已做 ) He looks upset. I _________________ _______________. ( 本不该告诉他这个坏消息 ) You are late. You ________________ _________________. ( 早五分钟来 ) shouldn’t have told him the bad news should have come five minutes earlier

32 Be good to

33 go on holiday ask sb to do take care of when 与 while 的用法 the end-of-term exam work out

34 把 …… 加起来 得分 平静下来 不得不 对 …… 担心;关心 期末考试 不再 …… 与 …… 相处 对 …… 厌烦 add up get the points/scores calm down have got to be concerned about end-of-term exam no longer/not any longer get along with be / get tired of Phrases

35 1. It is rude to point your fingers ____ others. A. to B. at C. out D. For 2. The clock points ____ 12, and I felt very hungry. A. to B. out C. in D. at B Exercise A

36 3. You _____ your homework yesterday. A. will have handed in B. should have handed in C. must handed in D. would handed in 4. You shouldn’t keep ____ when your teacher asks you a question. A. still B. silent C. quiet D. calm B B

37 5. He added some sugar _____ the milk. A. to B. at C. out D. for 6. You had better have the second-hand car get ____ before you sell it. A. repaired B. repair C. in repair D. repairing A A

38 FRIENFRIEN faithful / friendly/ fair … reliable / respectful / responsible interesting… everlasting / eternal /equal / encouraging… nice… Think about what is friendship?

39 different / devoted… sharing / sincere… helpful / honest… incredible / independent… polite / patient / punctual… DSHIPDSHIP

40 I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. I can’t ignore his rudeness any longer. You can’t ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison. He ________ the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking. I _____________ that the boss could be so strict. 4. ignore vt. 不理睬 ; 忽视 be ignored 不知道, 没意识到 ignores was ignored

41 n. ignorance 无知, 愚昧, 不学无术 His ignorance is surprising. I was in complete ignorance of his intentions. adj. ignorant 无知识的, 不知道的, 愚昧的, 幼稚的 be ignorant of 对 …… 无知, 不知道

42 ignore something 和 be ignorant of sth 的区别 If you ignore sth, you know about it but pay no attention. e.g. He knew there was a speed limit, but he ignored it and drove very fast. 他知道有车速限制,但却置之不理,把车开得飞快。 If you are ignorant of sth, you don’t know about it. e.g. Most passengers were totally ignorant of the safety procedures. 大多数旅客根本不知道安全措施。

43 拓展 (1)be concerned about/for 关心;挂念 She is concerned about how little food I eat. 她为我吃那么少而担忧。 (2)be concerned in/with 与 …… 有关;牵涉 The report is concerned with all of us. 这个报告关系到我们所有的人。 (3)as far as sb./ concerned 就 …… 而言 As far as I am concerned, the whole idea is crazy. 在我看来,这个主意简直疯狂。

44 That doesn’t concern us. What concerns me is our lack of preparation. n. 利害关系 ; 担心 ; 关注 I have no concern with the accident. vt. 使担忧, 涉及, 关系到 7. concern

45 be concerned about/for 为 …… 担心 ; 关注 His mother is always concerned about his future and his happiness. 他的妈妈常为他的前途和幸福担心。 be concerned with 与 …… 有关系;参与 He seemed to be concerned with the case. 他看起来和这个案子有关系。 be involved in

46 We are all concerned about / for her safety. More than one person has been concerned with this matter. as/so far as sb. is concerned =in one’s opinion 就某人而言, 在某人看来 As far as I am concerned, the whole idea is crazy.

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