英语中考复习探讨 如何写好书面表达 宁波滨海学校 李爱娣. 近三年中考试题分析 评分标准 试卷评分与练习 (2009 年书面表达为例 ) 影响给分的因素: 存在问题 书面表达高分技巧 建议.

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Presentation on theme: "英语中考复习探讨 如何写好书面表达 宁波滨海学校 李爱娣. 近三年中考试题分析 评分标准 试卷评分与练习 (2009 年书面表达为例 ) 影响给分的因素: 存在问题 书面表达高分技巧 建议."— Presentation transcript:

1 英语中考复习探讨 如何写好书面表达 宁波滨海学校 李爱娣

2 近三年中考试题分析 评分标准 试卷评分与练习 (2009 年书面表达为例 ) 影响给分的因素: 存在问题 书面表达高分技巧 建议

3 近三年中考试题特点 从中考英语书面表达题来看,大致归纳为 两种写作类型:一类是文字(提纲式)或 表格提示写作;宁波近三年都是表格提示 形式为主,一直坚持着 “ 半开放 ” 的命题思路 , 08 和 10 年的话题都具有时代气息, 09 年 的话题很贴近学生生活,人人有话可说, 有感可发,且发挥空间大。能较好地考查 考生的书面表达能力。

4 2008 年中考试题 最近, 2008 年奥运会已成为我们 谈论的热门话题。就如何观看奥运 会,你班男女同学有不同的看法。 大多数男同学喜欢去北京观看,而 大多数女同学喜欢在家里观看。请 你根据下面方框中的提示,用英语 作一简要介绍并表明你自己的观点 。

5 2009 年中考作文 上星期,学校就学生的作业量问 题要求各班召开家长会进行讨论。以 下是你班家长的观点:多数家长认为 作业多有好处,而部分家长则认为作 业过多对孩子的成长不利。请你根据 下面方框中的提示,

6 2010 年书面表达 在今年的 “ 地球一小时( Earth Hour)” 活动中,中国很多城市的人们都 自觉熄灯一小时,体现了低碳生活的新 理念。假定你是 CCTV9 的记者,请你根 据以下采访信息用英语写一篇 80 词左右 的新闻稿。注意:部分内容已为你写好 ,不计入总词数。

7 三、评分标准 1. 本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。 第一档( 14-15 分)能写明全部要点,语言基本无误, 行文连贯,表达清楚 第二档( 11-13 分)能写明大部分要点,语言有少量 错误,行文比较连贯,表达比较清楚 第三档( 8-10 分) 能写明部分要点,语言有较多错 误,行文不太连贯,但尚能表达意思 第四档( 5-7 分) 能写明少部分或个别要点,语言错 误较多, 只有个别句子可读,可看懂。 第五档( 0-4 分) 基本上没有写出内容要点,语言错 误较多,只有一些词汇堆积,不知所云。

8 试卷评分(以 2009 中考为 例) 我们一起来打分

9 Last week our class had a parents' meeting. At the meeting, all the parents talked about whether doing a lot of homework was useful or not. Many parents thought that doing much homework was useful. Because students could review what they have learned, and doing much homework could also develop students' minds and stop students playing computer games. If students didn't do homework, they wouldn't get good grades. However, a few parents thought differently. They said that doing homework took a lot of time. So their children couldn't have a good rest. It would be bad for studying. And they couldn't do the things they like. In my opinion, if we do much homework every day, we will lose interest in studying little by little. What's more, we need free time to relax ourselves.(99words)

10 Doing much homework can review what students have learned, also can develop students' minds and stop students playing computer games, but a few parents thought that doing much homework was not useful. They thought doing much homework can take a lot of time, cannot have a good rest and cannot do the things students like. I think students should doing much homework. ( 63 words)

11 most parents:review what students have learned,develop students' minds.stop students playing computer games a few parents: take a lot of time they cannot have a good rest.cannot do the things students like

12 1 、 作文的卷面; 漂亮的书写是写作得分的亮点 建议 : 同学们一起练书法吧! 2 、文中所采用的语言材料的层次; A. 词汇的选择灵活新颖,出奇制胜 B. 句型结构运用灵活多变 ; 影响给分的四大因素:

13 3 、行文的流畅度 上下贯通、一气呵成 也就是学会使用各种功能的连词, 过渡词。 4 、自己观点的体现 自己的观点很容易漏 写。

14 存在问题 1. 拼写错误多, 词组的误用。 2. 句型用错, 结构混乱。 如 : too many homework ( 太多作业), to ( 也 ), frist ( 第一 ), resently though ( 想) everyday ( 每天) , reseive (收到), successed( 成功 ), in my idea( 按照我的观点) in the other hand( 另一方面 ), As we known, to much homework have much things to do. Most students think students should doing lot of homework. It's bad for children having a good rest.

15 3. 不顾词语和句子的搭配关系, 胡编乱造。 They thought much homework made students cannot have a good rest and cannot do the things students like. It seems that our teachers give us much homework so that we can't finish it on time.

16 4. 用中文思维, 逐字逐句译成英语, 不顾两种语言 的句法结构差异。也就是中英文思维 切换不到位 I think students have too much homework is not useful. It makes students can't do the things they like. 5. 前后时态不一致。 most parents thought it can review what students have learned. 6. 书写太差或涂改太多, 影响卷面的整洁.

17 Come and see me whenever you are convenient. There are 5 people sit in the classroom. I sometimes forgot my English book at home. I very like studying English. Read books in the morning is better. it is convenient to you sitting left very much Reading

18 写作的基本原则 1. 短语优先原则 --- 词汇选择,固定搭配。 2. 多变句式原则 --- 句型多样,与众不同 3. 条理性原则 -- 层次分明(一般分成三段比 较好,最好体现总分总 4. 无低级错误原则 I is, She are. 5. 书写工整漂亮原则

19 一、 词汇选择 — (短语优先) 用词组代替单词的拼凑。 1. I don't like English, because it's kind of difficult for me. I like apples rather than bananas..

20 2. 多亏了你的帮忙,我通过了考试。 Thanks to your help, I have passed the test. With the help of you,..... I’ll thank you if you invite me 3. 如果你能邀请我,我非常感谢您。 = Thank you for inviting me. = Thank you for your invitation.

21 二、用常用的句型 —— 稳操胜券

22 1 )过去这里是清澈的河流,而现在很脏 It was a clean river in the past, but now is dirty. There used to be a clean river, but now it is so dirty. You gave me a pleasant surprise. What a pleasant surprise you gave me! 2 )你给我了一个惊喜。

23 3.We must do something to stop pollution. Something must be done to stop pollution. It is necessary for us to do things to stop pollution 4.You can find my house easily. You have no trouble/difficulty in finding my house. You can find my house without any difficulty.

24 5. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. 6. The old photo made me think of my happy childhood. Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable. The old photo reminded me of my happy childhood.

25 . 7. He is surprised that the little girl knows so many things. To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.

26 在写建议时, 1. Here is my advice on how to..... 2. You are supposed to... 3. You 'd better(not) do sth. 4. You should do sth. 1. It is reported that..... 2. It is said that... 3. It is known that.... 4. It seems that... 在写报道时:

27 1. 多运用熟悉的句型 so that so.....that.. too....to if 引导 的条件句 I think /find it + 形容词 +to do sth. There be 句型 It takes/took +time +to do sth. I think /believe that

28 2.. 要学会使用关联词连接句子,使文 章显得流畅、自然。

29 逻辑角度合适的过渡性词汇 ⑴ 排序关系 ⑵ 并列关系 ⑶ 举例关系 ⑷ 转折关系 ⑸ 因果关系 ⑹ 归纳总结 ⑺ 递进关系 first; firstly; second; secondly; last but not least and; too; as well as; along with; together with for example; for instance; like; such as; as for but; however; while; though; on the contrary because; since; thanks to; as a result (of); therefore in a word; what’s more; besides; what’s worse;

30 三 加 加主语加连词加观点。 四 写 书写要规范,一行 11-12 个字,平 时就用标准考试纸进行训练 五 查 查大小写以及人称和谓语的搭配是 否一致 ,查要点是否写全。 提高写作能力的有效策略 一 审 审时态,审人称 二 列 列提纲 包括词语和句型


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