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這週發生的事 “…unfortunately every time this parade took place disaster befell the people of Israel,” asserted Rabbi Ephraim Holtzberg. the public’s more recent.

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Presentation on theme: "這週發生的事 “…unfortunately every time this parade took place disaster befell the people of Israel,” asserted Rabbi Ephraim Holtzberg. the public’s more recent."— Presentation transcript:


2 這週發生的事 “…unfortunately every time this parade took place disaster befell the people of Israel,” asserted Rabbi Ephraim Holtzberg. the public’s more recent acceptance of the pride parade as inevitable is “being exploited by [the homosexual community] to defy God. …They are playing with fire.”

3 Palestinians: Want end to blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt Want construction of a sea port for Gaza Wants restoring of the territory’s airport Want Israel's release of Hamas prisoners in the occupied West Bank Israeli Government: Wants guarantees that weapons will not enter Gaza Want remains of two Israeli soldiers Wants Hamas to recognize Israel Wants Hamas to be disarmed (Hamas unwilling) Western Negev Israelis (near Gaza): Will not accept short-term solutions Demanding the government to assure our security against the threat of rockets and tunnels


5 ISIS: Last Month

6 David Haines (British aid worker) Steven Sotlogg (American journalist) ISIS: This Month

7 The CIA estimates that the Islamic State contains around 30,000 members, but Abdulrahman said there are at least 50,000 fighters. “When you fight over there, it’s like being in a trance,” …“Everyone shouts, ‘God is the greatest,’ which gives you divine strength to kill the enemy without being fazed by blood or splattered guts.” “There are clearly recruitment centers being set up in Ankara and elsewhere in Turkey, but the government doesn’t seem to care,”

8 ISIS: Financing Investors from Qatar and Saudi Arabia Millions of dollars in oil revenue from captured oil fields in Iraq and Syria (one of the wealthiest terror groups in history): around $1-2Million/day

9 ISIS: Structure "The main and principal goal of the Islamic State that they tell their new members is to establish an Islamic state that will encompass the Arab world," the man said in Turkey. "And after that, we go to other countries." Thousands of foreign fighters are estimated to have joined ISIS. And the ex- ISIS militant said these foreigners could carry out attacks when they go home…

10 ISIS: Around the World Intelligence showed that militants connected with Islamic State were planning to behead a member of the public in Australia, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Thursday after hundreds of police raided homes in a sweeping counter-terrorism operation.

11 FRCC Israel H&B 禱告事項

12 FRCC Israel H&B 1. 代表 1. 代表以色列為驕傲悔改使他能轉向神 11 你要謹慎,免得忘記耶和華 ─ 你的神 … 12 恐怕你吃得飽足,建造美好的房屋居住, 13 … 你的金銀增添,並你所有的全都加增, 14 你就心高氣傲,忘記耶和華 ─ 你的神 … 17 恐怕你心裡說:這貨財是我力量、我能力 得來的. 19 你若忘記耶和華 ─ 你的神,隨從別神,事 奉敬拜,你們必定滅亡;這是我今日警戒你 們的。 ( 申命記 8)

13 FRCC Israel H&B

14 2. 2. 求神釋放拯救與保護在以色列 4 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你.你要投靠在他的翅膀底 下.他的誠實、是大小的盾牌。 5 你必不怕黑夜的驚駭、 或是白日飛的箭 ( Hamas 的火箭 )11 因他要為你吩咐他的 使者、在你行的一切道路上保護你。 ( 4 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你.你要投靠在他的翅膀底 下.他的誠實、是大小的盾牌。 5 你必不怕黑夜的驚駭、 或是白日飛的箭 ( Hamas 的火箭 )11 因他要為你吩咐他的 使者、在你行的一切道路上保護你。 ( 詩篇 91) 9 … 願你們在一切屬靈的智慧悟性上,滿心知道神的 旨意; 10 好叫你們行事為人對得起主,凡事蒙他喜悅, 在一切善事上結果子,漸漸的多知道神; 11 照他榮耀 的權能,得以在各樣的力上加力,好叫你們凡事歡歡 喜喜的忍耐寬容 ( 歌羅西書 1:9-11)

15 FRCC Israel H&B 4. 4. 求神變亂哈馬斯, 恐怖組織一切行毀滅行 動切斷他們供應,使他們不能聚集行惡 1. 1. 求神在自然和超自然的領域內切斷對哈 馬斯、 ISIS 及其他的恐怖組織的一切惡 魔的力量和供應,釋放天使天軍使他們 自亂腳步,當他聚集行毀滅或恐怖行動 時, 混亂他們使他們不能成就。 2. 不怕 2. 我們用詩篇 91 篇你的話語禱告你對立約 子民的全然庇護。拯救他們脫离捕鳥人 的网羅, 不怕黑夜的惊駭, 吩咐你的使 者在他們行的一切道上保護他們 。

16 FRCC Israel H&B 5. 為着以色列、加沙和中東的靈魂的收割禱 告 救贖主, 在苦難中,求神,人類的救贖主,扭 轉猶太人和阿拉伯人,使他們的心歸 回向神。 求神釋放救贖的光在以色 列、加沙和中東這塊地區,釋放耶穌 寶血的能力 ,推毀一切仇恨,毀滅 的謊言,使人的心甦醒, 使他們來認 識真理,使他們在神兒子裏有盼望。

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