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分句与合句 Division and Combination. Differences in Sentence Structures between English and Chinese: English: Hypotactic ( 形合 )  Complex On average, 20-25.

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Presentation on theme: "分句与合句 Division and Combination. Differences in Sentence Structures between English and Chinese: English: Hypotactic ( 形合 )  Complex On average, 20-25."— Presentation transcript:

1 分句与合句 Division and Combination

2 Differences in Sentence Structures between English and Chinese: English: Hypotactic ( 形合 )  Complex On average, 20-25 words Chinese: Paratactic (意合)  Simplex 7-12 characters

3 I. Division in E-C Translation I. Division in E-C TranslationExamples: 1. The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket. ? 他对气候的唯一让步就是穿一件白色的短餐衣。 2. A few of the pictures are worth mentioning both for their technical excellence and interesting content. ? 其中有些照片既由于其技术高超又 由于其内容有趣 而值得一提。

4 3. Good to the last drop. 4. Fresh up with Seven-up. 5. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 6. A man without tears is a man without heart. 7. Father’s falling ill worried mother. 8. The pursuit of science withdraws a scientist’s interest from external things.

5 9. She was a tall silent woman with a long nose and grey troubled eyes. ? 她是一个沉默的高个子女人,有着长长的鼻 子和忧郁的神情。 10. See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct.

6 11. We find that in building socialism we have to overcome a combination of national poverty and a deeply ingrained belief that an individual can lift that burden from himself and his children by acquisition of personal wealth.

7 A word is translated into a segment. A word is translated into a segment. 1. He crashed down on a protesting chair. ? 他猛然坐到一张 吱吱地发出抗议声的椅子。 2. On one sunshiny morning in June… 3. His announcement got a mixed reaction.

8 4. His informality impressed me deeply. 5. You are talking delightful nonsense. 6. After several blocks, he found an empty park bench.

9 II. Division in C-E Translation 1) 按内容层次断句 2) 从主语变化处断句 3) 在总说 — 分述处断句 4) 其他情况

10 1 )按内容层次断句 在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开 口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方 ,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。( TEM8,1996 ) On such occasions, strangers often get to know each other. If the two strangers are Asians, they usually present their visiting cards respectfully with both hands to each other before they even start their conversation, as if this is an indispensable courtesy.

11 2) 从主语变化处 不一会,北风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净, 剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快 。(一件小事) 不一会,北风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净, 剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快 。(一件小事) Presently the wind dropped a little. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace. Presently the wind dropped a little. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.

12 保护绿水青山,留住蓝天白云,是全体人 民福祉所系,也是对子孙有待义不容辞的 责任。 ( 李克强) 保护绿水青山,留住蓝天白云,是全体人 民福祉所系,也是对子孙有待义不容辞的 责任。 ( 李克强) ____ clear water, green mountains _____ is vital for people’s well-being, and it is our _______ responsibility to future generations. ____ clear water, green mountains _____ is vital for people’s well-being, and it is our _______ responsibility to future generations.

13 盛夏炎日,一走进浙江莫干山的林间小路就汗止 心凉,如轻风拂照,浑身有说不出的舒坦,忍不 住要赞叹一声:莫干山,好一个清凉世界! 盛夏炎日,一走进浙江莫干山的林间小路就汗止 心凉,如轻风拂照,浑身有说不出的舒坦,忍不 住要赞叹一声:莫干山,好一个清凉世界! No matter how hot it is “outside”, once you step onto the trail through the forest on Mogan Mountain in Zhejiang Province, the sweat withdraws from your body. In addition, the breeze refreshes you with a gentle caress. How cool it is! No matter how hot it is “outside”, once you step onto the trail through the forest on Mogan Mountain in Zhejiang Province, the sweat withdraws from your body. In addition, the breeze refreshes you with a gentle caress. How cool it is!

14 不晓得季节和结婚有什么关系,但是从初冬 到春天结婚的人数比其他季节多了很多,也 许这就是所谓的结婚季节吧。 I don’t know what relation exists between the season and marriage, but the number of marriages is much greater from early winter to spring than in other seasons. Maybe this is the season of marriage people usually call.

15 3) 在总说 — 分述或分述 — 总说处 断句 先分述,再总说 先分述,再总说 各种语言嘈杂极了,有的在吵架,有的在 患难中谈爱,真是一个热闹的世界。 各种语言嘈杂极了,有的在吵架,有的在 患难中谈爱,真是一个热闹的世界。 People quarreled, and lovers, in spite of the hard times, talked to each other affectionately in a Babel of languages. It was a very lively place. People quarreled, and lovers, in spite of the hard times, talked to each other affectionately in a Babel of languages. It was a very lively place.

16 先总说,再分述 先总说,再分述 父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐,她的男朋友是什么 样的人,父亲一看就知道。 父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐,她的男朋友是什么 样的人,父亲一看就知道。 After all, her father has much more worldly experience than her. So he will be able tell, at a glance, what kind of man her boyfriend is. After all, her father has much more worldly experience than her. So he will be able tell, at a glance, what kind of man her boyfriend is.

17 这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新的变化 ,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加 ,乡镇企业异军突起。(《邓小平文选》) 这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新的变化 ,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加 ,乡镇企业异军突起。(《邓小平文选》) During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes. This is characterized by a substantial increase in crop production and farmer’s income and the rise of rural enterprises as a new force. During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes. This is characterized by a substantial increase in crop production and farmer’s income and the rise of rural enterprises as a new force.

18 4 )其他情况下的断句 语气转折处 语气转折处 为了强调某个句子 为了强调某个句子 反问句、问句、感叹句等句子之前 反问句、问句、感叹句等句子之前

19 和平统一的政策,也是众所周知不会改变 的,并且正在深入全中华民族的心坎。( 《邓小平文选》) 和平统一的政策,也是众所周知不会改变 的,并且正在深入全中华民族的心坎。( 《邓小平文选》) Our policy of peaceful reunification is also known to all and will not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of motherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation. Our policy of peaceful reunification is also known to all and will not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of motherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation.

20 餐馆里只有两个人,或许是因为天气冷的 缘故吧。 餐馆里只有两个人,或许是因为天气冷的 缘故吧。 There were only a few people in the restaurant. Probably it was because of the cold. There were only a few people in the restaurant. Probably it was because of the cold.

21 人类没有食物就不能生存,因此需要农民。 人类没有食物就不能生存,因此需要农民。 Human beings cannot live without food. Hence they need for peasants. Human beings cannot live without food. Hence they need for peasants. 应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它 为什么能存在? 应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它 为什么能存在? It must be admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not, how can it survive. It must be admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not, how can it survive.

22 哼,让大家说吧,周家大少爷看上他家里 面的女下人,怕什么?我喜欢她。 哼,让大家说吧,周家大少爷看上他家里 面的女下人,怕什么?我喜欢她。 Hun. Let them say what they like about “young Mr Zhou falling for one of the servants”. What do I care? I love her. Hun. Let them say what they like about “young Mr Zhou falling for one of the servants”. What do I care? I love her.

23 III. Combination in C-E Translation 北海公园是原辽、金、元、明、清历代封 建帝王的 “ 御花园 ” 。总面积共有 68.2 公顷。 北海公园是原辽、金、元、明、清历代封 建帝王的 “ 御花园 ” 。总面积共有 68.2 公顷。 Beihai Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Beihai Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

24 同时,要更加重视人文关怀,消除对艾滋 病感染者和病人的歧视,保障他们合法权 益。(李克强) 同时,要更加重视人文关怀,消除对艾滋 病感染者和病人的歧视,保障他们合法权 益。(李克强) At the same time, we should give loving care to those affected, fight discrimination against HIV carriers and AIDS patients, and protect their legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, we should give loving care to those affected, fight discrimination against HIV carriers and AIDS patients, and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

25 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶 子。叶子出水很高,像婷婷的舞女的裙。 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶 子。叶子出水很高,像婷婷的舞女的裙。 All over the winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. All over the winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace.

26 有水有鱼的地方大都有环境的,好环境会 给人好心情。( TEM8 , 2001 ) 有水有鱼的地方大都有环境的,好环境会 给人好心情。( TEM8 , 2001 ) Generally speaking, a place where there is water and fish makes a nice environment which in turn keeps people in a good mood. Generally speaking, a place where there is water and fish makes a nice environment which in turn keeps people in a good mood.

27 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等。( TEM8, 2003 ) 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等。( TEM8, 2003 ) The gifts of nature are equally granted to all human beings, be they rich or poor. 人是很有趣,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都 是他或她的优点。( TEM8, 2004) 人是很有趣,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都 是他或她的优点。( TEM8, 2004) Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance.

28 开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。吃头两个 主菜时,也是赞不绝口。 开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。吃头两个 主菜时,也是赞不绝口。 You will be not only favorably impressed with the first dish or cold dishes, but also profuse in praise of the first two courses. 美国社会将重点放在大学教育,将大学教育看成 通向事业成功之路。 美国社会将重点放在大学教育,将大学教育看成 通向事业成功之路。 American society places emphasis on college education, which they believe will eventually lead to fruitful careers.

29 III. Division + Combination 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父亲在 园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。( TEM 8, 2003 ) 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父亲在 园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。( TEM 8, 2003 ) One spring evening, when numerous flowers were in full bloom in our garden, my parents held a garden party. It was attended by a large crowd of guests, who filled the place with laughter and chats. One spring evening, when numerous flowers were in full bloom in our garden, my parents held a garden party. It was attended by a large crowd of guests, who filled the place with laughter and chats.

30 Exercises Part 1 1. In the doorway lay at least 12 umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 2. There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places visited and the people I met. 3. Can you answer me a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me? 4. If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Board Street. He is well known.

31 5. I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers. 6. The movie’s blend of satire and sweetness, princessy romance and feminist pluck was expertly calibrated to satisfy a third-grade girl. 7. The morning of June 27 th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.

32 Part 2 1. 少年是一去不复返的,等精力衰时,要做学问也来不及 了。 2. 这是第一个孩子,没见过世面,老是躲躲闪闪的。 3. 时候既然是深冬,渐近故乡时,天气又隐晦,冷风吹进 船舱中呜呜地响。 4. 哲人云:人生的旅程就是前瞻后顾,前瞻给人以希望, 后顾让人释怀。 5. 这里风光秀丽,过去是燕京八景之一。 6. 雨声渐渐地住了,窗帘后隐隐地透进清光来。 7. 她性格随和,是位全面发展的优秀学生,是这次交流项 目最有希望的人选。 8. 从前有座山,山上有座庙,庙里有个老和尚。

33 Revision Translation Techniques:  Conversion of the part of speech & The translation of passive voice  Amplification & Omission  Affirmation & Negation  Conversion from abstractness to concreteness or vice versa  Division & Combination

34 Exercise for Revision: 10 Love Quotes 1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

35 6) I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever 7) Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. 8) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 9) Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch. 10) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 10) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

36 Thank You!

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