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四级高分写作 : 逻辑素材法 主讲李宇龙. 什么是逻辑素材法? 是一种在临考前可以迅速掌握的英语写 作思维 ,运用日常生活中讲道理陈述事 实的思维逻辑,辅以提前雕琢好的素材 以及模板,帮助没有写作经验的学生考 场上迅速写出文章。

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Presentation on theme: "四级高分写作 : 逻辑素材法 主讲李宇龙. 什么是逻辑素材法? 是一种在临考前可以迅速掌握的英语写 作思维 ,运用日常生活中讲道理陈述事 实的思维逻辑,辅以提前雕琢好的素材 以及模板,帮助没有写作经验的学生考 场上迅速写出文章。"— Presentation transcript:

1 四级高分写作 : 逻辑素材法 主讲李宇龙

2 什么是逻辑素材法? 是一种在临考前可以迅速掌握的英语写 作思维 ,运用日常生活中讲道理陈述事 实的思维逻辑,辅以提前雕琢好的素材 以及模板,帮助没有写作经验的学生考 场上迅速写出文章。

3 李宇龙(微信 龙叔: 1493474710 )山东烟台人 西安新东方 英语学习部负责人 香港教育学院 phd 博士录取 (全奖) 英国华威大学教育学一等荣誉硕士(成绩全优)、 英国爱丁堡大学英语外语教学硕士、 西安外国语大学英语教育学院本科 某民办学校专科 曾经中考落榜、高考落榜,入读民办大专但从未放弃。 2010 年入职新东方,主讲: 专八写作、专四写作, 四级六级写作翻译, 大学口语,新概念,考研面试复试,听说读 写。 高二通过大学四级,大一通过六级,大二通过专业八级,大三通过上海中级口译考试; 为提高自身能力,从 07 年开始兼职任教于陕西、山东、辽宁、河南山西等地多所知名培 训机构。

4 课程目标 1. 图画文章写法 2. 图表类型文章写法(本讲座没时间涉 及)

5 档次评 分 标 准评 分 标 准 13-15 分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺、连贯,基本上无 语言错误,仅有个别小错。 10-12 分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字较连贯,但有少量语言 错误。 7-9 分 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强 连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 4-6 分 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的 严重语言错误。 1-3 分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子 均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 0分0分 未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或作文与主题毫不 相关。

6 逻辑论素材法框架 1 引入描述图画 2 将图画含义联系中心论点 3 开门见山陈述中心论点 4 分论点段支持中心论点 5 结尾

7 2 描述图画 请以 2013 年 6 月的图话题为例

8 第一步 According to the picture, a teacher gives a literature book to a student. The student is not happy. So the teacher says: ‘….’ 用一句话来描述动作,用一句话来描述 态度,用一句话来复述画中语言

9 难度升级版(适合六级)首先 说 In this picture, a teacher hands a literature book to a student but the student seems not willing to read it. In this caricature, a smiling female teacher passes a binding literature book to a student, however, the student is not very happy.

10 然后说 In order to let him read, the teacher said: “..” Encouraging him to read, the teacher claimed that ‘..’ The the teacher added, ‘…’, in order to let him read.

11 3 将图画含义联系中心论点 ( 四 级六级均适用) 说完图画或者谚语,别忘了回归讨论的 主题 Just like what the picture (implied/ suggested/ hinted/) that not many people like reading literature From the picture, we know that many people do not think reading literature is important.

12 4 开门见山陈述中心论点(四 级六级均适用) Personally, I do believe reading literature is important. My position is that reading literature is important. As far as I AM concerned In my opinion Personally, I believe………….. I would argue that 。。。。。 is important.

13 5 分论点段支持中心论点 很多同学一直以来纠结于是否该用长难 句,什么时候用长难句。 今天给大家一个概念:论点分论点是不 能用长难句的 如何让人一眼看见分论点: signpost words

14 在每一个分论点段前加 signpost words 我推荐大家使用 firstly , secondly , thirdly ,如果再有更多的点 furthermore ; 每一 signpost word 后接一个观点 以前总有人写 First of all (口语,多用于讲座) The first point is that 后面又不知道跟从句 Primarily, Subsequently, consequently, ultimately( 有些不良教师教大家这么写, 我也被骗过,后来在英国学习时被一个 美国老师纠正。。。汗!!!)

15 那么这样的论证段内部该怎样 写才能最有效地凑字捏?? Signpost word+ 分论点 + 你所举的例子 + 你的评论, essential hero warrior Secondly , it could improve our writing make our writing better.For example , Mr Jin Yong, in his early years/when he was young, he read books of different kinds/ different kinds of books/ all kinds of books/ a lot of books, thus when he started to write stories of warriors in ancient times, the books he read offered/provided/gave him many resources. /material 。

16 Firstly, doing small things makes people have good habbit. For instance, if someone picks up/finds a missing wallet and returns it to the owner, this behaviour makes/helps him to have good habbit/ higher moral fiber. Although this is a small thing, it is very significant Secondly, by doing small things, people could become more careful. For example, looking after babies is a small thing, but people who have done it could become more careful in other situations/ occasions. Thus, doing small things could make people more careful. In conclusion/To conclude/ In a word,, doing small things is also important, for example, doing small things makes people have good habbit, and by doing small things, people could become more careful. basis foundation The carefulness and good habbits are both basis of doing something big.

17 Firstly, electronic communication could distance people's relationship. For example, people sometimes show their thoughts online to strangers but not communicating with their parents and friends. Thus, electronic communication is bad (harmful) (detrimental) for people's relationship.

18 people spend less and less time together face-to-face communciation makes people (people's relationship) closer emotion face-to-face communication could increase people's emotion/ affection understand each other better Online communicaiton is not real/is sometimes fake. decieve gullible People sometimes /are likely to be decieved. The old are gullible

19 To conclude , face-to-face communication has more advantages than online communication, because/ for example..

20 举例所需例证模板 For example, 某人, as a big name in 某领域 , has the characteristic of 某品格; in his or her life history, he or she would not achieve such achievement without 某品质. For example , doing ( reading/using/playing ) 某 事 could help people improve their 某能力 。

21 理证(评论你的例证) Therefore , I argue that …is important.

22 先等等看模板!! 先解决部分同学在考场上不知如何编写 分论点的问题。 下面介绍三种思维方式 (考场上选其一 就可):

23 1 宏观微观法

24 2. 由此及彼法 3. 辩证客观

25 improve bring advantages to is detrimental is harmful for each coin has two sides, it has side effects social influence/social effect This result is done by many reasons many factors cause ( lead to ) this results social phenomenon phenomena

26 看例子 Firstly, reading literature could enlarge student’s knowledge. For example, reading Monkey King could make students think about religion in Tang Dynasty; reading Pride and Prejudice could give students information about life in midcentury England. Therefore, reading literature is important.

27 大家想,大家写 Secondly ,

28 Thirdly ,

29 Furthermore ,

30 7 结尾 不能增添新内容,除非题目允许;不要 大放厥词,渲染生化主题,那样太 Chinglish 了! In conclusion ,重复中心论点,重复分论 点 To conclude , 有时这段会写一些事情的解决方法

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