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Thucydides and The Peloponnesian War (431 to 404 B.C. )

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1 Thucydides and The Peloponnesian War (431 to 404 B.C. )
Lecturer: Wu Shiyu

2 1. Products in the Age of Pericles


4 Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends

5 The Acropolis of Athens

6 1. In the Age of Pericles This first democracy in history gave birth to the liberal arts (learning suited to a free individual as defined by Aristotle). Products of the tolerance and freedom of thought and speech

7 Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War.

8 2.1 Thucydides and History
A product of the Athenian democracy History grew in the Athenian democracy, as a means of educating from the lessons of the past. It is no coincidence that our first true history of Herodotus, although written by a non-Athenian, was written for Athenian audience, and first narrated to them. The second of the great historian of the history is Thucydides.

9 2.1 Thucydides and History
He is an Athenian citizen (460~400B.C.). And his history, immortal pages describing the Peloponnesian War, still as timely and as vivid today, as when they were first written.

10 Thucydides (460~400B.C.).

11 Thucydides

12 Herodotus

13 2.1 Thucydides and History
Thucydides was born to a wealthy family. He was a partisan of Pericles; he is a tremendous admirer of Pericles. As a youth, we are told, Thucydides heard a reading of Herodotus history at the Olympic Games, and he was moved to tears.

14 2.1 Thucydides and History

15 2.1 Thucydides and History
In 424, elected general, one of the ten generals for the year, and he was entrusted with an extremely important command in the northeastern part of Greece, around the city of Amphipolis, Amphipolis, an Athenian stronghold, absolutely essential to protect the Athenian grain supply from the Black Sea, its gold very important to the Athenian economy. Assaulted by a Spartan force on the wintry winter night, a cold and stormy night, they seized the bridge;


17 2.1 Thucydides and History
Thucydides came as quickly as he could, but too late to prevent the capture of the city. Thucydides was exiled, extraordinarily harsh exile, not a ten-year ostracism(the charge treason). But that exile permitted Thucydides to travel throughout the Greek world during the war, collecting material, interviewing eyewitnesses of the War.

18 2.1 Thucydides and History

19 2.5 His Prediction of the P War
Thucydides began to collect material for his history at his very outbreak of the war, and he was convinced that it would be the greatest war in history. “It was going to be a major war and that it would be more deserving of renown than any previous war.” He understood that it would be a long war, unlike most politicians, and he understood that it would stretch the limits of both combatants, Athens and Sparta, to their utmost.

20 2.5 His Prediction of the P War

21 2.6 Causes of the War in his Eye
He also understood the importance of economics to history. As economies grew stronger, as the commerce and trade grew stronger, nations grew stronger. And so he understood the interconnection between economics and political power. He understood that economics were important motivating force for this war.

22 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus
Herodotus(484 ~425 B.C.) & Herodotus(460~400B.C.) At first glance, rather different as we read the two. Herodotus, on first reading, appears to be a garrulous (饶舌的 ) story teller. There is little of a story teller on the somber pages of Thucydides. Thucydides is the scientific historian. There is little of a story teller on the somber(朴实无华的)pages of Thucydides.

23 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus

24 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus
Herodotus always has the Gods coming in, intervening, takes oracles very very seriously. The Gods play no factual role in the history of Thucydides. He recalls from time to time an oracle, because men act on the basis of such oracles. But the Gods do not influence the course of history in the mind of Thucydides.

25 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus
Upon deep examination, both historians are profoundly concerned with the moral dimension of history, both Thucydides and Herodotus write out of the conviction that not only do we learn from history, but also that actions have moral consequences, and these moral consequences do work through history.

26 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus

27 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus

28 2.2 Thucydides and Herodotus

29 2.3 On Thucydides He failed as a general, he was a tremendous success as a historian. His influence has echoed down the centuries. In antiquity, he was regarded as the model of the writing of history. The great Roman figure of Tacitus modeled his history of imperial Rome upon the somber objective truth of Thucydides. In the middle ages, he was read in Byzantium, and he was rediscovered in the Renaissance.

30 2.4 Inflences of Thucydides
Thucydides was "the eternal manual statesman“ for the founders of American; John Adams urged to his son John Quincy Adams, to devote himself to the study of Thucydides. "He is far more valuable", said John Adams, "than Plato," "His knowledge of human nature, shows us why history is such an important discipline."

31 2.4 Inflences of Thucydides
“Human nature never changes, and where Thucydides describes the politics of the Athenian democracy, you see before you, the future of our own country.” (John Adams) George Marshall, Henry Kissinger have been great admirers of Thucydides and his history.

32 2.4 Inflences of Thucydides

33 2.7 Scientific History So there's far more of the scientific modern air for the historian Thucydides than to Herodotus. And indeed he’d been called the first truly modern mind. Moreover, he understood the importance of gaining every possible insight, and so he interviewed wherever possible eyewitnesses, balancing one source against another to come up with what he believed was the truth.

34 2.8 Thucydides’s History But he also is a rhetorician. He knew the importance of speech. He knew how the Athenian assembly was moved to action by powerful rhetoric. And so, he includes again and again in his history pairs of speeches, in which the argument is given from both sides. And he says "Even when I was not present for a speech, I tried to understand the context in which it would have been given, and deduce from that what men must have said."

35 2.11 Thucydides and Machiavelli
Now, for Thucydides, there is little open moral judgment. He appears far more like Machiavelli. Both of them are political failures, Machiavelli is driven from his office, and spends his creative activity in exile on his little farm outside Florence. He will never get back to his political power that so he desire. And he writes about power, writes in the belief that history is the single best way to explore the future.

36 2.11 Thucydides and Machiavelli
And Thucydides, like Machiavelli, spends his creative time, in exile, and both of them are concerned with power. Thucydides says that "I have written this work as an eternal document, as a document for all times."

37 2.11 Thucydides and Machiavelli
And both of them believe that morality, as it is ordinary expressed, is nothing but hypocrisy. And morality plays no role in the actual decisions of men unless they are fools. There’s no such thing as justice; there’s no such thing as honor; there’s only power, and the eternal desire for power. That is the lesson of both Machiavelli and Thucydides.

38 2.11 Thucydides and Machiavelli
Both of them would say, “I do not espouse that it is good to act as though ‘might makes right’, I simply say it is expedient that it is what all men do.”

39 2.9 Causes of the War in his Eye
After the Persian Wars, Athens stepped in a position of leadership, creating an alliance, the Delian League, that gradually turned into virtually a maritime empire whose influence began to dominate the other city-states. Many other poleis, including Sparta felt that something needed to be done to limit Athens’ power. Sparta, with the adequate resources and prestige, naturally took the lead. Eventually the war that for long seemed inevitable broke out in 431 B.C. between two coalitions of Greek poleis: Sparta and its allies, mostly located in the Peloponnese, and Athens and its allies, mostly located in and along the coast of the Aegean Sea.

40 2.10 Causes of the War in his Eye
He believed that we must separate in examining the history or any event the true cause for a war and what people allege to be the causes. The real cause was the growth of Athenian power, and the fear that this provoked among the Spartans, and so like Pericles, he believed that the war had to come about. Athenian power expanded as the economy of Athens expanded, and this so terrorized the Spartans that sooner or later they must make a war to stop the expansion.

41 2. His Prediction of the P War
Thucydides began to collect material for his history at his very outbreak of the war, and he was convinced that it would be the greatest war in history. “It was going to be a major war and that it would be more deserving of renown than any previous war.” He understood that it would be a long war, unlike most politicians, and he understood that it would stretch the limits of both combatants, Athens and Sparta, to their utmost.

42 2. His Prediction of the P War


44 The Peloponnesian War

45 3. The Peloponnesian War Few Greek foresaw it would be different from any war It would last twenty-seven years, from 431 to 404 B.C. And cost thousands upon thousands of lives. Undermining the social and political harmony of Athens, Weakening its economic strengths, reducing its population, Turning upside down the everyday life of most its citizens. Altering the world the Greeks knew in many respects. Original assumptions would break down, conventional morality and piety would face many challenges.

46 4. Causes of the War in his Eye
Economics were important motivating force for this war; The underlying cause of the war is the Spartan’s fear that Athens, as a growing power, would use its superiority in the naval forces of the Delian League to destroy Spartan control over the Peloponnesian League.

47 5. The Process of the War Traditionally, the war divided into three phases: (1)From the Archidamian War and concluded in B.C. with the signing of the Peace of Nicias; (2) Starting from Athenians’ Sicilian expedition, concluded in 413 B.C. with the destruction of the entire force; (3) The final phase is concluded with the Decelea War, or the Ionian War.

48 The Three Phases of The War

49 5. The Process of the War Both sides have their advantages and disadvantages: For Sparta and its allies, with the exception of Corinth, were almost exclusively land-based powers, in command of large land armies which were very unbeatable. The Spartan infantry with its hoplites(装甲步兵)were very much skillful in set battles. The Athenians, on the other hand, are superior in terms of naval resources and experience. As a maritime empire, its supremacy at sea was subject to no challenges.

50 6. Phase I: The Periclean Strategy
Pericles predicts in his speech delivered in the assembly that the war will last longer than most people expect. The Spartans would give full play to their own advantages with their land forces and destroy the Athenian’s crops. But Pericles encourages his fellow citizens that he has great confidence in Athens’ prospects for success in the war: “As long as you maintain control of the seas and as long as you are willing to refrain from further acts of conquest while you are at war and from importing dangers of you own devising…for I am more afraid of our own lapses of judgment than of our enemies’ schemes.”

51 6. Phase I: The Periclean Strategy
Encircled their city center with a massive stone wall and also built a broad corridor with a long wall on both sides leading all the way to the Piraeus, a seaport five miles away. People living outside the urban center were persuaded to move into the city and abandon their homes and fields to the devastation of the Spartan army during its regular invasions of Attica each year. With reluctance and great pains that the Athenians diserted their homes and the familiar temples nearby, and moved inside the long walls where only a few were able to find shelter with friends or relatives.



54 6. Phase I: The Periclean Strategy
In 431 B.C., as predicted, the Spartans began the war by invading Attica for the first time and destroyed property in the countryside, hoping to force the Athenians into an infantry battle. The country dwellers of Attica became enraged as, standing in safety on Athens’ walls, watching the smoke rise from their burning homes and fields. The Spartan army returned home from this first attack after about a month in Attica because it lacked the structure for resupply over a longer period and could not risk being away from Sparta too long for fear of helot revolt. Never lasted longer than forty days. Funeral Oration by Pericles.

55 2.12 The Funeral Oration of Pericles by Thucydides
The Funeral Oration of Pericles, given in the year 430. Thucydides was in Athens; For Thucydides, it represented the values of the Athenian democracy and what made that democracy under Pericles so very special. Listen to the Oration. This speech celebrating the glory of the Athens, and as we have mentioned, making no reference to the gods. By ignoring the gods, this plague came upon Athens.

56 2.13 The dialogue between the Athenians and the Melians.
The doctrine that might makes right, that there’s no such thing as words like justice, and the only important thing is success. Thucydides makes this theme the center piece of his dialogue between the Athenians and the Melians. Listen to the Dialogue

57 2.13 The Melian Dialogue This passage in the history of Thucydides ( ), called the Melian Dialogue, offers a chillingly realistic insight into the clash between ethics and power in international politics that is timeless in its insight and its bluntness.

58 “Man proposes, God disposes.”
7. The Plague “Man proposes, God disposes.” A horrific surprise soon undermined Pericles’ strategy for Athenian victory: In 430 B.C., an astonishing plague attacked and raged for several years with disastrous consequences. Thucydides, who himself fell ill but recovered, took pains to record everything he could about the course and symptoms of the illness. He hoped that it would be possible for readers to recognize the disorder should it ever reappear. He reports the oral bleeding, the bad breath, the painful vomiting, the burning skin, the insomnia, the memory loss, the often diarrhea and goes on to describe the way in which people reacted to the disease: “uncontrollable diarrhea (腹泻 ), and fever and thirst so extreme that sufferers threw themselves into cisterns (蓄水池 )vainly hoping to find relief in the cold water”

59 7. The Plague: Its Consequences
The plague brought about devastating consequences to the Athenians: Materially, it devastated their population (it wiped out over 30,000 citizens, roughly one-third of the Athenian population); Politically, it removed their most prominent leader, Pericles, the loss of whose leadership is disastrous which could be seen in the later events; And psychologically, it damaged Athenians’ self-confidence and corroding social and religious norms.

60 7. The Plague: Its Consequences

61 7. The Plague: Its Consequences

62 8. Cleon and Diodotus: The Revolt of Mytilene (428-427)
After the death of Pericles, no one man became the unquestioned leader of the Athenians. However, a new politician, named Cleon came upon the political stage. Cleon first appears in the pages of Thucydides in a dramatic debate that took place in 427 B.C.

63 8. Cleon and Diodotus: The Revolt of Mytilene (428-427)
In 428 B.C., Mytilene, the largest city of the island of Lesbos and also one of the most important subject-allies of Athens, revolted from Athens. Because of the failure to get the promised aid from Sparta, Mytilene, out of desperation, surrendered to Athens in the end in 427. The angry Athenian Assembly at first voted to punish the Mytilenians by killing the entire male population and enslaving the women and children. The next day, however, some people had second thoughts, and then a debate followed. One of the most famous passages in Thucydides is the set of vivid speeches on the fate of Mytilenians presented by Cleon and another statesman Diodotus.

64 8. Cleon and Diodotus: The Revolt of Mytilene (428-427)
Cleon argued against mercy, “I, for my part, have often noticed before that democracies cannot rule over others, but I see it especially now in these regrets of yours about Mytilene…. Taking it (Mytilene) is thought to have been criminal; letting it go would be extremely dangerous” Diodotus, however, spoke against severe punishment as proposed by the original plan. Deterrence, he contended, was not as effective as commonly believed. Furthermore, he argued, there was no merit in killing people even when they had surrendered, for to do so removed any incentive for surrender in future rebellions. Such a marvelous argument grounded in psychology, in the end, won the day.

65 9. The End of Phase I: The Peace of Nicias
Thucydides had no love for Cleon, called him “the most violent of the citizens”. Cleon, now the most prominent and influential leader at Athens, was dispatched in 422 B.C. to try to stop Brasidas, the Spartan geneal. As it happened, both he and Brasidas were killed before Amphipolis in 422 B.C. in a battle won by the Spartan army. Their deaths deprived each side of its most energetic military commander and opened the way to negotiations. Peace came in 421 B.C. The agreement made in that year is known as the Peace of Nicias, after the principal Athenian negotiator, Cleon’s old rival.

66 10. Phase II: Alcibiades and The Milian Dialogue
A member of one of Athens’ richest and most distinguished families. He was orphaned when his father died in battle against allies of Sparta in 447. He had then been raised in the household of Pericles. When growing older, he became one of the three very celebrated students of Socrates, the other two being Plato and Xenophon. It is said that Plato and Xenophon, even in their youth, were noted for their coolness and right-mindedness, but Alcibiades was very different from them both. As he was handsome, intelligent, and very high-spirited, he was eagerly courted by lovers of both sexes. Alcibiades never did like rules and was such made much of and greatly spoiled. He later became a person of vanity and willfulness.

67 10. Phase II: Alcibiades and The Milian Dialogue
By now in his thirties – a very young age at which to have achieved political influence, by Athenian standards; The Melian Dialogue; The peace treaty broken.

68 The Peace of Nicias 50年和平条约的签定,只不过是交换了一纸关于“和平”的空文。双方都没有履行他们的诺言,谁也不愿意交出土地。在签约后的几年中,虽然没有进行大的战役,但违犯条约的事时有发生。

69 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
Departed somewhat from Pericles’ conservative, defensive strategy and turned to the more aggressive strategy. They attempted to bring the war to Sparta and its allies. The Sicilian expedition signaled such a major deviation, and just as he had worried, the Athenians suffered severe consequences for this.

70 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
In 415 B.C., word came to Athens that one of their distant allies, Egesta , a Sicilian city was under attack from Syracuse, a prosperous city near the southeastern corner which represented the largest threat to Athenian ambitions. Expansion to Sicily, a rich grain-producing area, had long been a temptation for Athens, a city with a need for grain. The Egestans also encouraged Athens to launch a naval expedition to Sicily by promising the large extent of the resources that they would devote to the military campaign against their enemies on the island.

71 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
In the assembly, preceding the vote on the expedition, a heated debate was held. Alcibiades who hoped to enhance his political career by leading a successful and profitable attack on Sicily argued that the numerous warships in the fleet of Syracuse represented an especially serious potential threat to the security of the Athenian alliance because they could sail from Sicily to join the Spartan alliance in attacks on Athens and its allies. Nicias, the only general who still kept Pericles’ warning in mind sensibly argued passionately against the involvement in Sicily. But Nicias’ arguments for caution failed to counteract the enthusiasm for action that Alcibiades generated with his speeches. The military, the lower classes, and especially the young men for themselves who had not yet experienced the realities of war were convinced by Alcibiades’ speeches that the Sicily would provide the Athenian state with limitless funds and resources.

72 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

73 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
The assembly finally resolved on a compromise. Alcibiades would indeed be sent west with a large force, but he would be accompanied by two strategoi—Lamachus, an experienced general, and Nicias himself, whose presence they hoped would serve as a check on Alcibiades’ rashness. Thucydides then describes the expedition as “the most lavishly funded and most impressive military force deployed by a single Greek city up to that time.” Thucydides further describes the magnificent spectacle of the fleet’s departure and the unbounded confidence of the Athenian people who witnessed it. No one would expect the utter catastrophe that expedition suffered two years later. Of the many who sailed for Sicily, however, few returned.

74 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
The excessive arrogance of Alcibiades’ private life and his vociferous political ambitions had made him many enemies in Athens, and this hostility came to the fore on the point of the expedition’s dispatch. The Athenians found out that all the statues of their god Hermes, had been shamefully broken. The excited people assembled on the Agora to discuss this event; and all cried loudly against it, for the statues were considered sacred, as they represented a god. Alcibiades was suddenly accused of having participated in sacrilegious events on the eve of the sailing by his enemies. It is said that he had done it after the banquet which he had given to celebrate his departure.

75 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
This was an extremely serious charge of sacrilege and caused an additional uproar. Alcibiades pushed for an immediate trial while his popularity was at a peak and the soldiers who supported him were still in Athens, but, in spite of this urgent request, his enemies cunningly got the trial postponed on the excuse that the expedition must not be delayed. Alcibiades therefore was forced to depart with this cloud hanging over him.

76 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

77 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
But it was not long before a messenger was dispatched telling him to return alone to Athens for trial. Alcibiades’ reaction to this order was unforeseen: he defected to Sparta, where he took up his abode. The defection of Alcibiades left the Athenian expedition against Sicily without a strong and decisive leader. And this even served the opposite role. When he heard that he had been tried at Athens, found guilty, and even sentenced to death, Alcibiades, so angered told the Spartans all the Athenian plans, and showed how to upset them.

78 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

79 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
In 414 B.C., the two generals attempted to besiege Syracuse but failed. Not long after that, the second Athenian commander, Lamachus, was killed. But the Spartans, following the advice of Alcibiades, were determined to prevent the Athenians from conquering Sicily and sent a talented commander, Gylippus, to see what he could do. This reinforcement changed the situation dramatically. Gylippus scaled the Epipolae heights via a pass that the Athenian had carelessly left unguarded – the same pass they themselves had used a few months before. The Syracusans, moreover, had a counter-wall built. This also shattered Athenian chances for a blockade.

80 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
Nicias, sick and suffering from a kidney disease, asked the Athenians to recall him but was refused. Convinced the situation was hopeless, the Athenians sent another general, Demosthenes for reinforcements. When he arrived with the second fleet and immediately suffered a serious battle, Demosthenes advocated withdrawal. When everything was ready for the Athenian’s departure to a more secure location, the indecisiveness and religious anxiety of Nicias led to a fatal delay. Thucydides related: And just as they were about to sail, there was an eclipse of the moon, which happened to be full. The event made most of the Athenians feel uneasy, and they urged their generals to stay; and Nicias, who was too inclined to believe in the interpretation of omens and that sort of thing, refused even to discuss a move until after they had stayed for “three times nine days,” as their seers decreed. This was the reason that Athenians stayed on after all their delays!

81 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

82 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
On this delay, the size and morale of the enemy forces were allowed to increase. The Syracusans attacked the Athenian fleet and blocked the exit from the harbor. A fierce battle ensued, with some two hundred ships jammed together in a tight space. The din made it impossible to hear the calls of the coxswains(舵手).

83 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

84 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

85 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

86 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

87 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

88 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)

89 11. Phase II: Sicilian Expedition (415~413 B.C.)
The Athenians had lost tens of thousands of men and accomplished nothing. For them, the outcome of the campaign was so horrific that people at Athens at first refused to believe that appalling news. As Thucydides was later to write, “All was lost. Ships. Men. Everything” . This disastrous outcome proved the wisedom of Periclean Strategy.

90 12. The Third Phase of the War
Alcibiades’ defection turned out to cause Athens still more trouble. At Sparta, he had advised the Spartan commanders to establish a permanent base of operations in the Attic countryside. In 413 B.C., under Alcibiades’ instruction, the Spartans took and fortified the small town of Decelea, only twelve miles from Athens. This served the Spartans as a permanent base of operation by keeping an armed force there, ready to raid the Athenian countryside year around instead of forty-day annual invasions as before. They killed farm animals and destroyed farmland as they went, keeping Athens in a perpetual sate of siege. This made agricultural work in the fields of Attica dangerous and forced Athens to rely even more heavily than in the past on food imported by sea.

91 12. The Third Phase of the War: Athenian Recover
First, their opponents were severely slow in taking further actions. Corinth and Syracuse were slow to bring their fleets into the Aegean, and Sparta's other allies were also slow to furnish troops or ships. Second, the emergency reserve funds and 100 ships that had been stored on the Acropolis since the beginning of the war to be used only as a last resort turned out to be rather helpful for its revival. Athenian naval forces had revived sufficiently that they managed to prevent a Corinthian fleet from sailing to aid Chio, to lay siege to that rebellious island ally. And to win some other battles along the Athenian coast.

92 12. Phase III of the War:The Oligarchic Coup at Athens
In spite of these victories, the financial weakness and political chaos brought about by the Sicilian defeat gave way to a few Athenians men, who had long harbored contempt for the broad-based democracy . Alcibiades again came to the fore. With the hope of returning to Athens, he made the Athenians believe that he would make an alliance with the Persians and seek funds from them for Athens In 411 B.C. the assembly voted itself out of existence and installed the rule of a new, provisional Council of four hundred, which, it was understood, would soon give way to a larger body of five thousand. In fact, however, the five thousand were never chosen, and a Council of four hundred instituted a reign of terror. Yet, the situation for the Athens did not do any better under oligarchic guidance when the peace with Sparta failed to materialize.

93 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
In 407 B.C., Lysander, the Spartan outstanding general and also an artful diplomat, tried to seek support from Persia. His honesty finally won for him the favor of Cyrus, the son of the Persian king. Lysand and Cyrus formed a union, which altered the total circumstance in the Aegean. With the financial support of Cyrus, Lysander constructed a powerful fleet of 160 ships which became a formidable weapon.

94 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
In the year of 405 B.C., the Spartan fleet sailed at once to the Hellespont in the northeastern corner of Greece, the spot close to the very spot where Xerxes once crossed from Asia into Europe. This place is the source of Athens' grain and the Athenian fleet then had no choice but to follow. 180 Athenian ships are drawn up under the command of Admiral Conon, facing the Spartan fleet of 200 ships under the command the able, energetic, dynamic Lysander. Like this, the final battle came.

95 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
Through cunning strategy, Lysander totally defeated the Athenian fleet. Athenians’ suffer is total. And ship after ship after ship is damaged without the Athenians even being able to get on them. The entire Athenian fleet is destroyed. Only a few ships sail away to safety. One of them was the admiral ship of Conon who sailed to Cyprus and was anxious not to face the judgment of the Assembly.

96 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
And when word of it is brought back to the Athenians in the late afternoon and all through that night, the streets of Athens are filled with people crying, mourning, and weeping. Before their eyes rise the ghost of Melians, and the Athenians know that they will suffer what the Melians suffered, what they imposed upon others in total war and their desire for absolute conquest. And they wait in dread for the arrival of Lysander and the Spartan fleet.

97 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
In the spring of 404B.C., the Spartan fleet arrives, and the Athenians surrendered and asked for terms. The Thebans and Corinthians who have suffered through these long years of warfare advocated doing to Athens precisely what had been done to Melos, that is, all the male are killed and women and children sold into slavery. And it is what the Athenians expect. But finally, Athens was spared. Lysander declined the advocate of Thebans and Corinthians by recalling Athens’ noble service to Greece during the Persian wars.

98 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
“At that time when the freedom of Greece stood in the balance, when the Barbarians, Persians came to conquer and slave us, no nation fought more bravely than did the Athenians. Sparta will never allow a nation that once served Greece so well to be destroyed. Men of Athens, you are saved by your past. Your empire is gone; your fleet will be taken away from you, but you will keep your lives, your laws and govern yourself in freedom as members of the Spartan alliance.”

99 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
But the Long Walls of Athens, the great walls that had made Athenians invulnerable from the sea, were pulled down to the merry accompaniment of flutes, for “it was thought that this day was the beginning of freedom for Greece” (2.2.23; Warner).

100 12. Phase III of the War:The Final battle
By doing so the victorious Spartans proved to be the most clement state that fought Athens and at the same time they turned out to be its saviour as neither Corinth nor Thebes at the time could challenge their decision.

101 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian war brought about great impacts on the Greek world. It could be said that the war put an end to a Golden Age of Greek, and particularly Athenian culture.

102 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian War has and will still fascinate later generations because of the way it engulfed the Greek world. The insight Thucydides provides into the motivations of its participants is deeper than that which is known about any other war in ancient time.

103 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

104 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

105 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

106 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

107 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

108 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

109 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

110 13. Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War

111 谢 谢!

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