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TOM GREHL Your FUTURE – Take Control. Outline Global Realities Have Changed for College Students 大大改变了全球各地大学生的就业机会。 What are the new realities? 新的现实是什么?

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Presentation on theme: "TOM GREHL Your FUTURE – Take Control. Outline Global Realities Have Changed for College Students 大大改变了全球各地大学生的就业机会。 What are the new realities? 新的现实是什么?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOM GREHL Your FUTURE – Take Control

2 Outline Global Realities Have Changed for College Students 大大改变了全球各地大学生的就业机会。 What are the new realities? 新的现实是什么? Global Realities Will Continue to Change Rapidly 新的现实将继续改变 - How can you be better prepared? 你怎么能更好地准备面对这变化的景观? It is Your future. 我们正在谈论你的未来。 And you need to take control of it 你必须控制 你的未来。 I will share some lessons on how to do this. 如何实现这一目标,我将分享一 些想法。 Key skills that employers want, and how to obtain them. 雇主想要的关键技巧和如何获取 它们。 Which career is right for you? 哪个职业适合你? Selling and Service Jobs 销售和服务工作 A few resume writing tips. 几个简历的写作技巧 How to have a successful interview. 如何有一个成功的面试 Achieving success after you start your job. 在你的新工作取得成功 Importance of Seeking Mentors 寻求导师的重要性 and Learning Opportunities. Lifelong learning skills. 终身学习的重要性

3 新的现实情况是什么? What are new realities? A college degree is necessary BUT NOT ENOUGH 一个大学学 位是有必要但不是充分的成功工具 – this is true all over the world 这是存在于全世界, but especially in China where college graduates are about 5x more than just 10 years ago 尤其是在 中国, 现在有比十年前的五倍更多大学毕业生 Job creation is not as strong as economic growth has slowed and technology also destroys traditional jobs. 创造就业机会不 是那样强, 经济增长有所放缓,而技术也取代了传统的工作 Companies are even more reluctant to hire and train college graduates without work experience. 公司都不愿意雇佣和培训 没有工作经验的大学毕业生. RESULT 结果 – about 50% of college graduates either are unemployed or can’t find jobs in their desired field. 大约 50% 的大学毕业生找不到工作,或者在他们研究的主题中找不到工 作.

4 未来的现实是什么? What will the future look like? Technology will continue to replace people in more and more jobs 人们将被替换技术在更多就业机会 – e.g. robotic warehouses 在仓库工作的机器人, driver- less cars 由计算机驾驶车. PANDORA replaces D.J.’s 自定 义的歌曲选择技术取代唱片骑师 New careers that don’t exist today will be created. 不存在 的新职业将会创建. College graduates will probably change jobs between 15- 20 times in their lives. 大学毕业生可能会改变工作岗位 15-20 次在他们的未来. FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS THAT ARE TRANSPORTABLE ARE KEY. 可移动的基本技能是关键.

5 Which skills do employers want? 雇主想要哪些技能 ? Communication skills 沟通技巧 – verbal and written skills that present data and ideas in a concise, clear fashion that can influence and persuade. 口头和书面的技 能,目前的数据和想法简明、 清晰的方式,可以影响和说 服。 Problem-solving skills 解决问题的能力 Decision making skills. 决策的技能。 Selling skills/negotiation skills. 销售技巧 / 谈判技巧 Teamwork/teambuilding skills. 团队精神 / 团队建设技能 INTER-PERSONAL SKILLS. 人际沟通技巧

6 Impact of Smart Phones on Interpersonal Skills. 智能手机对人际交往能力的影响 Young people are always messaging, but this is a different type of interaction – superficial and without face to face communication. 年轻人们 总是使用短文本电话信息,但这是一种不同类型的互动 — — 肤浅和没有面 对面沟通。 Young people are seeing so much information that they don’t have to respond to, that they don’t realize information that they NEED to respond to - a “thank you” for time spent in interview or meeting; an “RSVP” if you are invited to an event. 年轻的人会看到如此多的信息他们不需要回应, 他们没有意识到他们需要响应 -" 谢谢你 " 面试或会议 所用的时间, 或者 " 回复 " 如果您被邀请到一个事件. Always have games to play, and other fun activities, but is there any time for serious reflection?? 总是有游戏玩,和其他有趣的活动,但有没有认真思 考时间. YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE, OR OTHERS WILL. 你 必须采取控制的未来、 或其他人会为你做。

7 Take Control -Your Next Steps 采取控制 - 您的下一步骤 Start to think of yourself as a company with a product - your skills. 开始觉得自己作为一个公司, 您的产品是你的 技能. You are competing based on the skills and how you market yourself. 你与你的技能和你如何推销自己竞争 Use the internet to train yourself in skills, free training is available. 使用互联网来训练自己的技能、 免费培训是可 用. Take advantage of opportunities at school to demonstrate skills either on class projects, or activities after class. 利用机会在学校 展示技能, 在学校的项目或其 他活动期间 Get internships that give you opportunities to learn these skills. 获取使您有机会来学习这些技能的实习机会。

8 如何找到合适的工作 — — 和为什么会很重要 How to Find the Job that Suits You. Everything in your life depends to a great extent on your happiness at work – it even affects your life expectancy. 您生活中的一切很大程度上取决于你快乐 地工作 — — 它甚至会影响你的寿命。 However, most people spend more time choosing a car, house, or mobile phone then they do choosing their career!! 然而,大多数人花费更多的时间选择汽 车、 房子或移动电话,但没有足够的时间选择职业 !!

9 Job Satisfaction- 工作满意度 30% of employees are dissatisfied at work 30% 的雇员都不满意 10% of employees hate their job 10% 的员工非常讨厌他们的工作 30% of employees neither like or dislike job 30% 的员工既 不喜欢或不讨厌他们的工作 20% of employees like their job 20% 的员工喜欢自己的工作 Only 10% of employees LOVE their job 只有 10% 的员工热爱自己的工作

10 What Job is Right for You? 什么工作适合你吗? Know your PERSONALITY 知道你的个性 - There are 16 different types. This can be tested. 有 16 个不同的类型。 这可以进行测试。 Know your Strengths 知道你的优点 - think what you have done that you and others said that you were good at doing. 考虑你做了什么你和其他人说是你擅长做的事情 Know your interests. 知道您感兴趣的领域 Know your abilities 知道你的能力 – verbal, mathematical, or spatial 语言、 数学、 或空间识别 Know about different work environments. 了解不同的工 作环境 Talk to people in the jobs that you are interested in. 讨论 你的工作问题与人做了相同的那些作业..

11 Natural strenghts Personality Type Interests SWEET SPOT WHERE THESE THREE AREAS CONVERGE - “DREAM JOB” 你梦想的工作

12 Most Desired Jobs in China 最想做的工作在中国 1-Public Servant 公务员 - ( development?, 有的发展吗 ?) 2-Flight attendant 空姐 (tough on health;nasty customers 对健康的坚韧 ; 讨厌的客户 ) 3-Journalist 记者 - (never your opinion 永远不是你的意见 ; frequent travel; danger 频 繁的出差 ;危险 )) 4-University Professor 大学教授 -( pay; students that want to learn? 工资 ;学生想要 学习吗 ?) 。 5-Lawyer 律师 – (most lawyers work very long hours; lots of conflict and pressure 大 多数律师工作很长时间 ;有很多的冲突和压力 ). 6-Doctor 医生 - (see death and illness; risk infection; lawsuits 看到死亡和疾病 ;感 染的风险 ;法律诉讼 ) 7-Big 4 Accountant 会计 ( monthly deadlines; poor work/life balance 每月帐目结算 ; 可怜的工作与生活的平衡 ) 8-IT industry worker 计算机程序员 ( boredom of repetitive coding 乏味的重复编码 ) 9-Model 时装表演模型 (can’t enjoy food, only lasts a short time 不能享受食物,只会持续很短的时间 ) 10-Entrepeneur 企业所有者 ( risky, high pressure ( 高风险、 高压力 )

13 How to Prepare for Different Careers 如何为不同职业生涯准备 ? US labor department reports that people of my generation changed jobs 11 times between ages 18 and 46. 美国劳工部报告我这一代人改变作业 11 次, 年龄在 18 至 46 岁之间。 Industries and jobs are changing much faster now than during last 4o years. 行业和工作岗位变化更快现在比在过去的 40 年期间。 PREPARE WELL THE BASIC SKILLS - communication; teambuilding; problem solving. 准备好的基本技能 - 通信 ;团队建设活动 ;解决问题的能 力 MAINTAIN CURIOSITY ABOUT LEARNING. 保持对学习的好奇心 Easier, repetitive jobs will be replaced by machines and online technology – e.g. real estate agents; insurance agents; post office jobs; newspaper jobs. 更容易的、 重复性的工作将由机器和在线技术取代 — — 例如房地产经纪人 ; 保险代理人 ;邮局的工作 ; 报纸方面的工作。 Stay away from jobs that don’t require challenges and tricky problems - solving challenging problems is true job security! 离工作岗位不需要挑战和 棘手的问题 - 解决具有挑战性的问题是真正的工作保障 !

14 Everyone Must Be Able to Sell 每个人都必须能够卖出 When you interview you are selling (yourself). 面试 时,你销售 (您自己)。 When you try to influence or persuade your friends or parents - you are selling. 当您尝试影响或说服你 的朋友或父母 - 您的销售 When you date – you are “selling”. 你约会你的朋 友 — — 你 " 销售 " 。 When you work you will try to influence your boss and your co-workers. 当你工作时你会尝试影响你的 老板和你的同事

15 RESUME TIP-STAND OUT 简历提示 - 脱颖而出 Thousands of resumes go through Company HR Filters. 成千上万的 简历去通过公司 HR 筛选器 How do you STAND OUT? 如何被注意到 ? You must ADVERTISE yourself like a product. 你的简历就像一个产 品广告 In USA sending out 200 resumes results in 1 interview – probably worse in China. 在美国寄出 200 个人简历会给一个面试 — — 很可能 在中国更糟 Your resume has 10 seconds to make impression. 你的简历有 10 秒 钟,以给人留下印象。 FIRST – know what employer is looking for by researching and asking questions. 第一次 — — 研究雇主在寻找什么工作技能 NEXT – spend the first few lines telling the employer why YOU are the right person for job. 简历的开头应说明为什么你是这份工作的最 佳人选

16 RESUME TIP- BACK UP CLAIMS 工作简历提示 - 提供您的语 句的具体证据 Like any advertising, the product makes claims about its performance. 像任何广告、 产品使其性能有 关的语句 Next the claims are backed up by evidence 下一步的 声明是由证据备份

17 Job Interview Tips 工作面试技巧 Company Purpose of Interview-To Make a Hiring Decision – 面试公司的目的是要作出聘用决定 Decision is based on Logical Factors as well as Emotional Factors. 决定基于逻辑因素以及情感因素。 Your Purpose – Get the Right Job 你的目的 — — 得 到合适的工作 You are SELLING A PRODUCT – YOU! 你是卖产 品 — — 你 ! You are also finding out about the company, and the opportunity. You must ask good questions too! 你想 知道更多有关公司和位置。所以你需要问很好的问题。

18 Job Interview Tips-Logical and Emotional Factors in Employer Decision 雇主决定的逻辑和感情因素 Your Strengths 你的优势 Your experience 您的经验 Your ability to add value to the organization 您将值添加到本组织的 能力 Cultural fit? 文化适合吗? Does he/she trust you? 他 (她) 不会信任你吗? Does he/she like you? 他 / 她不会喜欢你吗? As in SELLING a product, you must first do your homework about company. 在销售产品时,您必须首先执行你对公司的研究 As in Selling a product, you must develop RAPPORT with the customer. 在销售产品时,您必须开发与客户融洽的关系。 As in Selling a product, you must be able to overcome “objections” and close the deal. 在销售产品时,你必须能够克服 " 反对 " ,并关闭该 交易

19 Interview Questions and Responses 面试问题和答复 Tell me about yourself? 告诉我关于你的背景吗? Why should I hire you? 我为什么要雇佣你? How will you make a difference after joining this company? 你如何 将加入本公司后添加值? Why do you think you are the right person for this job? 为什么你觉 得你有这份工作的合适人选? Tell me your strengths and your weaknesses? 告诉我你的优点和你 的弱点吗? This is your chance to SHINE !这是你的机会站出来 ! Don’t be shy, you must sell yourself. 别害羞,你必须把你自己卖。 You must be specific about examples that demonstrate your strengths. 您必须是具体的例子证明你的实力。

20 Interview Tips-Focus on Strengths Most Relevant to Role Description 对这 份工作强调优势最相关 If Sales or Customer Interface job then good interpersonal skills would be important strength. 如 果销售人员或客户接口工作, 良好的人际关系技巧很重 要. If Accounting or IT job then strong attention to detail, and integrity are important. 如果会计或计算 机工作,强注意细节和完整性非常重要。 All positions require good team player, good listening skills, good communication skills 所有职位 都要求良好的团队合作、 良好的倾听技能、 良好的 沟通技巧

21 After You Get the Job. 你得到这份工作之后 Always look to create value for your company. 始终尝 试为您的公司创造的价值。 Look for mentors that you can trust to guide you. 寻 找你可以信任来指导你的导师。 Mentors are different from supervisor. 导师不是主管 Always pay attention to how the company is doing, and how your career can develop. 始终重视如何公司 正在发展,和如何培养你的职业生涯。 Continue to find ways to improve yourself. 继续查找 方法来提高自己。

22 To Be Successful You Must Create Value 要取得成功必须创造价值 - Either a product or a service, or an idea, must be a solution that creates Value ( money, time-savings, etc.) or reduces Pain ( inconvenience, costs, etc.) 一种产品或服 务或一个想法,必须是一种解决方案,创造价值 ( 钱,节 省时间,等 ) 或减少疼痛 ( 不便、 费用等 ) - A successful person is always looking for solutions that creates value for his company or organization. Then he/she must sell that solution internally, and then externally. 一个成功的人总是寻找解决方案,为他的公司 或组织创造价值。然后他 / 她必须在内部,卖这种解决办 法,然后将出售外部.

23 Find a Mentor 找一个导师 Choose a mentor inside the company, and one outside company. 选择两个导师 - 内一名和一个公司以 外。 Make sure that this person has many years of experience and is interested in your development. 请 确保此人已有多年的经验和你的发展有兴趣

24 Pay attention to company health, your health, and your career path. 重 视公司健康、 你的健康和你的职业生涯路径 Make friends with someone in finance department so that you always know if company is doing well. 交朋 友在财务部以便您总是知道是否公司 发展 是健康的。 Your own health is your most important asset. 你自己 的健康是您最重要的资产。 Your must manage your career so that you are always learning something valuable. 您必须管理你的职业生 涯,这样,你总是学习有价值的东西。

25 Always find ways to improve yourself. 总是设法提高自己 You can learn a new language online for free “Duolinga”. 你可以免费学习一门新语言在线 You can learn skills, and even earn many types of certificates online –often for free. 你可以免费学习技 能和甚至免费赚取很多类型的证书在线。 Accept projects at work that can develop the use of these skills, like teamwork and project management. 接受工作的项目。这些可以开发像团队 协作和项目管理技能。

26 Services are the future growth area 服务是未来的增长领域 China (and rest of world) is producing much more with the same number or fewer people. 中国 (和世 界其他地方) 是生产更多,但使用较少的人 China must grow its service industry to provide enough jobs. There is still a lot of opportunity to grow SERVICES in China. 中国必须成长其服务性行 业,提供足够的就业机会。还有很多成长在中国服务 的机会。

27 Successful People Habits 成功的人 习惯 Learn to do things other people don’t want to. 学会做别人不想做的 事情 Face their fears 面对他们的恐惧 Can delay gratification 可以延迟满足 Are proactive; not reactive 积极主动 ;不无功 Leaders follow their own voice; not the “herd”. 领导人按照他们自己 的声音 ;不 " 群 " Put most time on most important priorities. 把大部分时间放上最重 要的优先事项 Listen carefully to others first before speaking. ,先给其他人仔细听, 然后发言 Know that they need teamwork to accomplish great things. 知道他们 需要团队合作来完成伟大的事情 Take of their bodies and minds. 照顾他们的健康和头脑。

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