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PANDEMIC INFLUENZA – Part 2 世界性流行性感冒 Managing at Home 家中的處置
Make a Comprehensive Plan 擬定完整的計畫 Home & School/Daycare 家裡 & 學校 / 托兒看護 Home & School/Daycare 家裡 & 學校 / 托兒看護 Immunizations up to date? Any special needs (allergy shots, medical services)? 有無按時接種疫苗 ( 是否有過敏或其 他醫學上的需要 ?) Immunizations up to date? Any special needs (allergy shots, medical services)? 有無按時接種疫苗 ( 是否有過敏或其 他醫學上的需要 ?) Who will care for my family members (children, elderly, disabled) and pets if I get sick? 我生病時誰來照顧我的家 庭成員與寵物 ( 小孩, 長者, 行動不便 )? Who will care for my family members (children, elderly, disabled) and pets if I get sick? 我生病時誰來照顧我的家 庭成員與寵物 ( 小孩, 長者, 行動不便 )? Are my emergency kit & contact info ready? 緊急需要用品 及聯絡資料是否準備好 ? Are my emergency kit & contact info ready? 緊急需要用品 及聯絡資料是否準備好 ? What plans do schools, etc. have for pandemic? 學校對流 感大流行有無應變計畫 ? What plans do schools, etc. have for pandemic? 學校對流 感大流行有無應變計畫 ? If school/daycare closes, who will care for my children? 如 果學校與托兒中心關閉, 誰要看顧我的小孩 ? If school/daycare closes, who will care for my children? 如 果學校與托兒中心關閉, 誰要看顧我的小孩 ?
Make a Comprehensive Plan 擬定完整的計畫 Work & Community ( 工作與社區 ) Work & Community ( 工作與社區 ) What options are available at work if I have to care for a sick family member? 如果我必須照顧生病的家人, 我要如何安排我 的工作 ? What options are available at work if I have to care for a sick family member? 如果我必須照顧生病的家人, 我要如何安排我 的工作 ? How will we manage at work if many people are off sick? 如果 很多人生病不能上班, 我們要如何做工作上的調整管理 ? How will we manage at work if many people are off sick? 如果 很多人生病不能上班, 我們要如何做工作上的調整管理 ? If I stay home to care for children /sick family members or the business closes temporarily, how will I manage with reduced income? 如果我必須待在家中照顧小孩與生病的家人, 或者上 班的場所暫時關閉, 我要如何來應付收入減少的問題 ? If I stay home to care for children /sick family members or the business closes temporarily, how will I manage with reduced income? 如果我必須待在家中照顧小孩與生病的家人, 或者上 班的場所暫時關閉, 我要如何來應付收入減少的問題 ? What is my community’s emergency response plan? 我的社區 緊急應變計畫為何 ? What is my community’s emergency response plan? 我的社區 緊急應變計畫為何 ? Which of my neighbours (elderly, single parents, new immigrants, etc.) may need help during pandemic? 在大流行時, 哪些鄰居需要幫忙 ( 長者, 單親家長, 新移民 ….) Which of my neighbours (elderly, single parents, new immigrants, etc.) may need help during pandemic? 在大流行時, 哪些鄰居需要幫忙 ( 長者, 單親家長, 新移民 ….)
What to Do if You/Family Get Pandemic Flu? 你或你的家人感染流感時應該怎麼辦 ? Maintain excellent hygiene practices (hand washing, cough & sneeze etiquette, don ’ t share personal items - towels, toothbrushes) 保持良好 的衛生習慣 ( 洗手, 咳嗽與打噴嚏的禮儀, 不與他人共用毛巾與牙 刷 Maintain excellent hygiene practices (hand washing, cough & sneeze etiquette, don ’ t share personal items - towels, toothbrushes) 保持良好 的衛生習慣 ( 洗手, 咳嗽與打噴嚏的禮儀, 不與他人共用毛巾與牙 刷 Drink 8-10 large glasses of fluid (water, fruit juice, milk, herbal teas) a day; avoid caffeine 每天飲用八到十杯飲料 ( 水, 果汁, 牛奶, 茶 ), 避免 飲用咖啡因 Drink 8-10 large glasses of fluid (water, fruit juice, milk, herbal teas) a day; avoid caffeine 每天飲用八到十杯飲料 ( 水, 果汁, 牛奶, 茶 ), 避免 飲用咖啡因 Get lots of rest 充分休息 Get lots of rest 充分休息 Call someone to help if you are alone, single parent, caregiver for elderly or disabled 如果你是獨自一個人, 或是單親父母, 或是照顧 長者與行動不便的人, 記得打電話尋求協助 Call someone to help if you are alone, single parent, caregiver for elderly or disabled 如果你是獨自一個人, 或是單親父母, 或是照顧 長者與行動不便的人, 記得打電話尋求協助
Managing Symptoms 症狀處理 Take plain tylenol or ibuprofen to relieve pain, fever; no aspirin for children under 18 可以服用泰能諾或布洛芬來緩解疼痛, 如果小孩 年紀小於十八歲, 禁用阿斯匹林 Take plain tylenol or ibuprofen to relieve pain, fever; no aspirin for children under 18 可以服用泰能諾或布洛芬來緩解疼痛, 如果小孩 年紀小於十八歲, 禁用阿斯匹林 Use heating pad/hot water bottle for short periods to reduce muscle aches; take warm bath with Epsom salts 可用熱墊或熱水來暫時減 緩肌肉疼痛, 可以洗硫酸鎂鹽溫浴 Use heating pad/hot water bottle for short periods to reduce muscle aches; take warm bath with Epsom salts 可用熱墊或熱水來暫時減 緩肌肉疼痛, 可以洗硫酸鎂鹽溫浴 Take cough medicine for a dry cough 服用止咳藥治療乾咳 Take cough medicine for a dry cough 服用止咳藥治療乾咳 Gargle with warm water; suck on hard candy/ lozenges 用溫水漱口, 並口含喉糖還緩解喉嚨症狀 Gargle with warm water; suck on hard candy/ lozenges 用溫水漱口, 並口含喉糖還緩解喉嚨症狀 Use nasal spray or saline for stuffy nose 使用噴鼻藥水或生理食鹽 水來治療鼻塞 Use nasal spray or saline for stuffy nose 使用噴鼻藥水或生理食鹽 水來治療鼻塞 Get advice from pharmacist or RNs at Tele-health (1-866-797-0000) as needed 可向藥師或護理師請教問題 Get advice from pharmacist or RNs at Tele-health (1-866-797-0000) as needed 可向藥師或護理師請教問題 Avoid alcohol and tobacco 避免酒精或菸 Avoid alcohol and tobacco 避免酒精或菸
Environmental Control 週遭環境的預防控制 Don ’ t share anything that might carry germs (e.g. towels, toothbrushes, lipstick, toys, drinks) 勿共用生活用具 ( 毛 巾, 牙刷, 口紅, 玩具, 飲料 ) Don ’ t share anything that might carry germs (e.g. towels, toothbrushes, lipstick, toys, drinks) 勿共用生活用具 ( 毛 巾, 牙刷, 口紅, 玩具, 飲料 ) Keep sick person ’ s dishes, kitchen utensils, towels, etc. separate from rest of family 病人單獨使用餐具毛巾, 勿與 他人共用 Keep sick person ’ s dishes, kitchen utensils, towels, etc. separate from rest of family 病人單獨使用餐具毛巾, 勿與 他人共用 Handle sick person ’ s garbage (e.g. used tissues) carefully and wash hands thoroughly after 小心處理病人的廢棄物 ( 如用過的衛生紙 ) Handle sick person ’ s garbage (e.g. used tissues) carefully and wash hands thoroughly after 小心處理病人的廢棄物 ( 如用過的衛生紙 ) Change bed linens, towels, etc. whenever damp or soiled; wash in hot water and detergent 病人使用的床單毛巾, 用 熱水與清潔劑處理 Change bed linens, towels, etc. whenever damp or soiled; wash in hot water and detergent 病人使用的床單毛巾, 用 熱水與清潔劑處理 Clean hard surfaces (e.g. door handles, kitchen countertops, etc.) frequently with alcohol-based cleaner 所有器具表面 ( 門把, 廚房流理台 ) 以酒精消毒 Clean hard surfaces (e.g. door handles, kitchen countertops, etc.) frequently with alcohol-based cleaner 所有器具表面 ( 門把, 廚房流理台 ) 以酒精消毒
When to Call Doctor 什麼時候要趕快聯絡醫師 Right away if you get flu symptoms and 當你有流感 症狀時, Right away if you get flu symptoms and 當你有流感 症狀時, have heart of lung disease 並有心肺疾病 have heart of lung disease 並有心肺疾病 need regular medical attention for any other chronic health problems 或是你有慢性病 need regular medical attention for any other chronic health problems 或是你有慢性病 are elderly or frail 你的年紀很大, 或你很虛弱 are elderly or frail 你的年紀很大, 或你很虛弱 have decreased immune function (e.g. diabetes, cancer, chemo, HIV/AIDS) 你有免疫缺陷 ( 如糖尿病, 癌症, 化療, 愛滋感染 ) have decreased immune function (e.g. diabetes, cancer, chemo, HIV/AIDS) 你有免疫缺陷 ( 如糖尿病, 癌症, 化療, 愛滋感染 ) If you get flu symptoms but are otherwise healthy If you get flu symptoms but are otherwise healthy Call doctor or telehealth if symptoms are getting worse or you don’t start feeling better after 1-2 weeks 如有你有流感 症狀但無其他疾病, 但是一兩週後流感症狀持續惡化, Call doctor or telehealth if symptoms are getting worse or you don’t start feeling better after 1-2 weeks 如有你有流感 症狀但無其他疾病, 但是一兩週後流感症狀持續惡化,
When your Child Should See a Doctor 什 麼時候你的小孩必須就醫 Whenever you see any of the following signs: 在以下 症狀出現時 : Whenever you see any of the following signs: 在以下 症狀出現時 : Fast or difficult breathing 呼吸急促或呼吸困難 Fast or difficult breathing 呼吸急促或呼吸困難 Bluish/dark-coloured lips or skin 嘴唇或皮膚發紫 Bluish/dark-coloured lips or skin 嘴唇或皮膚發紫 Very lethargic or drowsy 嗜睡無力 Very lethargic or drowsy 嗜睡無力 Very cranky/not wanting to be held 焦躁不安 Very cranky/not wanting to be held 焦躁不安 Not drinking enough fluids; passing only small amounts of dark amber urine infrequently 液體引用不足, 排些許深黃 褐色的尿 Not drinking enough fluids; passing only small amounts of dark amber urine infrequently 液體引用不足, 排些許深黃 褐色的尿 Symptoms improve then suddenly become worse 症狀好 轉後要變壞 Symptoms improve then suddenly become worse 症狀好 轉後要變壞
Information the Doctor Will Need 醫師需要的資料 What other conditions you have (heart or lung disease, other chronic health problems, frail elderly, disabled, decreased immune system function, pregnant) 你有無其他病史 ( 心肺疾病, 慢性病, 年老 虛弱, 殘障, 免疫缺陷, 懷孕 ) What other conditions you have (heart or lung disease, other chronic health problems, frail elderly, disabled, decreased immune system function, pregnant) 你有無其他病史 ( 心肺疾病, 慢性病, 年老 虛弱, 殘障, 免疫缺陷, 懷孕 ) Your flu symptoms (difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in chest/stomach, confusion or disorientation, bluish lips/skin colour, mucous in cough, severe/persistent vomiting, symptoms that improve then get worse) 你的感冒症狀 ( 呼吸困難, 胸腹 疼痛或壓迫, 意識模糊不清, 嘴唇皮膚發紫, 咳嗽有痰, 持續 嘔吐, 症狀好轉後又轉壞 ) Your flu symptoms (difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in chest/stomach, confusion or disorientation, bluish lips/skin colour, mucous in cough, severe/persistent vomiting, symptoms that improve then get worse) 你的感冒症狀 ( 呼吸困難, 胸腹 疼痛或壓迫, 意識模糊不清, 嘴唇皮膚發紫, 咳嗽有痰, 持續 嘔吐, 症狀好轉後又轉壞 ) Contact with sick person or travel in last 2 weeks ( 近兩週與流感病人 接觸, 或到疫區 ) Contact with sick person or travel in last 2 weeks ( 近兩週與流感病人 接觸, 或到疫區 ) Immunizations (including flu shot), current medications and dosages 你 的疫苗注射紀錄, 現在服用的藥物與劑量 Immunizations (including flu shot), current medications and dosages 你 的疫苗注射紀錄, 現在服用的藥物與劑量
Additions to Emergency Supply Kit 危難救助箱所需醫療用品 Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (60-90%) 手用酒精消毒水 Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (60-90%) 手用酒精消毒水 Medicines for headache, cough, fever (ibuprofen/tylenol OK; no aspirin for children under 18) 解熱鎮痛止咳藥 Medicines for headache, cough, fever (ibuprofen/tylenol OK; no aspirin for children under 18) 解熱鎮痛止咳藥 Thermometer 體溫計 Thermometer 體溫計 Anti-diarrhoeal medication 治療腹瀉用藥 Anti-diarrhoeal medication 治療腹瀉用藥 Adequate supply of usual prescription meds in case you can ’ t get to doctor ’ s office 你個人所需的處方藥 Adequate supply of usual prescription meds in case you can ’ t get to doctor ’ s office 你個人所需的處方藥 Fluids with electrolytes (e.g. sports drinks, fruit juice, colas, etc.) 補充電解質所需的飲料 ( 運動飲料, 果汁, 可樂 ) Fluids with electrolytes (e.g. sports drinks, fruit juice, colas, etc.) 補充電解質所需的飲料 ( 運動飲料, 果汁, 可樂 ) Extra tissues, cleaning supplies, garbage bags, etc. ( 衛生用 品, 垃圾袋 ) Extra tissues, cleaning supplies, garbage bags, etc. ( 衛生用 品, 垃圾袋 ) Canned food and bottled water in case of supply chain interruptions ( 罐頭食品, 罐裝水 ) Canned food and bottled water in case of supply chain interruptions ( 罐頭食品, 罐裝水 )
Information Sources 資料來源 Information presented here comes primarily from Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-term Care 主要來自安省衛生部 Information presented here comes primarily from Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-term Care 主要來自安省衛生部 More info available at 安省衛生部網站 More info available at 安省衛生部網站 MOHLTC Info line: 1-866-801-7242 詢問電話 MOHLTC Info line: 1-866-801-7242 詢問電話 TTY 1-800-387-5559 聾啞服務電話 TTY 1-800-387-5559 聾啞服務電話 – parish nursing 三教會護理 事工 – parish nursing 三教會護理 事工
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